11 Million Illegals Pay $11.6 Billion in Taxes so - We're All Good, Right?

Posted by Wanderer 7 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Last month the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report stating as fact each of the 11 million illegals the Obama Administration says is in the US pays, on average, $1,050 in income, excise and sales taxes each year so, (in a paragraph spilling over with moralisms and shaming) they're a net positive to the economy. Shazam! (as Gomer used to say).

National Public Radio says on average we spend $10,615 per year educating each public school student. The PEW Center says 6.9% of all K-12 public school students are children of illegal aliens. The Department of Education says there are 50.1 million K-12 public school students.

Blue Cross says the average emergency room visit costs $1,233. How many illegal aliens visit emergency rooms each year? We don't know because the Administration won't tell us however, the American College of Emergency Room Physicians unwittingly or, perhaps wittingly told us: "Many hospitals are concerned that the U.S. government will cut money — about $20 billion annually — used to pay for emergency care for undocumented immigrants — mostly in poor urban and rural areas. The health care law will eventually cut that money by half because of the anticipation that fewer people will lack insurance after the law is implemented. " http://newsroom.acep.org/fact_sheets?...

The Vera Institute says the average (39 state) annual cost of incarcerating a prisoner is $31,286 and, while the Department of Homeland Security hasn't made illegal alien prisoner statistics available for most of the current Administration's tenure, in 2010 the DHS said the average illegal alien population in State and County prisons and jails exceeded 300,000 and, exceeded 73,000 in Federal prisons. (Estimates from Bush Administration years had the illegal alien prisoner population as much as 100,000 higher.)

Multiply the number of children of illegal aliens in the public schools (3,457,000) by the average cost per student ($10,615) and you get $36.7 billion.

Multiply the minimum number of illegal aliens in prison (373,000) by the average annual cost ($31,286) and you get $11.7 billion.

Accept the ACERP estimate of Federal payouts for emergency room care (not state or local or uncompensated care) for illegal aliens and you get at least $20 billion.

Add together just these three ways in which illegal aliens burden us and you get a total of $68.4 billion.

So, per head, illegal aliens pay us $1,050 in all forms of Federal, state and local income, excise and sales taxes of all kinds and in return we pay $6,218 in costs for each of them.

Each illegal cost us almost 6 times as much as they pay in taxes. And you wondered why border states were so upset about illegal immigration and, in case you wondered why immigration produced such a boost for Trump, now you know. These are things to which common people are exposed and of which they're aware. When the Oklahoma Legislature passed the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act in 2007, making it a crime to employ or offer housing to illegal aliens, several schools in the Tulsa Public School system lost over 48% of their students. The city promptly declared itself a sanctuary city and they all came back. 48% of Tulsa's school taxes are being absorbed by the children of illegal aliens. Oklahoma's public schools rank 49th out of 50 in student performance and Tulsa's public schools rank lowest in the state. Do you imagine the flood of illegal immigrants that has poured into Tulsa in the past decade hasn't hurt the education received by the children of legal, taxpaying citizens?

I realize many of you are philosophically no-borders people but, unless you're complete fools you also realize Ayn Rand expected people to pull their weight so, in our less than ideal world, no-borders can't work.
SOURCE URL: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/undocumented-immigrants-pay-billions-in-taxes--study-210135662.html

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