Eric Schneiderman, Maura Healey subpoenaed over prosecuting climate change skeptics

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 10 months ago to Government
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So when does "a Democrat-led coalition of 17 attorneys general working with environmental groups to pursue fossil fuel companies, starting with ExxonMobil, as well as academics and free market think tanks, for possible fraud for challenging the catastrophic climate change narrative." not equal a case of criminal conspiracy? If it was JUST the AG's, maybe a leagal investigation could be supported, but when you all band together to harass companies and scientists who disagree with your party line, I would say they are committing criminal conspiracy. Never seems to matters when looters want to have their way though...Soon they will be chasing conservative groups, let along readers of Ayn Rand. Oh wait..the IRS already did that...

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