What is a LEPO?

Posted by Steven-Wells 7 years, 8 months ago to News
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Written speech and verbal speech are not the same. Presidential candidate Gary Johnson was questioned recently:
“What would you do if you were elected about a “LEPO”?
And what is a “LEPO”.

That’s what he heard. Listen to the question. That’s what I heard, too. Unlike Governor Johnson, I did recognize that the question was about the struggles at the Syrian hell-hole.
For someone who may not be familiar with Syrian geography or the whole country’s current atrocities, it’s hard to make sense of the verbal question.
In print, “What would you do if you were elected about “Aleppo”? would have been a lot clearer.

Okay, he’s not quite as familiar with that mess as he should be. But what would Stein, Trump, or Clinton provide as the magic answer to solve Syria? Anything better than Nobama’s “solution”? Lest we forget, that was to draw a spurious red line, and then go golfing.
The media is dancing on Governor Johnson’s head about this gaffe. That includes a smug commentator on a media show who derided Johnson for his ignorance about the Syrian capital. However, the capital is Damascus, not Aleppo, though both are currently hubs of horror.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiZf3WdNUCE

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