Neelie KROES Calls out the EU for Being anti-tech/inovation

Posted by FlukeMan2 10 years, 3 months ago to Technology
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This is a great statement by Neelie Kroes about Über, innovation, and Europe. Do read it all.

A few snippets:

"Whether it is about cabs, accommodation, music, flights, the news or whatever. The fact is that digital technology is changing many aspects of our lives. We cannot address these challenges by ignoring them, by going on strike, or by trying to ban these innovations out of existence."

"...the rest of us cannot hide in a cave."

"More generally, the job of the law is not to lie to you and tell you that everything will always be comfortable or that tomorrow will be the same as today. It won’t. Not only that, it will be worse for you and your children if we pretend we don’t have to change. If we don’t think together about how to benefit from these changes and these new technologies, we will all suffer."

"If I have learnt anything from the recent European elections it is that we get nowhere in Europe by running away from hard truths. It’s time to face facts: digital innovations like taxi apps are here to stay. We need to work with them not against them."

Keep in mind that she doesn't use the word "producers" to mean entrepreneurs and hard workers like we do. This is clear in how she talks about more support of entrepreneurs but less support of "producers." I think that when she says "producers" she means established/incumbent businesses/workers.

What do you all think? What did she get right? Why? What did she get wrong? Why?

All Comments

  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I am a big fan of Uber. But this is ultimately about control over internet businesses. Currently, if laws crop up banning private taxi services, there is no real way for law enforcement to keep up. So the more the city licensed businesses complain, she fears they miss out on revenue and control measures. Allowing them to operate legally gives govt more control. How is it that you do not question the real intent of her article? Have you an overall positive relationship with the EU?
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  • Posted by shivas 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I don't know anything about Neelie Kroes, but if she or any other government come to any kind of accommodation with whoever is having the issue here, it will end up being a protectionist racket trading votes for financial and legislative support just like the alliance between the Dems and the labor unions.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Any disruption in an industry starts without govt control. She ultimately wants to control it in the govt sense. Taxation and regulation. She wants populace support for that end game. Nothing more
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  • Posted by 10 years, 3 months ago
    By the way she talks about a "sharing economy" which sounds like a communist's wet dream. It's nothing of the sort. Basically a sharing economy recognizes every person's potential and right to trade value for value (hopefully without tons of government intervention). It's also very much about renting things and services. The following videos give a few examples of when the term applies. I don't think "sharing" is the best word to describe this. Perhaps something like "renting/service economy" would be a better term.

    "Sharing Economy": Trend Overview (Talkinar promo version)

    The Sharing Economy Can Make You Big Bucks
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