America's Choice: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Posted by mminnick 7 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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From Sean Hannity Radio Show web posting:
"Here we are, 30 days out from the election, and the pundits and media have all declared this race is now over. Who are they to declare this race is over? This is not the media's country. This is not the media's choice. It's not any political party's choice, not the choice of the Clinton Machine, and it is not the choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. This race will be over, and this election will be won, when the AMERICAN PEOPLE have made their voices heard on election day."

I don't normally quote from a talk show web site, but I thought this particular paragraph summed up my feeling very well.

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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 7 years, 7 months ago
    My major concern is not the border, taxes, health care reform, immigration or any of the other issues, it is the Supreme Court. Period. All the rest are manageable but would not have the long-term impact that a collectivist, social engineering Court would have on the destruction of the USA. Trump has named possible candidates, THEY are the only ones who will slow the destruction of the USA.
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    • Posted by WDonway 7 years, 7 months ago
      Well, almost all Trump's positions are anathema to huge establishment groups. He cares nothing for identity politics--THE big business of higher education, today. He dismisses Big Climate Alarmism in plain favor of more oil wells, more fracking. That is to attack the religion of the New Left and environmentalists. He says in education, he will spend money only on schools of choice, charter schools, and other non-public-school system options. That is death to the National Education Association, which is 100 percent for Hillary and desperate to keep the public school monopoly. He wants to cut corporate taxes to 15 percent fro 35 percent--a simple extremely powerful way to keep corporations in America or bring them back. In health, his chief ideas are to repeal Obama care and empower medical savings accounts and tax deduction. That sets back the huge socialized medicine contingent. And so it goes. If he wins without these hugely powerful, power-hungry, ruthless groups, they will be OUT for four years. Not to mention, as have others, that Hillary's list of what the Supreme Court must do is a menu of social programs and identity politics. She never mentioned the Constitution. In his answer, Trump mentioned only upholding the Constitution.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
      I agree, but the drive towards socialism is so strong now that the replacement of one judge is just a speedbump in the parking lot. Other judges will die off, and they will be replaced by socialists. The country is doomed. All we should do is live out our lives as best we can, and not waste time on saving the country long term.
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      • Posted by jimjamesjames 7 years, 7 months ago
        I agree, Term2. The slide to oblivion cannot and will not be stopped by the ballot. But I still maintain that, though he may not stop it, Trump will still be more entertaining to watch.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
          Trump has my vote. His disregard for PC is refreshing, and what we sorely need. PC is just a tool the liberals use to control us. Plus, Trump doesnt need to do this. He has a great family, a good business, a great lifestyle to do what he wants. To run for president and put up with the constant negativity from the crooked establishment take a LOT. He is an inspiration, and I really think he wants to do good for the country. It will do very little or nothing for him personally at his age.
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          • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
            There may be some truth to what you're saying, but I still have a major problem with Trump. To date, I still don't have a clue what he actually stands for. I have no idea what policy goals he intends to persue.

            With Trump, all I have to go on is his bombastic nature and some idiotic aspirational slogan embroidered on a bunch of hats. How exactly is "Make America Great Again" significantly different from "Hope and Change"? They are both just aspirational gobbledygook that mean whatever you want them to mean. If you will recall, when Obama ran, he never really came out and said that he was going to do A, B and C. He always talked around it, and people that were inclined to support him let his vague rhetoric mean whatever they felt most optimistic about. Additionally, Obama ran principally on the fact that he was not W.

            As I see it, Donald Trump is doing the exact same thing. He has not ever come right out and said that he would do A, B and C. He uses a silly meaningless slogan to get the people unused to critical thinking on his side. He makes vague promises about winning and everything being huge. Lastly, his single solitary selling point that his supporters can actually glom on to is that he is not Hillary Clinton. You have no clue at all what he is, but at least you know that he is not her.

            Please don't mistake my criticism of Trump as support for Hillary. Personally, I'd like to see her before a firing squad as a traitor. That is not hyperbole. I mean it. The one and only crime addressed in the Constitution is Treason, and her handling and brokering of highly classified government secrets for personal gain makes her a traitor. The punishment called for with that particular crime is death.

            Back to Trump. You mention his disregard for all things PC. You mention his family, business and lifestyle. Couldn't you just as easily be talking about Howard Stern. Unlike Trump, Howard Stern didn't get a $100 Million inheritence from his daddy 40 some years ago. Howard Stern didn't go to the Wharton Business School to legacy his way into the good old boys club. No matter how foul he may be (and he is disgusting), Howard Stern is a self made man running a media empire business (media star like Trump). He is worth a fortune ($600 Million net worth with an annual salary of $90 Million). He, like Trump, is the textbook definition of not PC. Unlike Trump though, Howard Stern is not a known pathological liar. In fact, he may be too honest. Howard Stern never had to bribe government officials to build his fortune. Donald trump brags about it and excuses it as just the normal Tuesday for a "businessman". Isn't it ironic that on a website called that is based on the works of Ayn Rand, that we have so many people who support a "businessman" who brags routinely about bribing government officials to get what he wants. Did Howard Roark, Hank Rearden, Francisco d'Anconia, or Dagny Taggart want or need government help? They are all Randian heroes, yet somehow you want to make the guy who acts more like James Taggart instead of Dagny Taggart president. Moving on. As far as I know, all the women who have come onto Howard Stern's show do so of their own free will. They act like tramps and whores by their own choice. I don't know that I have ever heard of Howard Stern sexually assaulting any of them, yet Donald trump gleefully brags about he can just molest anyone he wants because "they let you do that when you're famous." How would you feel if he just came up and groped your wife or daughter? Would that OK because he's famous?

            Again, do not mistake my words. I do not support Howard Stern for president any more than I would Hillary. I am simply pointing out that every supposed good thing you said about trump could be applied fairly to Howard Stern and in some cases, more so.

            This election is between two equally unattractive candidates. *Being as nice as I can there. When asking someone to vote for either of those two clowns, it's like asking if they want to eat 6 pounds of rat poison and die painfully/slowly or just cut the the chase and put a bullet through their own head.

            Speaking personally, I'll roll with Option 3. I love my country (or at least what it ought to be), and I believe that limited government, fiscal responsibility and freedom from foreign entanglements are better policies than what we have now. I don't want the government to fix things. I want the government to get the hell out of the way, and let the marketplace handle what needs fixing. As such, my principles lie more closely with the Libertarian Party. I will be voting for Gary Johnson come election day. He may be a dottering old clueless fool who couldn't govern his way out of a paper bag if you lit the closed end on fire, but at least he wants to stay the hell out of my life, my business, my bedroom and my medicine cabinet. I can't say that for Trump or Hillary.

            Voting Johnson/Weld going into it, I know three things. 1. My candidate will lose this election. I'm not an idiot, I know he has no chance. It's just that I have no need to be on the "winning" side like alot of people do. 2. Trump or Hillary will win, and America will at least four more years of what it deserves. If we haven't learned about these two parties and the power mad clowns they run as candidates in the last 24 years, then we're screwed anyway. Let it all collapse. We've pissed away the birthright that our forefathers fought and died for, and we deserve what we're getting/gonna get. 3. At the end of the day, I will be able to look myself in the mirror knowing that I voted for Liberty. I did my part. I won't have to apologize later for helping put either of these two clowns (Hillary or Trump) in office. If you can live with that on your conscience, go for it, but don't ask me to help destroy the country with you.
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            • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 7 months ago
              Re: “He has not ever come right out and said that he would do A, B and C.” Actually, he has position papers on his website, some of which are decent from a libertarian perspective. I have no idea if he will follow through, if elected. Here are some of his proposals for health care reform:


              “Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.”

              “Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.”

              “Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.”

              “Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate.”

              “Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.”

              “Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.”
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              • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                OK, point for you. He allowed some policy wonk to post some party platform material to his website that nobody looks at. I don't know when those things were posted to his website, but if they are there, then good for him. That said, have you ever heard him speak at a rally in front of hundreds or thousands of people and line out anything specific? I haven't. All I know from Trump is that we're going to win again. We're gonna win so much that we are going to be tired of winning. It's gonna be huge. And a couple dozen other non specific platitudes repeated ad nauseum for the legions of disenchanted morons in this country who are sick of Washington but are unwilling to do anything more than blindly follow the Pied Piper.

                As for any of that being palatable to my Libertarian way of thinking, I'll pass. If I were running for president, my website would say the following:

                "On Day 1 of my administration, I will present a bill to Congress completely repealing the Affordable Care Act in its entirity."

                In my world be no tinkering or tweaking of Obamacare. It would simply be legislated out of existence altogether. As for the other stuff not covered by the ACA, however much I might wish that healthcare providers were price transparent, it is not the government's place to require private businesses to do anything. If a transparent pricing model is the most efficient, the marketplace would work that out on its own in due course.
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                • Posted by WDonway 7 years, 7 months ago
                  Well, almost all Trump's positions are anathema to huge establishment groups. He cares nothing for identity politics--THE big business of higher education, today. He dismisses Big Climate Alarmism in plain favor of more oil wells, more fracking. That is to attack the religion of the New Left and environmentalists. He says in education, he will spend money only on schools of choice, charter schools, and other non-public-school system options. That is death to the National Education Association, which is 100 percent for Hillary and desperate to keep the public school monopoly. He wants to cut corporate taxes to 15 percent fro 35 percent--a simple extremely powerful way to keep corporations in America or bring them back. In health, his chief ideas are to repeal Obama care and empower medical savings accounts and tax deduction. That sets back the huge socialized medicine contingent. And so it goes. If he wins without these hugely powerful, power-hungry, ruthless groups, they will be OUT for four years. Not to mention, as have others, that Hillary's list of what the Supreme Court must do is a menu of social programs and identity politics. She never mentioned the Constitution. In his answer, Trump mentioned only upholding the Constitution.
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                • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 7 months ago
                  Re: “If I were running for president, my website would say the following: ‘On Day 1 of my administration, I will present a bill to Congress completely repealing the Affordable Care Act in its entirity.’"

                  Directly from Trump’s website:

                  “On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.”

                  Close enough?
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                  • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                    Another point for you. Color me schooled.

                    Here's the thing though. 1. I don't believe a word that Trump says. I just don't, and I never will. 2. I will never, under any circumstances vote for Donald Trump. I'm never going to vote for Hillary either. I've said in other posts on this thread that I vote FOR the principles and things I believe in, not AGAINST the other worse alternative.

                    The electoral college being what it is makes my vote pointless in any case. I live in Texas, so Hillary has no chance to win my state, and frankly if she does, Trump is doomed across the country anyway.

                    BTW, the thumbs up you get for both posts comes from me. While I doubt the validity and/or the sincerity of anything Trump has to say, I made the A, B and C comment, and you proved me wrong. I appreciate that.
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                    • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 7 months ago
                      Thank you. By the way, I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I do consider Trump a strong second choice, because of some of the positions he takes on his website. I likewise have no idea whether he'll follow through, if elected.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
              Interesting comment. I understand where you are coming from. Trump is not perfect, and has used the system's faults to his advantage. But he says if we dont like those system faults, change them. He does tell us like he sees it (which is refreshing and sorely needed). He will do well in foreign relations and will at least stand up for America. Hillary is the opposite- she is a two sided chameleon that just says whatever we want to hear, but does the opposite. She will kill small business with the $15/hr wage and higher taxes. She will kill off people starting businesses with the idea of selling them later (she will take most of the profit from that). She will get no respect internationally, and invite other countries to treat us with disrespect. I just cant do anything which will result in her winning. Its way too early for a Johnson to get my support. The culture of the country has to change first, and the crooked elections need to be cleaned up. first
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              • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                How exactly do you propose that the culture of the country is going to change first if you are unwilling to do anything to change it?

                The way I see it, when I cast a ballot, I am voting FOR something. I don't cast my vote to be AGAINST the other thing. That kind of thinking has gotten us weak kneed, spineless pansy candidates who stand for nothing like George H W Bush, Robert Dole, George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney. Not one of those guys, whether they won or lost, ever had any notion at all about limited government or fiscal responsibility. They were all big government progressives who did or would have spent like drunken sailors. The very best you can say about any of them is that they were Democrat-Lite. Further, any vote for any of those guys was more likely a vote against whatever statist idiot the Dems were offering up at the time.

                As for me, I know what I believe in, and I will only vote for people that believe in the same things. I'll leave the "If you don't vote for the lesser of two evils, you're really just voting for the greater of two evils" school of convoluted thinking to others who are waiting for somebody else to change the country's culture first.
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                • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
                  I think the changing of the culture is an intellectual thing, not a voting thing. It will take a long time (40-50 years) and will fly in the face of a system which operates by taking from the invisible rich and gives to the voting massed.

                  In the meantime we live with the system being slightly better or a lot worse while WE are alive. I think a better solution is to put effort into changing the intellectual culture, but voting for the least bad candidate.

                  It wont matter if you vote libertarian if the young people are taught socialism is good by the parents and government indoctrination centers, and watching people getting freebies (that they would be happy to take if offered). You will just be labeled a freak who is out of touch.

                  Trump is no paragon of libertarianism, but look at what his supporters are called. DEPLORABLE and they are hated- just for standing up to the establishment. Imagine what a REAL libertarian would face today !! They leave Johnson alone pretty much because he is no threat. They would dredge up all sorts of stuff on him, and he would probably be out of the race for his pot smokng alone (not that I care about pot smoking).
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                  • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                    You know, one thing that always gets me in a discussion like this is that when I lay out some screed or another about any/all of Donald Trump's faults, I have never yet come across anyone who took issue with the truth of what I am saying.

                    Some people, like you, will try to change the subject. That's all that last post of yours attempted to do. You throw some philosophical horse manure around about voting for the least bad thing instead if defending your choice for its own merits. Keeping with my rat poison analogy from earlier, that's like saying, "At least with Trump the country might die a little slower no matter how agonizingly painful it might be." You will forgive me if I fail to see the logic in that kind of thinking.

                    It doesn't matter. At this point, the only thing I care about is me and mine anyway. Any reverence I ever had for what this country was/is supposed to be is long gone. Short version: I am going to build my business and do my best to prepare for the S storm that will happen when this house of cards comes tumbling down on our heads. Do whatever you want. Rationalize it however you can. I'd rather spend my time preparing for the aftermath if this trainwreck is inevitable anyway. That seems more productive to me than debating the finer points of voting for/against a pathologically lying, power hungry, egomaniacal turd on a stick like Donald J. Trump.
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                    • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
                      Funny thing, but I think I am saying the same thing. Hillary will put in all sorts of things that will kill MY business, so I can either just let it happen or perhaps delay those things. I have given up on the idea that a cultural revolution can occur in my lifetime, so I have therefore given up on that. I just want the least bad things to happen. Call it a pragmatic solution if you want, but I just dont see any other way. I wont live forever to see either the crash, or the rebulding
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                      • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                        Let me leave it with this. Where you said that you "wont live forever to see either the crash, or the rebulding", I don't know how old you are, but I think you got it half right.

                        Speaking personally, I am 44 years old, and I fully expect to see blood in the streets before I die. I think the crash is inevitable, and I think it will hit us like a ton of bricks. In the grand scheme of things, I think it will happen sooner rather than later.

                        This is a little abstract, so bear with me. History is like geology. You don't really see or feel it happening unless lava goes shooting up in the air or the ground splits open underneath your feet. That said, the ground is always shifting, and every seismic event is preceded by warning signs that anyone can see if they just open their eyes.

                        Did the Revolutionary War just happen out of the blue one day, or were the warning signs clear and obvious to anyone that bothered to look?

                        How 'bout the Civil War? Did that happen because some idiot decided to fire a few shells at Fort Sumter, or were those shells fired as a result of events that lead up to that?

                        You can think of hundreds more historical examples of one day life is one way and the very next day life was completely different. If you were a Roman, how fat, lazy and happy were you the day before the city was sacked? Years later the question wouldn't have been about who could have possibly seen that coming. Instead, the questions would have been about who couldn't have seen it and why were the obvious foreshadowings ignored.

                        Think about something a little more recent. The world was at war, and somehow our Pacific Fleet was bombed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. How did they miss it? Why didn't they know that was coming?

                        More recently, a bunch of Islamic terrorists (big shock there, right?) decided to hijack and fly some airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and some unknown target that I assume was not a random Pennsylvania pasture. Should the question be, "who could have possibly seen that one coming" or "what kind of incompetent morons could have possibly missed the build up of Al Qaeda"?

                        The thing is that whether you choose to look at history going forward or as something that has already happened, you cannot deny that it was/is incredibly bloody and shook/shakes our lives to the core.

                        Let's also be clear on another point. The term "History" applies to more than just war. Amongst others, it can be applied to things like Economics as well. If we are so smart as a country, why would we buy into the notion that being $19.6+ Trillion in debt and using intrinsically worthless paper as money is a good thing? Never in the history of mankind has that ever been successful, and it has always led to economic collapse. What makes us so special that we are supposed to be immune to thousands of years worth of history? Do economic laws just not apply to the United States?

                        I used 9/11 as a recent example of something that shook our world to the core. How about something fresher than that? You remember the housing crisis and the resulting bailouts? Does that ring a bell at all? One of my favorite movies of the last couple years is "The Big Short" that talks about the guys who opened their eyes and saw the warning signs leading up to that before anyone else did. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and make the time. It's worth it. Last I looked it was available on Netflix anytime.

                        When it comes to this country and the big kaboom I think is on the horizon, I feel like Michael Burry from the movie. Whether looking backwards to the things that have happened over and over in the past or looking forward at the unmistakeable warning signs on the horizon, I am scared shitless. When this thing comes tumbling down, it's not gonna be about some other guy's mortgage payment or a bunch of Wall Street pricks whose company falls out from beneath their feet one day. It will be about grocery store shelves lying empty and the electricity/running water not working anymore. Am I paranoid or misguided? Christ, I hope so. If I am wrong though, for the love of God, will somebody please explain to me how exactly it is that we are not all screwed. And while you're at it, please explain to me how it is that a corrupt traitor (Hillary) or a bombastic, egomaniacal clown (Trump) is supposed to fix it?
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                        • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
                          I am 70 so I will probably not see the crash and definitely not see the rebuilding. Look at Venezuela how slowly the crash comes. I say socialism finally fails when the wealth it feeds on is gone. If we knew how much wealth is in the USA and how fast the govt is squandering it, we could estimate when it reaches the end of the line. I agree that the USA is a house of cards and only unencumbered real assets are worth anything. Financial assets are already worthless. Almost anything can trigger a lack of confidence and spark a cradh
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                          • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 7 months ago
                            I’m 73 and hope to see both the crash (if it comes) and the rebuilding. The country and the world are a lot more resilient than most of us think. If anything can save us, it will be the exponential growth of technological change. I think that’s the main thing that’s kept consumer prices (with the exception of health care) from exploding, which would have been the expected result of the irresponsible money printing and zero interest rate policies of the past eight years. Libertarian ideas are starting to gain traction, and the advance of technology may buy us the additional time we need to swing public opinion to our side.
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                            • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
                              Buying time is my major reason for voting trump this election. Crooked Hillary isn't going to help anyone but Hillary. I doubt she will make it through her term and kaine would be a disaster
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            • Posted by hvance 7 years, 7 months ago
              Interesting excuse for voting for Johnson but acceptable. I for one would prefer some of the things that Johnson stands for but we have rejected one like him in Ted Cruz. Since Ted is no longer an option I have to go with Trump but whoever wins we can only pray that the Lord will intervene and Godly principles will prevail.
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              • Posted by IamTheBeav 7 years, 7 months ago
                For the record, I have voted for Ted Cruz 4 times now. I live in Fort Worth, TX, so I was able to vote in his Senate primary vs. David Dewhurst, the runoff vs. Dewhurst, the general Senate election and this year's presidential primary. I was proud to do it, and I will continue to do so as long as he is on the ballot from now until forever unless he does something to burn my trust.

                To the best of my recollection, I can think of only one thing Cruz has ever done to seriously piss me off. That was when he came out a week or so ago and formally endorsed Donald Trump. I would have preferred that he just stay silent and stand with his original "vote your conscience" argument that he made on the convention floor. I understand why he did it, but I couldn't disagree more. Ultimately, Trump is the the rat poison alternative to the bullet in the brain that I mentioned earlier. However much regard I have for Senator Cruz, I still my own thinking when it comes to politics. His endorsement does nothing to strengthen Trump's case, but it does make himself look weak especially when people will be holding that over his head 4 years from now for round 2. Whether you're talking politically or about principles, that endorsement was a spectacularly stupid thing to do, IMO.
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            • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 7 months ago
              Unfortunately, we are going to get stuck with one
              of those two. We have no choice about that. The
              only choice, is which? Certain death or Russian
              As to Dagny, oh, it is too bad she is not in the running. If she were, she would get my vote
              in a minute, if I thought she had a chance (in
              spite of Ayn Rand's belief against a woman's
              wanting to be president). I did not vote for Trump in the primary. But I never get the nomin-
              ee I want any more.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
              In the long run its is what the people of the USA stand for. At present they are for a mixed economy and for an approaching runaway debt and a pretend patriotism where flag waving will save the day. Trump will divide the masses so that the government will slow slightly to give the becoming-angry people time to decide that the Constitution should be followed or the country will perish.
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  • Posted by WDonway 7 years, 7 months ago
    I sure agree. The disgusting spectacle of the media trying to declare the election over is just another in their unintellectual, sleazy, and near hysterical attempt to defeat Trump at any cost. You know, although I have read and thought and written--wept and fasted wept and prayed--about Trump, without making a decision, it just occurred to me that I should trust the instincts of the media. If they are so uniformly terrified of a Trump victory--as they once were of a Goldwater victrory--I think I may take that as a reason to vote for Trump. With Trump in the White House, all the insiders of the political/media/crony/power elite would be out in the cold. All of them. Trump owes them nothing; and how do you think, if he beats them, he will care about their moaning? His enemies are telling us that he positions are terrifying them, which is why they discuss only gossip column stuff. The New York Times op-ed page has become the National Inquirer, with apologies to the National Inquirer. Well, almost all Trump's positions are anathema to huge establishment groups. He cares nothing for identity politics--THE big business of higher education, today. He dismisses Big Climate Alarmism in plain favor of more oil wells, more fracking. That is to attack the religion of the New Left and environmentalists. He says in education, he will spend money only on schools of choice, charter schools, and other non-public-school system options. That is death to the National Education Association, which is 100 percent for Hillary and desperate to keep the public school monopoly. He wants to cut corporate taxes to 15 percent fro 35 percent--a simple extremely powerful way to keep corporations in America or bring them back. In health, his chief ideas are to repeal Obama care and empower medical savings accounts and tax deduction. That sets back the huge socialized medicine contingent. And so it goes. If he wins without these hugely powerful, power-hungry, ruthless groups, they will be OUT for four years. Not to mention, as have others, that Hillary's list of what the Supreme Court must do is a menu of social programs and identity politics. She never mentioned the Constitution. In his answer, Trump mentioned only upholding the Constitution. Hey, folks, let the terror and viciousness of the anti-Trump forces guide you; they know he would be a disastrous setback for their plans.
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  • Posted by Ed75 7 years, 7 months ago
    As I read through the comments posted here, it is difficult to remain positive about the future of the country. One particular difficulty is that the negative comments regarding Trump seem to come mainly from the media. People who work for or have worked for him have nothing but positive things to say. His children all seem to be pretty well raised and intelligent. That is the only thing I can cite that did not originate from the media. I would like to see evidence supporting Trump's poor character from something other than the national media. Please!
    My gut feel is that Trump is sincere, courageous, and speaks a plain truth that many can support, which partially explains why his supporters are not diminished by the barrage of media inspired reporting.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    Most of the media, and most of the politicians in Washington are corrupt. Relying on either to tell it as it is, is a waste of time. Yes, there are a few honest journalists and politicians but they are the exception that proves the rule. Thus, we must rely almost entirely on ourselves, on our ability to research, and use our rationality to dig out the truth. Discussions with others who are sane and confident in their ability to reason such as many in the Gulch are helpful as well.
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  • Posted by walkabout97 7 years, 7 months ago
    I seem to remember that at about this time in that election Ronald W. Reagan was behind in the polls (behind James Earl Carter, the avowed worse President in history (until today)).
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 7 months ago
    We have to do the best we can. I think it is better
    to vote for Russian roulette than certain death, so
    there is still a choice between two.
    I have heard Mark Levin proposing some kind of
    "convention of states". At first I was against it,
    considering that a second Constitutional Con-
    vention would be a disaster, and might wipe out
    the Bill of Rights. But the way he explained it,
    it would not be a Constitutional Convention; it
    would be some kind of deal where separate a-
    mendments would be proposed separately, and
    so maybe it would be all right; and , who knows,
    maybe we could even get rid of #16.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 7 months ago
    When the pissing-matches are considered "debates" and when hardened criminals can be displayed on stage as heroes, what difference does it make who wins?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
    Unfortunately, Hannity is just another propagandist. He knows exactly who is deciding the election. It's obvious from the content and who was included in the debates. The election process is a circus, for manipulating the people and covering up that there is no ethical representation for the people in 21st century American feudalism.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
      I agree with your analysis of the election. I watched "road to the white house" that was done by cnn a few months ago, and it showed how pretty much all of the elections in the last 50 years at least were shams and basically won by campaign managers pulling dirty tricks.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 7 months ago
      NOt sure we have reached the feudal level of politics yet. I do think the the election of Hillary would see the end of any freedoms we have left. The first to go would be the First amendment, followed by the 2nd. Without these two the rest fall easily..
      See my comment on "When is the time to resist///" posted yesterday.
      I believe that the Election of Trump would slow the process, perhaps even reverse it for a small bit of time. I fear that this would give the people a false sense and that the progressive decline would set in again shortly after his terms were completed.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 7 months ago
        I agree with your assessment, mminnick, except I think the 2nd Amendment will be the first one truly crushed. PC already has the 1st under assault, but I expect it to hold on longer than the 2nd. Here's the scenario under a HRC presidency: She will select SCOTUS judges that hold the "Constitution is a living breathing document" point of view, meaning it can be reinterpreted to fit the times without having to amend it to change what it actually says. The final interpreters, of course, is SCOTUS and her appointed judges will interpret the "peoples right to keep and bear arms" clause to mesh with the preceding militia clause and the word "peoples" is referring to the state (the left has been pressing this interpretation for years). That is, it might SAY "peoples right to keep and bear arms", but it really means "state's right to bear arms" ending once and for all an individuals right to bear arms.

        Once that's established, reinterpreting quaint phrases like "We the People" to mean "We the State" is a simple trick. Then we the people are really screwed.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
        I am voting for Trump. He would slow things down, but not stop the road to socialism in the USA. The biggest problem with a hillary is that she will encourage laziness and a lack of motivation. THAT will make the country less great. Plus she will put more roadblocks in the way of people who would start new businesses, and favor the ones who contribute to her power and wealth.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
        I have faith in Trump's desire for power, which means I have no faith in anything that he promises unless it increases his power, which is the opposite of my desires. Fool me once ...
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        • Posted by 7 years, 7 months ago
          Hillary has demonstrated her Will to power. Witness her attempt to restructure the health care system in the early 90's as the First Lady. At this point I'll take a maybe over a clearly demonstrated power abuser.
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          • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
            Way back while BC was president, I pegged Hillary as a politically incorrect "vicious bitch". She just had that look about her. It was like she had a thin veneer of civility covering up a very evil person. Then in this election, all we see is the open mouthed wild smile of someone that we all should love. Unfortunately, its just another thin veneer in my opinion. I would love to be a fly on the wall in her office to see the REAL hillary come out when she didnt get her way on something.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
          As you know, I disagree with you on letting Hillary win the election. That will not be good for any of us, and will if anything accelerate the destruction of the country. If the destruction and rebirth was a short term thing, I might be more interested in "getting it over with" by electing hillary (sanders would be even better for that approach). BUT, the destruction will require the government tapping and wasting the wealth of the country, and that will take years and years (maybe 40). And then there is the rebirth- which would just be a regurgitation of what we have now unless the philosophy of a large percentage of the citizens was aligned with freedom principles. By the time that happens, I will surely be 6 ft under.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
      Sorry, it wasn't clear that I meant it was 'obvious from the content' of the debates, not content of Hannity's comments.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
        Those werent really "debates". They were mud slinging of anything she could dredge up on the part of Hillary in her two minutes. Then the other side would try to debunk what he could plus toss more mud back on her. Nothing really was learned at all in that exchange. The person with the most mud on them at the end was the LOSER. What a way to pick a CEO for a country !!!!
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