
Oh Money Paid Me Hummmmm. Picking Scabs. A Look Inside The Navel Of The Left Part II The Price of Trusting Hillary

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago to News
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theamericanmirror.com The-top-five-most-racist-presidents-in-american-history Is the primary source. [These brackets denote posters comment.]

http://www.theamericanmirror.com/the-... tested and works.

"The most celebrated Democratic presidents are also – by far – the most race-obsessed. These American presidents care much less about content of character than they do about melanin levels.Whether their obsession is how black Americans can help launch the Democrats into power, such as in the case of Lyndon B. Johnson; or if the disdain for the “other” is really just straight-up racism, such as in the case of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the common thread – of progressivism – remains.

5.) Lyndon B. Johnson - Several particularly egregious and racist quotes have been attributed to LBJ. As observed at the Huffington Post, LBJ said in 1948 that President Truman’s civil rights proposal…is a farce and a sham…I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill … I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.

So why was LBJ for Republican-passed civil rights legislation in 1964 (a watered-down version of the 1957 civil rights legislation under Eisenhower), but against it in 1948? Just like President Obama, LBJ was evidently not concerned about the plight of black Americans but rather about the continuation of a progressive agenda. Consider that LBJ’s failed “$20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty” known as the Orwellian-sounding “great society” program has been the single greatest contributor of the breakdown of black families in America.
- Business Insider: There is more drug addiction, social and family breakdown..than when the Great Society was launched.
- LBJ pushed ahead with his “great society” program “which gave rise to Medicaid, Head Start and a broad range of other federal anti-poverty programs,” declaring that “negroes” are “getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppitynes..”and claimed further his efforts would secure the vote of the “nig*ers” for “200 years.
-2013 Washington Post. Department of Labor report ‘The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,’ which was highly controversial and widely criticized at the time, the new Urban Institute study found that the alarming statistics in the report back then ‘have only grown worse, not only for blacks, but for whites and Hispanics as well.’”

4.) Bill Clinton [Gave one speech promoting Civil Rights] In 1992, Bill Clinton told the New York Times that it was a “mistake” for him to golf at an all-white country club and for good measure, further accused then-President George H.W. Bush and Republicans “of dividing the country racially.”

When Bill Clinton selected global warming fear monger Al Gore as his Vice President, it clearly did not bother him that Gore’s dad walked “arm-in-arm with other segregationist Democrats to kill the Civil Rights act of 1964.” It further did not occur to Bill Clinton to distance himself from “notorious segregationist,” racist, pro-communist, and anti-Semitic “mentor” former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright, who “was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race.”
- As an aside, the famous Fulbright fellowship has been recently renamed to the “J. William Fulbright – Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship.”
- The Southern Manifesto, as an aside, “was signed by 101 members of the U.S. Congress, including 19 senators and 82 members of the House of Representatives. Ninety-nine of them were Democrats.”
- As reported at National Review, Bill Clinton was among “three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965″ for suppressing the black vote. Quoting the Arkansas Gazette from December 6, 1989, the article continues: “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks…the evidence at the trial was indeed overwhelming that the Voting Rights Act had been violated…”
- During his 12-year tenure, Governor Clinton never approved a state civil-rights law. However, he did issue birthday proclamations honoring Confederate leaders Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. He also signed Act 116 in 1987. That statute reconfirmed that the star directly above the word “Arkansas” in the state flag “is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.” Arkansas also observed Confederate Flag Day every year Clinton served…
- According to the book Game Change, as reported in an article at the NY Daily News, Bill Clinton was hoping for the late Ted Kennedy’s endorsement for his wife Hillary as President but Kennedy threw his support behind Obama, prompting Clinton to say, “the only reason you are endorsing him is because he’s black. Let’s just be clear.” Clinton allegedly added. A few years ago, this guy would be getting us coffee.

3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR spoke at the 1924 Democrat National Convention, also known as the “Klanbake” for the “heavy representation of Ku Klux Klan-friendly delegates,” as reported at the Wall Street Journal. According to Digital History, after the Klanbake, “some 20,000 Klan supporters wearing hoods and robes held a picnic in New Jersey…”
-Roosevelt appointed “confidant” James Byrnes to the Supreme Court, who was so powerful that he was known as the “assistant president on the home front” and who “believed in racial segregation…and worked to defeat anti-lynching bills introduced in Congress.”
- Despite the fact that Byrnes was not elected by the people, FDR “assigned Byrnes more powers than ever held by a public official.”
- FDR appointed prominent Ku Klux Klan member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Black’s involvement in the KKK was confirmed by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette journalist Ray Sprigle, a journalist who won a “Pulitzer Prize for Reporting” for his exposé Hugo-Black via Liberty Unyielding. As reported at Liberty Unyielding, the revelation was a massive scandal at the time.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt additionally refused to meet with black Olympian Jesse Owens. As reported at the Daily Mail:
- President Franklin Roosevelt never congratulated or invited him to the White House. ‘Hitler didn’t snub me – FDR snubbed me,’ Owens said.
- But all of the above offenses pale in comparison to Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which “authorized the internment of tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan.” Some Germans and Italians were also interned. Expressing about his position on German and Italian Americans during World War II, Roosevelt stated “I don’t care so much about the Italians, they are a lot of opera singers, but the Germans are different. They may be dangerous.”

In 1945, speaking of a Japanese soldier who lost his life defending America, then-Captain Ronald Reagan said,"Blood soaked into the sand of a beach is all one color. America stands unique in the world, the only country not founded on race, but on a way, an ideal." The Japanese faced discrimination even after they returned home
Not surprisingly, FDR’s Supreme Court, later found the civil rights horror to be Constitutional.

2.) Woodrow Wilson continues in Part III

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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
    Comment Number ONE of this post. Say thanks to Hillery I thought Andrew Johnson was going to be on the list but he's tied it together with the 1898 and later Progressive Socialist Movement in which all the five ae prominent supporters and leaders. So - almost over I'm wondering how the left feels and what Hillary is concealing or protecting that is so important she would use this particular scab to expose her friends and supporters in her own party and it's continuing racist anti civil rights activities. Think not. Prepare to be thoroughly embarassed. In three parts it barely sxratches the surface and it' only one topic she used to sacrifice you and save her (what's another word for donkey?)

    If you don't understand this read Part One They all start with Hillery's Mantra. Oohhhh Money Paid Me Hummmmmmmm.
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