Mark Cuban: Obamacare is the world's biggest start-up, and Trump has no clue how it works

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago to Government
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This says it all. A Government program built on lies and intimidation, voted on by extreme pressure and intimidation, is a "Start up?" This dude could not have made any money legally, if he thinks that is a start up. That is like a mexican drug cartel moving into Texas is a "start up". A "start up" takes investors money, and uses it to create, produce and generate wealth. For him to say this is a start up means he is just a super steriod looter. This is the classic government program: lies, bloat and bailouts, with the taxpayer being raked over the coals to pay for it. Idiots...

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    Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 7 months ago
    Mark was raised in Mt Lebanon, a suburb of Pittsburgh. This is where I lived and my wife and I raised our 4 kids. mark is a few years younger than my oldest son and a few older than my middle son. All the kids from Mt Lebanon were smart. All of their parents were college graduates and worked for large corporations. Mt Lebanon HS paid PhD's more than the University of Pittsburgh, had astroturf before the Steelers, an indoor and outdoor Olympic pool and a ice skating facility that was rented as the practice facility for the Penguins until they could afford their own. Mt Lebanon's clay tennis courts were used for the US Amateur championships and were covered with inflatable bubbles for year around use before this was common elsewhere.

    After going away to college for a few years, my daughter said "Dad, we were raised in a bubble just like the tennis courts." We thought all African Americans were just like Dr. Wooton's son, Danny. We thought going to a non-Ivy League college was a failure. We thought there was no violence, crime, or poverty and that everyone's mom drove them to piano lessons while their dad's wore suits and went downtown every day. Mark, was born and raised in that bubble. While in grad-school, he and another buddy missed being able to listen to University of Indiana basketball games and devised a means of streaming sports on the internet which was just taking off. Yahoo bought their little company for something like $4 B which allowed him to buy a NBA franchise and build his own bubble. In this context it is not surprising to see that he has never completed his growth from adolescence to adulthood. Anyone that looks to him for advice on how social issues would be better off consulting with my 14 year old granddaughter whos mother recognized 25 years ago that the world outside the bubble is where reality prevails.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
      Thank you, for that detailed information, very informative and fills in a good bit of the why. I have no issue with the fact he was smart enough to make things, produce things, but it seems there are 2 breeds of super entrepreneur: 1. Uses money as leverage to make their agenda everyone else's and connects to the political elite. 2. Ones who disdain politics and agendas and pursue their own projects with their money (such as Space X). He seems to be a number 1.
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
    I would further add:

    "Cuban is an admirer of author and philosopher Ayn Rand.[119] About Rand's novel The Fountainhead, he said, "[It] was incredibly motivating to me. It encouraged me to think as an individual, take risks to reach my goals, and responsibility for my successes and failures. I loved it."[120] His political views have leaned toward libertarianism.[121] He held a position on the centrist Unity08 political organization's advisory council.[122] While leaning towards libertarianism, Cuban posted an entry on his blog claiming paying more taxes to be the most patriotic thing someone can do.[123]"

    I cannot see someone identifying with AR and then saying the hugest power grab in history made with deceit, and extending government control, is "a start up". This just does not compute. The dude has done well for himself, and made a butt ton of money, by getting in the internet revolution before almost anyone else. He did have a talent for seeing the future, but this statement is just BS.
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    • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 6 months ago
      It is one thing to admire AR and quite another to understand what she was saying. Cuban might think that 10-289 was consistent with Rand's beliefs. Remember what Galt said in AR3, "That kind of job shouldn't exist."
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 6 months ago
    Obamacare is an excellent example of why centralized planning doesn't work. It purports to be a system that will provide health care for all. This is a colossal fabrication. Obamacare has nothing to do with providing health care only how it is paid for. The ACA "Affordable Care Act" is an oxymoron in its own right. We now see that there is nothing affordable about it and that appears to be by intent. It is a stratagem to force the implementation of a single payer system or socialized medicine. The problem is that it leaves out an important component of the system, the actual health care providers. My doctor whom I have known for over 30 years will be retiring soon and that will leave me and my wife scrambling to find a new one. The problem is that only a sadomasochist wants to become a doctor these days because of all the regulations and constraints placed on the practice of medicine. And who wants a sadomasochist as a physician? Fully one third of my doctors staff exists only to assure compliance with regulations and this has a negative impact on his ability to provide care. When I visit him he must spend fully half of his time practicing defensive medicine so he won't get sued or arrested. This is a direct result of government interference in the practice of medicine.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 6 months ago
      "...he must spend fully half of his time practicing defensive medicine so he won't get sued..."

      Yeah, I don't recall seeing or hearing of anything in the ACA that addresses the "lawyer tax" on the health care system. Oh wait, don't the trial lawyers donate tons of $$ to the DNC? Smells like another pay-for-play scheme. I know I've mentioned this elsewhere in the Gulch, but whenever I see the above all that comes to mind is John Edwards $300 haircut. That is, a blue collar worker in Atlanta coughs up a $300 per month (or more) health care premium and a fancy lawyer gets an expensive coiffure without leaving enough for the worker to buy an aspirin.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
        It was a total fabrication, and just widened the pool of victims for them. You can't sue a doctor if no patients can go to him if they have no health care. So, build a crap system to allow everyone to go, and the pool of potential lawsuits rises exponentially. That may have been a prime mover behind the scheme, and it was worth of Hillary. Had all the essentials, lies, fake data, more lies, power politics, and mucho money for her and them.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 6 months ago
          I know this is just another bad lawyer joke, but a few decades ago I heard this one regarding the legislature of the Peoples Republic of New York.

          Question: Of two bills addressing the same issue that are submitted to the NY Legislature, which one passes?
          Answer: The one that generates the most revenue for lawyers.

          Got that from a good lawyer friend, who was hilarious as hell after a few beers.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 6 months ago
      I have heard that the rules are less restrictive for foreign patients, so people who want to buy medical services outside the national system go to another country. Canadians to go US and Mexico for treatment. Now, according to what I heard, Americans may start going to Canada.

      This is only something I've heard from a colleague, but it rings true because I'm finding it harder to negotiate a price outside of insurance. I think the insurance companies are pressuring providers not to do outside deals b/c the insurance companies are holding on their role. It's becoming a mess.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
    At first I thought that as a business man, Cuban would surely recognize the difference between a government enterprise and a private enterprise. Apparently, I was wrong. Many millionaires and billionaires got rich by having an idea that was planted in the fertile ground that was the beginning of the internet outbreak or had a new idea that simply caught on. While these people became very rich they were not experts in business by any means. There weren't many Steve Jobs among them.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
    I have no respect for Mark Cuban. I have stopped watching Shark Tank, which I loved. I wrote the producers telling them I would not watch a single episode with Mark Cuban in it going forward.

    For being in a program that idolizes startups and the american dream, how could he campaign for Hillary Cliinton- the opposite of that. He has no integrity and no intellectual consistency.

    As Mr Wonderful says, "he is dead to me". i dont even listen to anything he has to say now or in the future.

    This election has given me (and a lot of others) an easy window into the souls of people who actually vote for Hillary. I want nothing to do with these people and its now EASY to pick them out- fortunately.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 6 months ago
    Uh, is it just me? If Obama is repealed, who cares who has no clue how it works?
    Like Trump, me dino already knows the unaffordable Affordable Health Car Act is based on lies, a paperwork nightmare, a detriment to medical careers and bankrupts the budgets of producers to provide healthcare to moochers.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Indeed, but killing it will take a huge number of troops, look at Godzilla, he never got killed, just injured. This will be the same, once they got it "in the government" we were screwed, and they knew it.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 7 years, 6 months ago
    Mark Cuban is self insured therefore only knows about Obamacare whatever propaganda he's been spoon fed. Besides, he wanted to be VP for Trump, then Clinton and neither one looked in his direction. The description of growing up in a bubble by coaldigger is as good an example of his thought pattern as I've ever read.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 6 months ago
    Cuban better stick to sports, he has no idea about "start up" and certainly about the poor and middle class insurance woes. He seems to have no memory, or he was not paying attention, but Obamacare is what came when Hillary failed to convince doctors that her system was doable. She did not listen, as usual, she lectured, as she went across the country. Then Obama got this plan in, but this is not what she wants. She wants a single payer, government controlled system, the way she wants to control everything about our lives. My advice to the "Jethro Bodine" of sports is, go do some reading and find out what you are talking about. By the way, if you don't have enough fingers, use your toes.
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  • Posted by starguy 7 years, 6 months ago
    An idiot with a billion dollars is idiot.

    Shut up, Mark, and go watch your team play basketball. That's about all you're good for, anyway.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 6 months ago
    maybe mr. Cuban can introduce us to one person and only one who does know how it works.
    certainly not 0.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      The issue is no one has ever seen it "work" other than to be an engine of 25% a year increases. But he is saying "I am rich, powerful, and brilliant. Therefore, you must listen to me and even if we have to cheat, lie and manipulate to get what we want, and you will live with, it's ok, because it is ME". BS, take you money and go away, Mr. Cuban.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 6 months ago
    "I don't agree with her in all of her positions, but I think that she understands how government works enough that I can lobby against her." -- Mark Cuban

    I agree with most everything he saying. I don't like the startup metaphor for PPACA. A startup typically uses a disruptive technology to bring products or services to market the previously could use them b/c they were too complicate, too expensive, not available in that area, etc. PPACA sort-of does that in providing "insurance" for people who are already sick, but it also limits the types of insurance contracts that people can make. That goes contrary to the startup metaphor. It also makes it harder (I'm not sure on the mechanics of this) for people to make deals outside of insurance. I think maybe the gov't puts pressure on insurance companies to pressure providers not only to give their customers a price break but not to give a good price to others. I suspect the reason for this is now that insurers are not pricing risk of perils (i.e. providing real insurance), they want to hold on to anything that justifies their existence. Customers seem to like the idea of turning over management of the details to these companies, but I think that's a huge problem. All that makes me not see PPACA as very startupish, if that's a word.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Well, I work at Intel, and they are self insured. Their insurance companies merely administer it. I don't ever pay anything up front, as I have to wait until I get the insurance thing to know what needs to be paid, as I have a 3500 up front cash deductible to meet first. So I have an HSA and I do not pay anyone up front as the fess are always something different from what is billed. Even the doctor has no idea what they will get...
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 6 months ago
        My deductible is $13,000. I've had an HSA since 2010. I max it out, invest it, and don't use it to buy medical care b/c I like to have more money tax-sheltered, and I'm sure I'll use it one day or work out a way to bequeath it.

        I have the exact same experience where providers cannot tell me pricing and I get a confusing bill later saying what they wanted to charge and what the negotiated rate was. A few times I've bought service outside of a plan, and it confuses providers. I spend far less on a furnace, car repair, etc, and there's no way they could get away with this stuff. My wife and I can't do that in our legal or electronics worlds. The standard practices in medical care are completely messed up.

        We are in good health, so we stayed on our underwritten plan, which was less than half the cost of a compliant non-underwritten plan, as long as possible. Now we go to the "Marketplace". I always put that in scare quotes b/c it's nothing to do with a market. I get 71 options, but they all work out to the exact same gov't-prescribed benefit levels, so there really is no choice.

        I won't take up more space explaining it, but partisan histrionics surrounding PPACA aside, the program has serious flaws.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
          Lucky me, I have 4 plans to choose from, one is a "Cadillac Plan" that costs 5500 a year with a 3800 deductible and no HSA. I take the no cost/3500 plan as it is least cost and I get to decide when to go to Dr. Needless to say, I prefer WebMD and self evaluation over them.
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