Eric Schneiderman, Maura Healey subpoenaed over prosecuting climate change skeptics

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 10 months ago to Government
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So when does "a Democrat-led coalition of 17 attorneys general working with environmental groups to pursue fossil fuel companies, starting with ExxonMobil, as well as academics and free market think tanks, for possible fraud for challenging the catastrophic climate change narrative." not equal a case of criminal conspiracy? If it was JUST the AG's, maybe a leagal investigation could be supported, but when you all band together to harass companies and scientists who disagree with your party line, I would say they are committing criminal conspiracy. Never seems to matters when looters want to have their way though...Soon they will be chasing conservative groups, let along readers of Ayn Rand. Oh wait..the IRS already did that...

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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 10 months ago
    AGW is a political movement and not a scientific one. When a powerful political entity is threatened it will bring what ever force necessary to eliminate the threat. Real scientists welcome opposing points of view and theories because reality is never threatened by opinions. Science is strengthened by challenge and weakened by consensus. With politics it's the other way around.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 10 months ago
    Where are the supporters of American co.s and their right to conduct research.

    If they want to go after fraud the ACA scam looting the producers,the workers in this land.
    BTW if I sold my clients the way Barry Husein Obama did I would be sued I would be fined I would lose my license and that would be justified.
    The American public now accepts blatant lies by
    Politicians as normal and OK.
    The left wants to stifle sound research because it is the only defense for their evil destructive agenda. I say FOF.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      There you go, summed up nicely. It also shows the extreme difficulty of doing business when rules are rules only for specific groups. The current regimes use of the rules to manipulate things is a primary reason for no confidence. Not to mention they lack any redeeming ethical qualities.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 10 months ago
    You are looking into the rising tide of American Fascism from the left. It is neither benign nor intelligent but to the contrary, it is anti-human, anti-freedom and yes, anti American! Scheiderman, the IRS and a host of other elected and non elected officials along with a growing cadre of Not for profits and their fellow travellers are pushing this garbage forward. This definitely is NOT the America of our fathers!
    are implementing the the "1984" of George Orwell and "Brave New World" of Aldus Huxley. Need anymore be said about this sorry state of affairs?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 10 months ago
    This goes against so much Constitutionally, morally, and ethically, that it makes me dizzy. The people doing this fear opposing viewpoints so much that they are willing to subjugate almost every moral principle in order to get their way. Disgusting.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 10 months ago
    These lefties have been scamming and smearing their opponents for years, and the media has turned away from seeing it. But now they're trying to make dissent a crime. This will backfire badly. If we can get the right administration it might even lay the AGs themselves -- and those backing them, including Mr. Soros -- open to a RICO prosecution and the forfeiture of their fortunes.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 10 months ago
    It is interesting that the 'climate change' crowd likes to point at the last 150 years and claim that it has gone awry since that point. They fail to point out that the environment and the weather have never been constant. Their concern about how the polar bears will eat seems sensitive and touching until someone asks where did they eat 10,000 years ago because if we decide that 150 years ago is the zero point we miss the fact that the north polar sea never melted during the last ice age and there were ice sheets a mile thick extending into the northern parts of what would be known one day as America. The Australian Great Barrier Reef didn't exist because the seas were 300 feet lower. Some islands in the Indian Ocean are barely a meter above water and may be submerged one day, but previously they were 300 feet out of the water. What about Pangea? If we are seriously concerned about the earth we need to push the continents back together because what we have now is all wrong!!
    The earth goes through changes and life is vastly different now than any time period you may choose to compare it to. Humans more than any other animal are able to be aware and learn to cope with or perhaps even control our environment. We are also able to view the consequences of our adaptations and work with making them less impacting and free market systems always seeks to do just that without being told. The free market does more to protect the earth than any other system. When JD Rockefeller learned how to make and market kerosene he accidentally did more to save the whales than any Green Peace Earth lover ever did. When he learned they were throwing away the byproduct gasoline he decided they had to find a way to use this product that was polluting the rivers. The unintended consequences of free market is to constantly find solutions to problems. The unintended consequence of tyranny is to cause problems by pretending they have answers and using violence to make others behave in line with their beliefs. No company focused solely on making profits wants to spill billions of dollars of crude into the ocean even if they don't care about the environment. When Mount Pinatubo exploded in the Philippines National Geographic scientists all agreed that it had put more co2 into the air than the last 150 years of human activity. I am aware that at first the amount of sulfur dioxide it sent into the atmosphere can reflect sunlight reducing the temperature of the atmosphere then it precipitates out of the air quickly compared to the co2. If humans have caused a spike in global temperatures there should have been one immediately after that, there wasn't.
    The motive of some in the 'green' movement may be to save or protect the planet, the movements financiers are only interested in an excuse to control human behavior through regulation and if necessary the use of violence. This is a matter of those who 'feel good' about their behavior and want to inflict it on the rest of humanity.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      It is obvious when you start looking at the mass of theories and data that there is a window of mush knowledge for the last 30-50 thousand years. The last 150 mean nothing in the big picture, but I think this is all about control and manipulation, and has nothing to do with truth.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 10 months ago
    These Climate Change idiots should be watching the Science Channel on cable or satellite TV. there has been a series of programs about our Sun and how it effects the Earth besides other planets. Most of the astronomers and planetary physicist that are on these shows say that there is a direct correlation between the sun and earth's climate. There are some of these experts saying that the warming is an indication of a soon coming Ice Age. Alot of there research is base on ice cores from around the world and historical weather accounts. All this combined with the Earth's wobbly orbit contributes to Earth's weather and not humans. But, they leave the human's out of what they say on the program yet is inferred.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 10 months ago
    The "Brain" only creatures just have to make it up as they go...they have no mind for anything constructive.
    Now "Their" speech might be considered falsely yelling FIRE in a crowded theater and therefore subject to a counter suit...I would expect. Especially when it's Not warming and the changes in climate are Not man made leading people, countries and civilization as a whole to not prepare for crop failures and colder temperatures...Oh,let's not forget the "Solar Panel" scam...ain't gona do any good when it's cloudy most days...
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 10 months ago
    What do you expect in this country where people
    have been conned into going to college, where
    they learn not to believe in absolutes (including the
    reality of the individual human being), and to be-
    come totalitarian statists?
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