Is Hillary challenging Trumps win and is the Russian Interference a false flag event?

Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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McCONnel and all The top RINO's are all onboard with the Russian interference fake news , I hope Trump is paying attention.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
    This is another case of DimDem do as I say and not as I do. Why? For being so special.
    Me dino recalls during the last presidential debate Trump trumpeting that he would have a problem accepting a loss if he thought a fix was in (like what happened to Bolshevik Bernie).
    Me dino can't recall the exact words as the evil hag then quite pompously responded that it was a great American tradition for a candidate to graciously accept a loss and the peaceful transfer of power.
    This was applauded as if the raspy-voiced crime godmother had also said, "Bad hair day, what the hell is wrong with you?"
    Of course, $hillary is now being sneaky about how she gets others to rattle her cage in protest.
    The cage she should be locked inside, of course, provided with an orange jumpsuit.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 5 months ago
      You are quite right! "Bolshevik Bernie" showed his true colors when he folded like a cheap suit in spite of the shady dealings of Hitlery and the faux Democrat Party "leadership"!

      If Bernie had any integrity at all, he would have fought the good fight however as quite a surprise to his rabid and loyal followers, he sold them out completely! So much for being the "Principled" "Democratic Socialist" (phrase coined by Stalin) outsider. He turned out to be nothing of the kind.

      No wonder the Democrat party seems to be imploding and in danger of becoming irrevocably deranged! What is needed by this crowd is a good $2.00 curbside psychiatrist (Lucy are you still available?) .... Call the "Waahbamulance!"
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 5 months ago
    1) Hacking involves getting into your stuff and changing it. That isnt what happened.
    2) Leaking is getting into your stuff that you tried to hide, and exposing it to the light of day. If anything, THIS is what happened, and it SHOULD happen all the time.
    3) As to influencing the election, the media did FAR more than any russians in distorting and even changing the facts to foster voting for Hillary. But helping Hillary is OK. Objectivity towards Trump is considered Bad.
    4) This is just one more attempt to discredit Trump and perhaps re-install Hillary in power. It would be very bad for the country if they succeeded, and would probably result in civil unrest.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      On CNBC this morning while talking to Cramer about Rick Perry as head of DOE,
      David Faber made a snide comment about how long will it be before Trump opens up mining in Yellowstone National park. If those media hacks were doing their job. They could have exposed the vile corrupt evil hag and her minions but instead they worship her at the alter. Idiots!
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 5 months ago
    The establishment on both sides HATE Trump and would do anything to get rid of him. I hope he cleans the swamp and gets rid of THEM. Paul Ryan and McConnel would be on top of my quiet list. Fortunately Romney got the ax as he deserved. Marco Rubio and the gov of Ohio would be high on the list also.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 5 months ago
    Hello Dobrien,
    Naturally. It couldn't be that the Dems put up such a flawed candidate... Hillary may have been the only credentialed woman candidate that Trump could defeat. Lets see.. it was FBI director Comey, the electoral college, the alt right, racist white men, the KKK, fake news... etc., etc. Good grief, these people have no introspection or humility. For eight years we were told to sit down and shut-up... "Elections have consequences." B. Obama
    They are grasping at straws. The FBI is not in full agreement with the CIA and the reports state they are inconclusive and rely on "un-named sources." How convenient. Of the 17 agencies that supposedly agree only a couple are actually investigative agencies. The coast guard is listed as one of the agencies for Galt's sake... really?!?!
    False flag: Let us hope not, but until inauguration day, I can't completely dismiss the possibility- considering the dictatorial history of O... I don't believe Trump will get us into a shooting war with the Kremlin.

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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Thank you OA,
      Your comments are always concise, respectful and informative. I was not aware of the Coast Guard being an agency that was familiar with cyber hacking. The bigger issue is the unethical behavior revealed by wikileaks. These Dems are never responsible for any failures it is always the same.
      Inauguration day can't come soon enough.
      I believe that Trump will negotiate an agreement with the Russians to help eliminate ISIS, at least I hope so.
      warm regards,
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      • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 5 months ago
        They are not the cyber force per se....However they do have an Intel group because the CG has been a lead agency on Homeland Security issues since the late 60's. Actually, that goes back to WWII as well.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 5 months ago
    Does anyone else think this is just a circus to distract from the fact that the elite is still in control ?

    BTW, what should we have expected NPR to report? Wouldn't a statist mouthpiece of looters report the unsupported, biased speculation of the two biggest liars in the Dark Center as if it was the word of God?
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 5 months ago
      I think the statist establishment will just keep on trying to maintain power any way they can. Its disgusting, and I do hope Trump is smart enough to combat them.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 5 months ago
    The Establishments of both parties want nothing more than to bring down Trump! To them, he represents the lessening of their power and they don't like that at all.

    This presidency of Trump (forget the man) truly represents a revolt against the status quo and by default, the Establishment of both parties! If he succeeds in fixing this foundering ship of state, then they all lose and the country gains. This may sound simplistic however at this point in time and with the convergence of this history in the making, it cannot overstated.

    Whether or not he succeeds, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi and Ryan and the Establishment will ultimately lose, especially if they all continue to try to undermine him even before he becomes president!
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks fosterj717,
      Like the brexit vote in GB, real people have said we are tired of the direction the establishment is forcing on us. So all we can do is vote for change
      To reverse the course. With Trump , the fact that these kakistocrats are panicking leads me to believe it will not be business as usual for them.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 5 months ago
        It's funny! I was never a gigantic supporter of Trump however with all of these idiotic shennanigans going on, I find myself more and more in support of him and will do whatever to defeat the idiots and the idiotic things they are doing.

        Especially this "tinkering" with the Electoral Votes! This goes for R's and D's who are showing just how small minded and stupid they really are! Got to love the self-destructive nature of the not so "Main Stream" media, the Establishments of both parties (not much difference between R or D establishment) and the "talking heads" who still do not have the pulse of the nation right yet!
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        • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
          For some reason your comment made me think of Kim Jong il. The deceased North Korean leader .Did you know he once shot a 34 in a round of golf with 11 holes in one!
          Well maybe he shot 34 people and didn't understand the game was to count the strokes.
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  • Posted by hvance 7 years, 5 months ago
    Let's think about this. Who would Putin rater have as the president, Trump or Hillary? With Hillary he could get a reset button on demand, with Trump the only thing that he would get is a let's talk about it and come up with a win-win solution. Why does Trump's way work? Trump has all the power in the negotiation and he will use it. Hillary is like 99% of liberals in that they avoid tough decisions, they will not face them straight up. As for the Rinos if they don't do along with Trump he will go directly to the people and they will push their representative or senator or else. People have written for years about why these people won't do the will of the people and today the people have a leader who will get things done, the Swamp will be drained one way or the other.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 7 years, 5 months ago
    If you watch any talking heads, they all pass by the premise that Russia is responsible for hacking and disinformation, assuming it is a given. When pressed, they can't offer conclusive evidence for it.

    The fact that so many on both the right and the left are mad as hell about these issues demonstrates to me the validity of Eisenhower's farewell address warning about the military-industrial complex, which IMHO has raised this false flag. This is much bigger than right-left opposition. It's about maintaining a decades long political-economic strategy of continuous conflict.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 5 months ago
    Hillary is looking for anyone to blame for her defeat, other than her own nasty personality and Marxist ways. If everyone is so upset about Russia, why did no one care that Hillary approved hubby's deal to sell our uranium to Russia, which will end up in Iran? As far as I am concerned if Russia had any involvement, it would be getting the truth about Hillary out. It is okay with everyone that Obama sends SEIU members to Canada and Europe to try and influence their elections, but no one better do likewise to Obama - or he'll do what, send Emmanuel after them?.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks Stormi,
      The Clintons sold uranium to Russia? I did not know that. Why would that be ok? Can any country buy our uranium? Does the state dept handle that kind of sale?
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 5 months ago
        According to several sources, including "Clinton Cash" and Fox reports, 50% of the uranium in 4 western states were brokered fro sale by Bill Clinton through a Canadian company for sale to Russia. As Sec. of State, Hillary approved the sale. It was later reported that some ot the uranium has already been sent or is being sent to Iran. Bill Clinton got millions, supposedly via huge speaking fees for a company which never had him beofore and 10 or 12 of those. Slick Willy still has it working for him, a master con man. So, when they talk about the new Sec of State candidate and his business with Russia, simply pales in comparison to the Clinton mafia.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
          It never ends , the nefarious actions of these "hero's to the children". Half the country will ignore the wake of death these destroyers leave .
          The unconscious psychopaths and their enablers
          will be exposed the truth shall prevail.
          Thanks to people with a conscience like Mr. Assange and the wikileaks heroes.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 years, 5 months ago
    Let's not forget the "small" group of Electors who are demanding intelligence briefings before they vote on the 19th. Of course, those will all be the Dem voters (and one displaced Republican), who are losing, anyway.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Just a free trip to the cesspool for those high and mighty. They really should be briefed on the law and ethics as their loser hag fails at both, as evidenced by the emails they are trying to distract us from.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
    Does anyone have pacifiers big enough for those people to suck on? It's pretty obvious that they don't know the meaning of the words. Graceful Acceptance. I have a cousin who is an avid Trump hater. But, she is a wonderful stage director. She's retired. I wish to hell I could find her a script good enough to get her back to work because I hate seeing an otherwise brilliant woman act like a deranged nut case.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Hi Herb,
      I have three thirty something nieces who through out the campaign posted on Facebook daily. Most were about how anyone who supported Trump was all the ist's or phobes they could come up with. I have to say I lost all respect for them.
      My wife set up a face book page to have a page for my art work , on a suggestion from a friend.
      The first day I was responding to some liberal trash about the need for taking guns from everyone. My beautiful wonderful wife asked what I was doing and I told her. She put the kabbash on that , rightly so because it was her page. But even so , I didn't like that they were not being challenged for their false premises and distortions.
      Then when Trump won they were crying about what to tell their 5 yr olds because a monster is president. When the 64' election took place I asked my dad who did you vote for and he said none of my business ( I was 6). He was right.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 5 months ago
    The Director of National Intelligence, who is the overseer of all the intelligence agencies, has not endorsed the CIA conclusion that the Russians made an aggressive effort to tilt the election toward Donald Trump, because of a lack of evidence to support the claim. The one agency that should be out front with such a claim, the NSA, is strangely silent. The FBI says the CIA has no evidence to support their claim of Russian intent. The tale that "all 17" intelligence agencies support the CIA's story is fake news, courtesy of the NYT.

    Hillary is like a three year old that tries to hide by covering her head, thinking that if she can't see you, you can't see her. Ducking the public and letting others act as cover for her attempts to reverse her loss is pathetically obvious.

    What I find unbelievable is that the Democrats don't realize that with the flood of new jobs being promised by domestic and foreign businesses under a Trump administration, their attempts to destroy that hopeful future are not making people happy. Each clumsy grasp at trying to snatch the Presidency away from the candidate who honestly won the job eats away at their credibility. They're letting the Clinton toxin poison the party.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks DrZarkov99,
      What, fake news from the NYT? "all the news that is fit to print" fit as in to further the shredding of the constitution

      People voted for Trump in the middle of the country because they didn't want the cool-aid.

      That reminds me of the tragedy in Guyana and Jonestown. with Billary as Jim Jones.
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