This makes Four! FBI on Campaign Commitee, DNC itself, Clinton Foundation and Hillary's emails still in open status?. Will Chelsea Do Dah Do Run Run or Doo Dah Debbie Dive for Papa Ooh Momma Mow?

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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EmailGate file still open
Clinton Foundation by IRS
DNC on hacking by FBI
Clinton Campaign on hacking by FBI
committee for being hacked . My Comment in comments.

Third Day when will it stop. Here's investigation #3 Clinton Campaign Committee now investigated for being hacked. See third comment

Back to business starting three days ago.

(Note - that the FBI did not clear her of the email charges and the new one's are available for any investigator to continue. The investigation was passed to the Justice Department. Lynch intercepted and sent back with no comment. FBI did nothing further. But then indictments are not up to them. Here's Mr. Shaw.)

Uh oh. IRS launches investigation into Clinton Foundation at awkward time

posted at 10:41 am on July 27, 2016 by Jazz Shaw

It seems odd that I haven’t seen a single mention of this story in all of the cable news coverage this morning. While everyone focuses on the historic nature of Hillary Clinton’s nomination to be the next President of the United States, there are daily body blows coming to the Clintons in less observed sectors of the media. The latest shoe to drop is the fact that the IRS has responded to complaints made to a number of federal agencies and will open an investigation into the the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation over allegations that the organization is a corrupt, pay-to-play outfit disguised as a charity. (Daily Caller News Foundation)

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges of corrupt Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities to his tax agency’s exempt operations office for investigation, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption” was made in a by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is “lawless.”

The initiative is being led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican who serves as the vice chairwoman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees FTC. The FTC regulates public charities alongside the IRS.

The lawmakers charged the Clinton Foundation is a “lawless ‘pay-to-play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated.”

The timing of this next phase of the ongoing investigation into the affairs of the Clintons could hardly come at a worse time. It’s dropping like the toad at the garden party, just as Hillary Clinton puts the finishing touches on her acceptance speech for the convention tomorrow night. But there’s another aspect to this story which doesn’t credibly seem coincidental. It was only this week that Wikileaks announced that the next batch of emails will be arriving shortly and this time, rather than dealing with the DNC, they will come from the aforementioned Clinton Foundation, among other sources.

How damaging could it be? I have my doubts about the claims made by Julian Assange that these revelations will land Clinton in jail (though who knows?) but the potential subject matter could be crippling politically. It’s already known that there has been billions of dollars changing hands through the Clinton Foundation for years and a lot of it comes from the homes of some fairly unsavory characters on the international stage, some of them also having business before the US government. Too many revelations along those lines could put an end to Clinton’s White House dreams.

In the meantime we’ll no doubt be learning a lot more about the money changers at the Clinton Foundation and their relationship with the tax man. Stay tuned and keep the popcorn popper on standby." article ends

As what's his face just said anything is possible. Congress picking the President is very possible. The Two liberarian candidates could get an award if that happens and it keeps Hillary out.

But what of poor Chelsea. As I recall doesn't she actually run the Clinton Foundationi?

See below for #2 and #3 Does her inability to remind you of rain that never stops pouring? Just reporting the startus may need a book!

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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
    So II wondered a day later when hearing about the DNC and Campaign Committee being hacked ....

    DID Hillary sell them her EmailGate Server or let them use it on loan?
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