EPA Commissar Orders Americans To Live Like It's 1899

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago to Government
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The Empire Strikes Back.... This would be funny if it wasn't so sad....
SOURCE URL: http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/epa-commissar-orders-americans-to-live-like-its-1899/

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  • 11
    Posted by mcsandberg 7 years, 7 months ago
    The civil war that she's trying to start is already happening. It just doesn't look like any war ever fought before. Colorado and the State of Washington have fired the first rounds when they nullified federal drug laws and suffered no consequences.

    The next nullification will probably be the "clean power" nonsense. No governor is going to allow the EPA to cause rolling blackouts in his state by shutting down power plants.

    Then, it just might be one of the oil producing states that regulates drilling activity and ignore the EPAs nonsense.

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    Oh to be an ostrich now that the inmates run the sanitarium.
    But that is not so frightening. What's frightening is that a large segment of Americans take self important dunderheads like this, seriously. Not only are we declining economically and morally, but heading at full speed toward an idiocracy.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 7 months ago
    Well, it sounds like one set of rules for the peasants, and another for the global elite! take this quote from Hillary, as she was going by helicopter to AF One:
    “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!” Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book ” Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72)
    Does this sound like the elite are going to live like us? How about all those yachts, multi million dollar home, which some own several of, and heat and cool. Ted Turner owned about 28 homes. All the actors have multiple homes, and they aren't going to give them up. Nope, just the common tax paying folk.
    This is Agenda 21 coming at you, in the planning for over 15 years. Even the UN says they don't dare if global warming is true, as long as we believe it is and they can control us.
    Hillary in her thesis on Alinsky, differed only in her feeling the US could be taken down from "within", and this is it, her route to Marxism. This EOA talking head is just another bought and paid for New England liberal who likes to tell other people how to live, based on fake science. Think Michelle is going to give up her jet set vacations, or Angelina her trips to her multiple homes by jet, including sending a jet out for caviar, they way we would go to McD's?
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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 7 months ago
    She gives the lie to those who deny the agenda of enforced scarcity. But she also contradicts herself. An 1899 economy would put out more CO2 per capita than the present one. That suggests she really wants to execute a bunch of people.
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  • Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 7 months ago
    The argument goes like this. Science says global warming is real. Science is not wrong. Global warming must be stopped. Capitalism is to blame for the excess. Socialist controlled economies work better to regulate these things.

    The argument goes like this. Science says Aryan blood is real. Science is not wrong. Aryan decline must be stopped. Jews are to blame for the decline of German civilization. National socialism will restore the "Ubermensch" to his lofty throne.
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 7 years, 7 months ago
    I went to the link and saw her picture - wow! Does anyone else think she looks just like Bill Clinton? What a dried-up, shriveled old prune she is! And, she can take her "low-carbon lifestyle" crap and shove it up her ass! I drive a Ford F150 Supercrew with a big V8 engine in it, and I am going to continue to do so!!! And no, it doesn't get the same gas mileage as a "Chevy Volt" - guess what, I DON'T GIVE S SHIT! My F150 is a 4x4 and it has better ground clearance!
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 7 years, 7 months ago
    1899? Cool! I'm going to go out, light a couple of my whale oil lanterns, fire up the old coal forge, make up a couple steel blooms, and pound out some parts for my hot tube ignition coal oil buggy motor. Woohoo!!! After that, I'll go check on my herd of draft horses, then set on the porch a (while those 9 year old laborers I hired for 3 cents an hour make up some more stuff for me to sell on my forge), light up the ol' terbaccy pipe, and have me a double Laudinum and Coke (heavy on the Coke part), and revel in the modern era of the approaching 20th century... when things will be even better!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 7 months ago
    Just for being fascist ordered to do that, me dino is gonna keep my thermostat set on 72FU year round.
    Oh, yeah, save for when I'm away, I've been doing that for years and years. Never mind.
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  • Posted by kevthen 7 years, 7 months ago
    So this the new McCarthyism?

    At least the old one was based on facts (see Venona), not pseudoscience. As an actual scientist not paid to "believe", I should know.
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    • Posted by dukem 7 years, 7 months ago
      Most people would be amazed to learn that our learned leftists still think McCarthy was wrong in his campaign exposing hard core leftists in the State Department (e.g., Venona Papers, as you point out). I mean, gee, they did a movie about that, and of course McCarthy was wrong. And it's even more populated with them today than in the fifties.
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  • Posted by BradSnipes1 7 years, 7 months ago
    Climate Science is fraudulent just are all other liberal objectives. There are several ways that I can debunk this science. I have several posts on Linked in at Brad Snipes.
    There is very little temperature data for the Southern hemisphere. See www.ndbc.noaa.gov.
    The "so-called scientists" (who espouse man-caused global warming) are working with other liberals to achieve a one world government. They have taken a very meager and hopelessly inadequate data set and have manipulated it to achieve a political objective; complete control of the energy sectors of our economy. Global warming is a fabrication.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 7 months ago
    When ever a decree is made they should be the first who must live that way, use the medical care they have proscribed etc. And they should be the only ones that have to live that way.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 7 months ago
    Ayn Rand might say (but I hope she would forgive
    me if this is " putting thoughts into [her] brain"),
    that people put up with it because of an attitude
    of "fundamental guilt"; that, because they don't have the right philosophy, they don't stand up for
    the right to live their own lives, with proudly
    righteous defiance.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 7 months ago
    One of her underlings was in my office about a year ago shooting his mouth off. He said that we need to clean up the air to stem the worsening childhood asthma. He failed to mention, of course, that the air has gotten cleaner while the childhood asthma has gotten worse. But...I'm just an idiot who deals in facts. These people are evil, honestly.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 7 months ago
    We would be far better off investing all the time, money, and effort into developing a path for humanity (at least some of it) off our one and only lifeboat before one of the 10,000 or so near-earth big rocks in orbit takes us out.

    I say great, let's live like it's 1899 and explore a new frontier.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
      Note that our efforts in space are mostly "we plan to land" etc. The space exploration efforts were reversed after Apollo 17 (assuming you believe they went to the moon, a lot of people are still in the "fake" boat"), back to shuttle, and now back too rockets. The private industry has now taken over efforts to get off the rock, so is that because of private industry or planning to control space through money?
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
    "Activist Naomi Klein threatens us to "change, or be changed." "
    I agree we need to make changes to save us from future costs of global warming. Naomi Klein, though, said in her book she was for most of the changes anyway, so she's sees a bright side of global warming. I find this disgusting. I do not want to live a Little House on the Prairie lifestyle. Most people do not, so I'm confident people will find a solution other than that.

    The article makes the claim that the EPA Administrator agrees with people like Klein. The links in the article do not support that. It looks like Kerry Jackson invented that claim from whole cloth.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
      "People have to start living a life that's commensurate with reductions in greenhouse gases," McCarthy said.

      This quote does show the incompetent politically appointed commissioner to agree with the goals of Klein and using power of the EPA to force people to act against their free will.
      Global warming as hypothesized and forecast by the UN climate czars and their toady "scientists" has been disproven by 19 years of global cooling.
      First there must be proof that the GW hypothesis is true. This has not happened. Then there must be proof that any specific change will result in a solution without side effects more horrible than the original problem. This has not been done.
      The Global Warming hypothesis is a political agenda to centralize world wide power for the statist looter cartel and destroy individual liberty, free markets, and American sovereignty.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
        Again, Freedom, I wouldn't go for either position at this point, as there is a huge mound of data both sides have used, meaning that one or the other, or both are manipulating, sorting, sifting or filtering, for their own facts. I am not sure there are any sources of "true data" anymore. I do know that their BS imposition of rules, taxes and looting is only because they want that and they have a convenient excuse no one can prove. If they were serious, they would be addressing real causes, like Brazil and the Rain Forest, which no one ever mentions, yet is restored, may solve their whole problem. Or let private industry produce the tools to address it with technology.
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        • Posted by JuliBMe 7 years, 7 months ago
          Start with this....Co2 is NOT a pollutant yet even our supreme court ruled that the EPA can regulate it. Why? Co2 is FOOD for plants. Nothing more. We EXHALE it. IT IS NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL and a minimal part of our atmosphere. What do you REALLY think is the endgame in calling OUR EXHALATIONS a pollutant? All you need to do is understand who is saying that "climate change" (WAT???? The weather and climate change EVERY DAY!!!!) is a problem and look at their agenda to know it is a SCAM from top to bottom. The scary part is that the kids in this country (and some of YOU HERE, TOO?????) have fallen for the scam hook, line, and sinker.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            That is part of the whole scam, there is something afoot with it, with rapid deforestation by countries being ignored (which is probably one of the biggest causes of CO2 build up for the reason you state). Why is that allowed, but the "production" of CO2 is vilified? There is more afoot here, folks. I would say follow the money, but a lot of it seems to stop at HRC.
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      • -3
        Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
        "People have to start living a life that's commensurate with reductions in greenhouse gases," McCarthy said.
        I think this claim is essentially a fact. We have to reduce the emissions or find someway to mitigate them.

        Denying the problem altogether is absurd.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
          The problem is not scientifically proven.
          In fact, the forecasts that were used to prove the problem have been shown by history to be rubbish.
          Emails have been published between insiders that showed that they, the political source of the hypothesis, knew it was false and discussed their efforts in lying to cover up the failure of the hypothesis.
          Ignoring these facts is irrational.
          1. There is no proven problem to be fixed.
          2. there is no proposed solution that does not make the supposed problem worse instead of better... unless you think that the starvation of a few billion people, unemployment at more than 30%, markets controlled and stifled by government looters, and world economy in ruins is an acceptable solution.
          Denying that there is no proven problem is absurd. Defending a government official who wants to use government power to loot the way of life Americans have produced by hard work is consent to dictatorship.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            All you say is true, however,you cannot use any real logic tree or cause and effect because there are no "real facts". Every aspect of the discussion is tainted by those who will manipulate the facts to suit their views. If we could have a database of just data that is untainted (I know there are supposed databases it's just that every owner of them has been cited as tainting them their way), it might be a different story. So, I agree with your point, there is NO proven, direct, causual connection between the "issue" and their "fixes". Other than where the money goes.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago
          Reality sucks. Fossil fuels supply over 70% of the world's power, with nuclear and hydroelectric providing another 27%. That means that solar, wind, and geothermal provide only 3%.

          In order to accelerate the conversion to clean power sources, we need to increase the use of the fossil fuels necessary to manufacture, transport, and install the clean power infrastructure over the short term. Forcing a cutback in fossil fuel use is counterproductive, delaying the growth of clean energy infrastructure.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
            +1 And to use as many new technologies that improve the efficiency that the hydrocarbon fuels are used.

            I know "fossil fuels" is a convenient way to refer to hydrocarbon fuels but it is a theory of their source, and possibly not factual.
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            • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago
              The use of the term "fossil" is convention, but I share your view. There are other terms, like "carbon," which covers the biofuels but some of the fuels we use, like ammonia, have no carbon (no CO2 produced, but more nitric oxides).

              I'm sure someone will point to the 3% as flawed, but people often confuse capacity with delivery. Both wind and solar don't deliver more than 30% of capacity simply because the wind is inconsistent, and the sun doesn't shine for 24 hours.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
              Hi Freedomforall,
              Hydrocarbon fuels .vs fossil fuels. Has this been discussed in a post? I am interested in the fossil fuel theory and the accuracy.I have heard some interesting things of it's origin. The thing that doesn't make sense to me is what evidence is there that fossils were in mass quantities 15,000 ft below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico and then 27,000 feet into the bottom.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
          So, they should not be imposing their fixes on everyone, and instead, allow private industry to fix it. Have a Kickstarter and let the people so damn worried about it contribute to fund the fixes. They miss the point of what are the real sources and causes. The Amazon and China are the 2 biggest contributors. Neither is addressed by these goober heads. They just want us to do whatever they want, and the record of government in "fixing things" is so poor, they are disqualified from trying. Need another contractor.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
            Gov't's record on planning and fixing things is indeed horrible. There's needs to be some structure to deal with when one person's activities (e.g. deforestation) incur a cost on others. I definitely do not think it should be gov't investing in energy companies and things like that. I think they should just work out the cost of these things and charge some kind of revenue neutral tax on that. By that I mean a tax offset by lower taxes on work and investment. If we ever have stopped taxing work and investment, which is an idea that intrigues me, then we'll have to figure out some other system.

            I do not think people so damn worried should act. If we just charge people based on the actual cost of their activities, the problem will work itself out. People will find alternatives except in cases where they can create more value than the cost of the environmental damage. In either case, people maximize value pursuing their own self interests and not at the expense of stealing value from others.
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        • Posted by $ Snezzy 7 years, 7 months ago
          Quoting JuliBMe: "some of YOU HERE, TOO?????) have fallen for the scam hook, line, and sinker."

          The so-called science relies on selected evidence ("Only count the data if it drives our agenda"), and on faulty mathematics ("choose a method that is likely valid but not in our particular context, and portray as mathematical idiots any who dare fault us .").
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            Exactly. There s no good source of unbiased data, even the old "stalwarts" such as NASA seem to have been infected with the political power virus, so that is one main reason for my objection to anyone saying "we have the fix". They have yet to prove there is a problem and a cause relationship to prove their fix will work.
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        • Posted by ScaryBlackRifle 7 years, 7 months ago
          Look at the planet from the satellites ... that "dangerous" CO2 in the air is being absorbed by plants and being captured. The planet is balancing itself.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            Yes, and that is one of the things the GW people ignore, take all the forests and plants that have been removed, and then see if the math would work, rather than just look at the input parts. Not that that is the ultimate answer but if you are going to bitch about something, at least include all the facts. A lot of people argued for the last 30 years about the Amazon for a lot of reasons, and everyone on both sides ignored it. I am all for a factual discussion, but not the manipulated BS the GW crowd want.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
            The biosphere of Earth of course depends on equillibria. By releasing carbon stored over millions of years, we've increased the amount of CO2 in the air, changing the equilibrium. The Earth's biosphere will continue to exist, but human activities are changing it ways that will be very costly for human generations. That in itself is not necessarily bad. If affecting the environment in a way that costs people a few trillion dollars 100 years from now but allows the world economy to grow 1% faster, that's a huge net benefit. The problem is we're not factoring that in. We do activities that seem profitable but are only profitable if you ignore the value stolen from people negatively affected in the future.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
      OK so: "People have to start living a life that's commensurate with reductions in greenhouse gases," Ok, this is where we get derailed of the tracks. And CG loses points...yet I don't think he is too far off the road as this woman appears to be, it is what the whole group of people arguing about this misses. Folks, there is some changes to the environment going on. That is a scientific fact. What is causing the changes is where it all goes wrong. There is no conclusive evidence of any particular cause being the ONE. There have been changes to the environment for as long as there has been an environment, because it is not constant, it is a system with several parts to it, any change in one sends perturbations into the others. The simple minded folks telling us "It's your fault" and "Now you must do this and this" and then manipulate it all so they make money off it, are the problem. Like this baboon.
      First off, there are technologies to remove carbon, there are natural ways to reduce carbon, and there are technological replacements for the HFC;s she was complaining about. That doesn't mean that we go back tot he dark ages (because, oh by the way, the idiots never mention the fact that the "poor people" in the world today in same dark ages, deforest, turn wood into charcoal, and then emit CO2 and CO in burning g it, creating 10X the problem because they removed the trees). They also conviently ignore the issue of the removal of the largest CO2 removal machine on earth, the Amazon Rain Forest, which is being lost by several square miles a day and is like 50-60% smaller than it was 30 years ago. Climate change? Maybe. Environment change, almost certainly. Man made? Not necessarily. Exacerbated by man? Probably. Yet you dumb political moron: It's not my little part of you insane little world, it is all the crap you carefully ignore, like: Not using technology to address it, not fixing the biggest contributors (Like Amazon issue, and China) and instead focus your pea brain and manipulation and corrupt hands in my pocket, to steal whatever you can, impose whatever rules you want on me, because it is easier to screw the common person, than to address the biggest causes. The EPA Administrator may respectfully GFH. Until they actually have a factual basis that addresses the whole picture, Global Warming/Climate Change/Environmental Change (insert your favorite label her) Change is a myth and a legend. There is some small truth in their BS, but a huge amount of lies and myth and manipulation as well. So, lady, you lose on lack of credibility, as well as perjury.
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      • Posted by IndianaGary 7 years, 7 months ago
        From a scientific standpoint there is no question about the main cause of climate change and, for that matter, our weather: It's the sun.
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        • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
          The sun cycles are fairly well known. They do not account for climate trends beyond those cycles.
          The CO2 upward trend does.
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          • Posted by ScaryBlackRifle 7 years, 7 months ago
            The CO2 upward trend is the result of deforestation, not burning fossil fuels. Even so, there are signs of the planet greening up. The earth is not now and has never been a static place ... the balance has always been dynamic and it continues as before.
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            • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
              At least that is a big part of the equation. So, while limiting gasses may help, the GW empire needs to look at all the parts, not just the ones they want, that indicates the climate is not their main target in the discussion, but how much control they can get using it as an excuse...
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            Salta, if that is true, then why do they allow such rapid destruction of the one known CO2 scrubber we have? The CO2 argument breaks down under cause and effect, unless someone really isn't concerned with, or actually wants, CO2 to go up. I have seen so much "science" on both sides of the argument, that neither side is really understanding or telling the truth, since facts seem to be manipulated for both sides.
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            • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
              I assume by "known CO2 scrubber" you mean the rain forests. However, it is not a question of "allowing" destruction as if some government should step in to stop it, most removal of ancient forest is by government logging permits. Its a classic "tragedy of the commons" situation. If removal of timber was only acceptable from your own property, forests would be better managed. The vast rainforests would then gradually become private property (using something similar to the homesteading principle) and forests would be maintained.

              Actually, as a separate point, today's forests are not really major CO2 sinks at all. Even the amazon basin is mostly aerobic swamp, so most carbon gets decomposed again fairly quickly. Last major organic sink was the carboniferous period, when huge forests were growing in anaerobic swamps which prevented decomposition of dead material, thus forming coal etc. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to preserve forests, but reducing atmospheric CO2 is not one of them.
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              • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                Not being an expert in it, I would say that that is an underestimated issue, here is just one discussion that taps on it's impact, where they talk about how drought effects it, but I think if you look at what was there 50 years ago, and what is there today. a lot has been lost. In addition there wer huge forests across the US that have also disappeared in the last 200 years, and the GW people bitch about mans impact in the last 200 years. Correlation?


                BTW I do not subscribe to anyone view on this, since no one wants to be factual without messing with the facts, so it is hard to have a position based on rational thought..GIGO...
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                • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
                  That article is based on a faulty premise, that the rainforest sequesters any carbon at all. (BTW, if I were a scientist I would support that premise if it meant an opportunity to go study the amazon for a year)
                  The fact remains that any mature forest holds a fixed 14 to 18 kg of carbon per sq metre. That carbon continuously cycles to and from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and decomposition. There is NO NETT FLOW of carbon OUT OF that cycle, therefore there is no nett removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. The balance of that cycle might change during a drought year, but it does not change the long term ZERO FLOW of carbon.

                  Even forest fires, which release probably at least half of that carbon reservior into the atmosphere rapidly, only have a small effect. The carbon will be back to the 14 to 18 kg reservior again within a couple of decades.
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                  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                    I would say you consider sequestering a static action, but it seems that the carbon is sequestered (as wood, leaves seeds) but it is an ongoing cycle, therefor it is a continuous process, where an ongoing amount of carbon is removed from the environment and stored. It does get released when the wood is taken, either by processing or decay.

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                    • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
                      It seems like a terminology problem. You mention sequestering carbon as part of the process of growth of wood. It is not. Growth is simply reversed when the tree decomposes. Sequestering carbon is when it is locked up somehow, removing it from that balanced cycle. The only current process doing that is anaerobic marshes creating peat, but they are very limited in area. ALL other soils today are aerobic and so NOT sequestering any of the biomass growing and decomposing on it.

                      So in a mature forest the fixed carbon reservoir has an equal flow of carbon (as growth) and back to the atmosphere (as decomposition). As those two flows must be exactly equal it makes no difference whether the flow is a few grams or many kilograms per sq metre. So trying to measure its flow is just wasted effort, the grant application would not get past me!
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                      • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                        That is interesting, the link I added seemed to use the term to mean "storage within the tree/leaves/seed" and is released when the tree is burned or decomposed. Is there a place where there are some generally accepted terms or is it like the term "Climate Change" and a misnomer?
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                        • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
                          I think its a bit like the usage of the word "sustainable" today. As soon as there is money to made from it, it gets misused. People started marketing "sequestering" carbon into trees because there are profits in fooling people that it helps atmospheric CO2 levels, but it doesn't. Outside of marketing BS, the correct use of the word is when carbon is fully removed from the natural atmosphere-biomass cycle, and buried under silt to cut off oxygen, adding to the very slow geologic cycle. Even in the rock it will end up in the atmosphere, because even the continents we know today (with their buried hydrocarbons) will erode away every few hundred million years. But the atmosphere-biomass cycle is extremely rapid, and the key issue is the short-circuit we create by extracting and adding back the geologic carbon into the rapid atmosphere-biomass cycle.

                          Of course I'm not agreeing with the EPA statements or their planned "fixes". No government agency ever really wants to fix the problem, they only want to monetize it. If someone goes and solves it they would lose a source of revenue.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 7 months ago
        The important point is not the reason for climate change. The important points are (1) is it really an emergency? In fact, is it harmful to man at all? And (2) if so, what is the best and cheapest way to fix the problem? Give up our high-energy lifestyle, or do something much simpler and easier such as Gregory Benford's boatload of iron filings?

        Any pronouncements about GW/CC that do not raise these questions are not to be taken seriously.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
        Doesn't all this infer the god-like ability to predict the future with a total disregard for the planet's weather history? They can't accurately predict next week's weather, let alone the next hundred years.
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      • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 7 years, 7 months ago
        I think it was Joseph Goebbels who said that the most effective propaganda is that which has 20-30% truth in it, because then it is harder to refute by the ignorant masses. By the way, that stupid fossil at the EPA emits CO2 every time she exhales. Maybe she should stop her emissions?
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      • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
        You're right, the bureaucrats choose the easier way (extracting money from ordinary people) instead of addressing the big problems.
        But your examples of some of the issues actually have minimal effect on global climate. In fact charcoal would even be a solution, as it is completely carbon neutral. Every atom of carbon which is sent into the atmosphere from charcoal was extracted from the atmosphere during the tree's growth. The big issue is the unmanaged way it is usually done in impoverished parts of the world, trees are not re-planted so large areas become desert.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
          So there you go, take all the trees and make charcoal, and do not regrow them, and soon you have more and more acceleration added to the "problem". Therefore, until a fast growing source is in place, charcoal is NOT a solution,
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          • Posted by salta 7 years, 7 months ago
            But I think that is an incorrect identification of what part of the whole process causes the problem. Charcoaling is inherently carbon neutral, the problem is the poor land management. If that part alone were fixed, then charcoal IS a solution (though I agree only very limited scale).
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
        "The simple minded folks telling us "It's your fault" and "Now you must do this and this" and then manipulate it all so they make money off it, are the problem. "
        It is true that people exploit problems as you say by a) telling you who's to blame and b) what to do about it. Not everyone trying to solve a problem, though, is doing that.

        Several of things you say no one mentions or exploits actually are exploited in some circles. I'll go through the ones I happen to know about without in any way disparaging you for not knowing of all brands of political exploitation in the world.

        " the idiots never mention the fact that the "poor people" in the world today in same dark ages, deforest, turn wood into charcoal"
        This is one of the key issues. When Europe and US were industrializing, they were less efficient in terms of GDP per carbon emission than today. When experts rightly say we need to do something about the effects of carbon emissions, less developed countries complain that now that they don't get the benefit of being inefficient in their industrial infancy that advanced countries got. Naomi Klein says this is the perfect excuse to ask the rich to give wealth to the poor.

        "Amazon Rain Forest"
        Most people accept deforestation as a part of the problem. I suspect people who think decreased biodiversity is a greater threat might focus on the climate change impact of deforestation because it's more widely known. I know they're both problems, and I do not know which is more serious/costly.

        You touch on the notion that climate change isn't the only impact humans have on the earth. We're in the middle of the sixith mass extinction event the earth has seen, probably caused by human activities. It would be desirable if none of this were costing anyone else, if there room for infinite expansion of human activities with no impact on other humans. That's clearly false. Global warming is just one impact. Going back to the population and lifestyle of pre-industrial times is obviously not possible or desirable. I'm confident people will find solutions: ways to reduce carbon emissions or absorb them and put them back in the ground, alternatives to HFCs, etc. Eventually I imagine people will move into the oceans and space. If you think about how 150 years ago the first practical transatlantic cable was new technology, it's not hard to imagine in 150 years people living in space and carefully controlling the biosphere with technologies we cannot even imagine.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
          Agreed on that CG, while it may be a problem, the thought police have hijacked it to their own agenda. I cannot think of any government program that fixed anything and did not introduce a bunch of other problems. Something as complex as this issue cannot be addressed through one fix, or even a series of fixes. It takes advancing past the need to use the problem sources, and then remediation, all of which could be done by private industry if the billions of regulations were cleaned up and eliminated and replaced with some common sense.
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    • Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 7 months ago
      Naomi Klein is confused about what future she wants.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 7 months ago
        No, she wants exactly the same future Al Gore does: one where a small elite, including themselves, get to have nice big warm houses and drive, while the rest of us are forced to live like Amish. This is the point where the law must be resisted by force.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
        "Naomi Klein is confused "
        I only read the first part of her book and skimmed the rest, but it seems she knows she wants some form of socialism. She thinks the problem of the environment is so big it can only be solved through socialism. I think just like all problems big and small it's best solved by leaving people alone and having some structure to enforce agreements and stop people from steeling/trashing other people's stuff.
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