Who is John Galt? Post-It Note Challenge

Posted by awebb 9 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: Promotions
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Want the World to know about Atlas Shrugged? Wish you could spray paint “Who is John Galt?” everywhere but you're unsure about the prospect of going to jail for vandalism?

No problem.

Help us achieve our goal of plastering the country with 1,000,000 Who is John Galt? post-it notes before September 2nd.

That's right... ONE MILLION.

While we're at it, one lucky post-it graffiti artist is going to win big. Post-it, snap it, share it, and you might just find yourself at the ASP3 World Premiere.

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1. Order your free pack of 150 “Who is John Galt?” Post-it notes (just pay shipping) from: http://store.atlasshruggedmovie.com/atla...

2. Post your new WIJG post-its in public places like...
- Gas Station Pumps
- Restaurants
- Public Restrooms
- Grocery Stores
- Movie Theaters
- Coffee Shops
- Hotels
- … and anywhere else someone might see it later.

3. Snap a picture of your new graffiti (make sure to be far enough away from the post-it that we see can the public environment).

4. Once you’ve covered your corner of the world, it’s time to show off your handiwork. Share the picture on your Facebook wall, Twitter feed, or in Galt’s Gulch using the hashtag #JohnGalt2014.

5. (Optional) Email us a link to your post at: mailto:iamjohngalt@atlasshruggedmovie.com

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One of you grafitti artists is going to win 2 tickets to the Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? World Premiere this September. Submit as many photos as you like; each photo of a Post-it in a public place shared with the hashtag #JohnGalt2014 counts as one entry. The more pictures you share, the more chances you have of winning.


Get your Post-its now: http://store.atlasshruggedmovie.com/atla...

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All submissions due by September 1st. The winner will be announced September 2nd. Winner is responsible for all travel costs (airfare, hotel, food, etc.). By submitting an entry to this contest you agree to the Galt’s Gulch Online terms and conditions, contest rules ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1808... ) and give Atlas Productions, and all of its affiliates, permission to use your submission in any and all promotional material. Read Galt's Gulch Online terms and conditions here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/terms

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  • Posted by mspalding 9 years, 9 months ago
    So I ordered and received my post its. They are well done and I believe they would raise awareness of the movie. But I haven't posted any. This seems like a violation of property rights. It's like putting up a poster for your band on the window of a store. You would ask. People paid money to generate traffic to their store and now you are using that to your own ends. I think I'll limit my postings to places I ask and government buildings.
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  • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 10 months ago
    I think a stencil would be nice. Much more durable, very fast to "leave the tag", and there are plenty of graffiti-covered walls that could use a rational touch. If you're afraid of going to jail, that just means you're sane in these times. I haven't seen anyone in this area "sent up" for graffiti--ever.

    I'm not talking about damaging private property. I refer to abandoned buildings, any road infrastructure (which taxpayers paid for, remember), municipal/state/federal buildings (ditto)--the last could benefit especially from the message.
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  • Posted by andyhill1272 9 years, 9 months ago
    I understand your desire for adding value to a 50 cent stack of post-it notes. But if you think I don't value my own hard work enough to use a pen and said post-its if I wish to pass on this message, you obviously did not understand, or care to, the message intended from the literature. Maybe the govmnt can give us some money for your fancy notes...ANGRY AT YOU...
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  • Posted by WaltMaken 9 years, 11 months ago
    Thursday, June 12, 2014
    I've already ordered the Post Its and am looking forward to helping get the word out. I do have a suggestion concerning the Submission terms, specifically the "Winner is responsible for all travel costs (airfare, hotel, food, etc.)" part. I suggest that you rethink that, and instead of burdening the winner with those expenses, that you take care of all of those expenses for the winner of the 2 tickets. On the one hand, the label of "mooch" and/or "moocher" has been used to intimidate Ayn Rand enthusiasts into becoming a regular "donor" . On the other hand, wanting to benefit from all of us placing the Post Its all over America without at least taking care of all of those expenses for the winner of the 2 tickets comes across as a huge mooch and incongruity. Those of us who are long time Atlas Shrugged fans are happy to help out with getting the pre-release interest built up, but at the least, the winner should have those expenses taken care of instead of being burdened with them. Burdening the "winner" with those expenses seems to make such a "winner" a loser in reality. Kinda reminds me of the essence of what it means to be a "winner" in the Bobby Bare song that you can hear at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JrlbzXK... . Taking care of all of those expenses for the winner of the two tickets would seem to be but a drop in the bucket compared to the promotional value that you'll be gaining from all of us seeding the Post Its across America.
    Please reconsider.
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      Posted by Kath 9 years, 11 months ago
      I am in but I understand it is more free advertising for a movie. This site is also publicity for the movies and they try to use guilt to make you pay money to post things on this marketing site. Who is the moocher, again?
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      • 11
        Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
        What do you mean "make you pay money to post things on this marketing site"? No one is forced to pay money to contribute to the Gulch. In fact, we don't force anyone to do anything. This is a value for value proposition. If you don't want to participate (you don't see the value in it) then that's okay.

        In addition, I don't consider the Gulch a marketing site. It's a place for like minded individuals to get together and discuss stuff. A huge portion of the items posted on this site have nothing to do with the movie or marketing for the movie.

        However, we do have Galt's Gulch Producers who pay $3.95 a month for this status. We appreciate their money and use it to maintain this site and other Atlas properties. In return, we try to provide them value in the form of exclusive media (like special video clips and behind-the-scenes photos), contests, and opportunities. Again, no one is forced to do this. It's a value for value thing. If a Producer doesn't see the value he or she is free to change their account status at any time.
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