‘Best immigration speech we’ve ever seen’

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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“The tone was Trumpish as usual, but the substance was, I’d have to say, the best immigration speech we’ve ever seen from a major party presidential candidate,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “His speech was a welcome note of organization and a coordinated policy proposal.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/best-immig...
SOURCE URL: http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/best-immigration-speech-weve-ever-seen/

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago
    Just when they think they have him figured out....etc. Well Favorite alternative #2 has only his Town Hall whenever that is to save him from obscurity. Clinton is having health problems political and otherwise. The outsider is cruising right along on auto pilot with some few corrections from the GPS making all his detractors look Hillaryish in character. No answers except referring to that which never existed. Just something to disregard. Change horses in mid stream? Who do the Socialists have.

    Kerry? That boy is a target rich envirionment in one pair of socks. Delusion of grandeur but a bad memory unlike veterans.

    The best candidate Libertarians had Allison of BBBT. Not available. Why not? At 68 He's younger than me by some years and a decade younger than Hillarious. Trump will snap him up for sure on this economic mess the left (Including the Repubillicans) got us into Stan. It was Ollie that said the original quote.

    The Republican Party. Kind of hard to do it now but they are, as a party, a candidate fighting for their last breath of air. Got a feeling if Trump wins the leadership will be hunting new jobs. A lot of deserving people will get the chance to move into newly vacant jobs. What Me Worry? They didn't worry about us.

    Democrat Party killed itself when they announced the change to Socialist Party. But then they started as the Democratic Socialist Labor party except in Minnesota where it was Farm-Labor. Let's see what does National Democratic Socialist Labor Party remind us of and bingo. An accurate description.

    Wave of the future. Want to run for office at a high level. Previous political experience is cause for rejection.

    Easiest way to balance the budget and start paying off the debt instead of adding to it. 30% cut in positions and budget. That would be this years budget not next years budget increases. Marvelous number - about equal to the number really laid off when the government doesn't really shut down.

    Late night poll numbers

    Election 2016 ClintonTrump Spread
    RCP Poll Average 46.0 42.1 Clinton +3.9Trending Down
    4-Way RCP Average 41.4 38.2 Clinton +3.2 Trending Down

    Clinton Trump Johnson Stein
    RCP Average 8/22 - 9/1 -- 41.4 38.2 7.8 3.1 Clinton +3.2

    Trump now ahead in five states up from yesterday evening.

    Question is: How many will stay at home rather than vote for Clinton or Trump. Looks like Clinton is the odds on favorite to take another dip.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 9 months ago
      Some time ago it was predicted that this would go down like...40.40.20 with no one getting 270...boy, sure looks, so far, like the way it will go.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago
        Barring a major change or screw up it's more likely to be 55 40 07 03 as Clinton continues to drag herself and the Socialist Party down.

        Most likely event. Hillary's heart condition moves her running mate into the top spot. Is that possible can they not pick another. First question. Who? Second Question: What are the legal procedures? Parties get to pick their own candidates in the primaries. Third Question Is there a procedure to stop and start over? No. Read your Citizens Handbook. It's called the Constitution.

        Most likely answer ? "Electors will meet in their own States." Would that be the electors for a no longer a candidate? Who they vote for has always been their choice.
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