Rush Opines That The Hillary Campaign Is Behind Push To "Threaten Electors"

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Yeah, this is the same Candidate Clinton who said she's honor the voting results to disparage a hopefully soon to be beaten and left suspicious Candidate Trump.
Sixteen electors in Michigan last week testified for receiving oodles of death threats as if they lived in some place like a Banana Republic
That petition for trashing the election to favor the wicked witch "claims to have" have 4.6 million snowflakes~oops, excuse me~names. the article states. Whatever "claims to have" means.
Rush Limbaugh also puts down a report that electronic voting machines were hacked to favor trump.
To favor Trump? Me dino thought George Soros sold or provided such machines, having read concerns of machine rigging that would favor the Evil Hag.
Me dino much prefers my sweet home Alabama gol'derned simplistic fer simpler simple method.
You use a provided ballpoint black ink pen to fill in a "0" beside the candidate or amendment you prefer. On top of the candidate page there is a "0" beside each major party to vote straight party ticket if you wish.
Then you take your two filled-in sheets and feed them into the slot of an electric counting machine with a healthy and helpful senior citizen on hand should you be too feeble to hit the hole.

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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 6 months ago
    At leat Trump made no bones about it. "I will honor the election results...if I win"
    Clinton didn't have the moxie to say that. Of course if she really had the sense God gave an ant, she would hove run a better campaign. and not lost Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Michigan as well as Florida and Ohio. All states carried by Obama.
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