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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years ago
    Stephen Moore, occasionally someone who appears on either FoxNews or Glenn Beck, writes an article in the link at the top of this post that I could not have written better myself. This is definitely a worthwhile read.
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  • Posted by edweaver 10 years ago
    Great Article! As a small business owner, I find it very difficult to be driven to do any more than just get by. While failure is not an option, success turns to failure because of our tax system. The harder we work the more they take. Currently reading "The Golden Pinnacle" and found myself getting excited to produce again, only to realize that it is not worth it. Shrugging!
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  • Posted by Esceptico 10 years ago
    Indeed an excellent article and much better than most from Heritage Foundation. I’m surprised they mentioned Rand due to the normal thumping of the bible drum I found to be a characteristic embedded in their writings.
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years ago
      You would be surprised at how Atlas Shrugged dovetails with the Bible. I studied Biblical philosophy and prophecy for 10+ years before cracking open and devouring both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

      Ayn brought the Bible alive to me and I am eternally grateful to this amazing prophetess. Real Christians can figure it out. They are highly abstract individuals.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
        teri, I have found that the absolutely crucial
        separation which most "religious morality" must
        achieve -- supposedly including 85% of the voting
        public -- is the separation of charity from
        government. that is, IF we demanded that our
        government get out of the "social welfare"
        business, as "leaving what's Caesar's to Caesar"
        must really have meant, many things would be
        instantly fixed.

        the various forms of welfare, plus the commerce
        clause, belong to the private sector, not Caesar.

        IMHO.-- j

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        • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years ago
          You are completely correct.
          The Catholic Church (which I wasn't raised in) is rather fond of the Government doing its job for them. That will lead to the collapse of this country.
          Our Founding Fathers wanted a separation of church and state because that particular union had caused such incredible havoc in the lives of individuals in England and abroad.
          They were unable to abstract further to the level of understanding that it is actually the centralized union of money, prestige and power that lead to loss of individual freedom.
 must be human nature because Washington, DC IS that union ... and we are so "screwed".
          Thanks and best wishes.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years ago
    Very good article and right on target. The president has brought religion into the oval office. His friendliness to the moslem world has made it obvious that he is a closet one of them. If you check on You Tube there is a video being interview with the president expressing his love of Islam. That why he released the Taliban 5.
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  • Posted by RevJay4 10 years ago
    What I have thought for quite some time, But, especially, after the first election of the dear leader. Watching it all happen in what is left of my lifetime. Disturbing to this old vet.
    Great article.
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  • Posted by Fountainhead24 10 years ago
    I don't think there will ever be enough Americans, especially enough American politicians, to change the system as it currently stands, at least not until we actually do experience economic destruction. Any system that rewards greed and taxes productivity (or ships it overseas) is destined to fail.
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  • Posted by BradA 10 years ago
    Thanks for the link to his column. I just added my thoughts to his comments ...
    Atlas Shrugged has been creeping into our reality for many years with the same unfortunate results as in the fictional world. I invite the other producers, who are certainly the ones most likely to be reading this column, to take the real world jump a step further and join the strike. I used to be a tech entrepreneur but after years of California (and the Feds) seeing fit to take more than 60% of what I produced / earned, I simply stop producing. I retreated to running a business an order of magnitude smaller than my previous ventures. But now that the moochers are extending their reach yet again, between regulations, minimum wage increases and Obamacare, I am planning to exit even this minuscule corner of the economy. I will not contribute to a society that values those contributions only in their taking. Who will join me?
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
    I didn't think that anyone in L.A. had the sense to
    write such an article!

    and, since I intend to copy-paste it into Word, I left
    the first instance of this post "up" in my browser,
    and cranked up another to write this note.

    I found out something:: if you want to vote
    someone up, again, all you have to do is to
    go back and click on the little blue title, again,
    in the "daily digest" listing, and there it is --
    another virgin thumbs-up, staring right at you!!! -- j

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  • Posted by sfdi1947 10 years ago
    For lack of a better word, Obama is a Progressive Socialist, and like most optically and ethically deprived thieves, he sees the glass as half full and thinks he is God's gift to humankind.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    thank you for posting this article. my observation of government and here I am sure I am not alone is that the people actively working for government come up with laws bills programs that they think will be beneficial and when they find out that these actions do not work as they believed in, in the first place they don't scrap them but come up with solutions that don't work so they come up with more solutions and so on. he says that parents should educate their kids and have AS as required reading. that would be good if the parents had read the book in the first place. how about those who walk the halls of congress reading it as well before they were elected, that will never happen. in his second paragraph he notes that in AS society is driven to the brink of collapse as a result of the government intrusion etc., and he is correct we are on the brink. for those who have hope of a change, think again.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years ago
    The present government of the United States lacks only one thing to be the perfect analog of the Thompson administration in AS: Project X. I find no credible equivalent of Project X in any government project of which I am aware.

    But those in the "Patriot" circles in which I occasionally move, have identified two possible candidates. They are:

    "Chemtrails," and


    I have found someone who blames the Japan Earthquake on HAARP. At least, he suggested someone projected high-frequency ultrasound onto the ocean floor. Just enough. Just enough to trigger and earthquake, if aimed at just the right place. And what better place than along the Ring of Fire.
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years ago
      Perhaps the NSA spying is "Project X"? Sound waves have been replaced by lawyers...?
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      • Posted by 10 years ago
        probably don't much need a project X when we are living in a country that supplies drone use to local police along with assault rifles, body armor and armored personnel carriers. Project X made for a good story, armored faceless thugs flash banging your kids before smashing the doors in means we have gone past the Thompson administration and have already started using terror..
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        • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years ago
          Yes. Very good point.
          Have you ever seen the movie IDIOCRACY?
          I often wonder if that level of control will be coupled with that level of stupidly ... ?
          Those of us in the Gulch can only hope!
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          • Posted by $ Genez 10 years ago
            Yes! I warn people, it's very vulgar, but also pretty funny. The best part is the beginning where we see the exponential increase in the number of "idiots" while the smart people don't reproduce. My parents had 4 kids and I had 5, in part, to combat the rise of idiocy in the world. My siblings are having their share as well.. Unfortunately we (and those on the Gulch and other intelligent forums), are still vastly outnumbered.. and I fear that IDIOCRACY is in many ways quite prophetic...
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    • Posted by $ katrinam41 10 years ago
      This is the opening paragraph of a book I ahve been working on for 10 years. It is almost complete; barring complications with my hubby's Alzheimer's, I hope to have it ready for Kindle in the next 3 months. the point is, I totally agree that this one could be Project X. H.A.A.R.P-- According to the blurb on their website, the acronym stands for “High- frequency Active Auroral Research Program. What an innocuous sounding title for a program that shoots high frequency microwaves at our ionosphere to see what happens. And just what might happen? The aim, so to speak, is to use this array for earth tomography—to scan the earth in search of hidden, underground enemy sites and submerged nuclear missile boats. The rumor is that these intrepid scientists would also like to find out if they can transmit electric power without the use of cumbersome wires; is it possible to disrupt global communications as well? They want to know. One more little thing of interest to the research team---might it be possible to disrupt the weather patterns by shifting the jet stream? What they don’t know is how it might impact life on earth…
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