Afterthoughts on Recent God Post

Posted by cksawyer 7 years, 11 months ago to Philosophy
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The recent discussion around religion, God, spirituality and Rational Philosophy was extraordinarily thought-provoking for me. Thank you to all who participated.

I have given much thought over the last 25 years to reconciling the meaningful and practical spiritality I choose to make of central importance in my life with my deep grounding in Objectivism and related thought.

Inspired by the recent discussion I have made and attempt to streamline and essentialize the framework I have come to (as of today...ever-evolving).

I want to share it here, and humbly request response, feedback, support and challenge. I believe it contains some good quality thinking. You tell me:


At any rate, how to streamline and essentialize this...? Ok, I define God as capital R Reality, as a whole in it largest all-inclusive sense. All-that-is. Not each part, process and subset thereof, but EVERY part, process and subset thereof, taken as the single fundamental greatest Unity.

In my spiritual practices (everything I do to build, maintain and grow my relationship with God = my spirituality), I consider 2 aspects of God.

One is what I call Presence, which is the very quality of Beingness which pervades and is shared by Everything That Exists. Through meditation and prayer (not in the traditional sense of that word) and other spiritual practices, I can feel and connect to that infinite reservoir of power and energy to recharge and turbo charge myself to rise above and perform beyond my own finite store of power and energy.

The second aspect is Grace or Spirit or Flow, as you will. This is the intricate field of interlocking beginningless and endless causual connections - The Way of Things. This is where I seek guidance, data and direction beyond my finite store of knowledge and understanding and my limited capacity for wisdom, insight, forsight, intuition and creativity. It is the realm of everything that I don't know that I don't know. It is where what I need to know - when I need to know it, to live at my peak performance and direct
my actions and my life optimally - unfolds as I need to know it in every next Emerging Reality. (My job is to pay attention [LOVE that phrase!], let go of the best-guess snapshot in my head of how reality should be, and continually integrate that data into my ever evolving strategies and next steps.

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  • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
    @Wanderer - It sounds like logical, grounded philosophy is not a burning issue for you. It apparently doesn't answer questions you have. So be it.

    A quick access source for any curiosity you have left is HB's AynRandLexicon, freely available on the web.

    The essential issue, in terms Ayn Rand added to philosophical clarity, is:
    "Primacy of existence over primacy of consciousness".
    If you learn that distinction and its significance, it may give you a new understanding of the issue you are arguing about.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
      That's odd. I actually agrued against the "consciousness governs reality in a couple earlier posts. What specific statement in my discussion leads you to believe I hold consciousness primary over reality?

      As a matter of fact, the central purpose of my entire spiritual practice is to strengthen and make denser, the integration and alignment of my consciousness (and actions) with Reality.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
        There is no way your consciousness can not be linked to reality since it is part of objective reality. It is part of the body. The spirituality of Rand's seems to be the integration of consciousness with the body's emotions and actions. There is no other possible alignment or integration known at present. Consciousness is in the body and can only be aware of sense data from outside the body and from sense data originating within the body. There has never been any evidence which has held up for any kind of direct awareness by consciousness of objective reality directly producing knowledge within a human.
        Perhaps you mean that you are working to become more rational in your integration of knowledge so that your actions will be more to your and rest of humanity's liking? Be happy with your quest but beware of the subtle tiny dishonest little things that can creep in when you are not really careful. Whether you find what you want to find or not, you will learn something about existence.
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      • Posted by dwlievert 7 years, 11 months ago

        The purpose of philosophy, ANY philosophy, is happiness and fullfilment.

        Human being's means of survival (and ultimately their happiness and fullfilment) are in the ACTION(S) they choose to take consistent with reality. A precondition of such action(s) is the understanding of same. A precondition to understanding reality is to identify whatever reality you are trying to grasp with clarity and precision. Clarity and precision, in turn, require that the definition of the concepts one MEANS when one identifies and subsequently claims to understand them, is essential in their use.

        When you are alone and just "thinking," said clarity of understanding is consequential only to your potential efficacy in whatever action(s) you might subsequently wish to take in response.

        When attempting to communicate with others however, then to the extent one's DEFINITION of the concept(s) that lie at the base of said communication is crucial. Clarity and precision are the MEANS by which communication is made useful and effective.

        I am not "plowing new ground" here. In reading much of this thread there are others who have essentially indicated what I have stated above.

        My "net" recommendation to you is that you develop far more precision in the definition you ascribe to the concept(s) you use, so as NOT to project broad, all-encompassing abstractions that can mean almost literally anything. You certainly understand that when you do so, then the concepts you use that you claim have great meaning, actually mean almost anything. Consequently, they mean what amounts to the subjective NOT the objective. Said succinctly, they mean nothing at all.

        "Beingness" is but one glaring example.

        Without malice, but with "clarity,"

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        • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
          Thanks for your thoughts, Dave. And I appreciate the good will with which you offer them; I wish that were more common here in the Gulch

          Good points all and I agree. That is why I pay so much attention to definitions (I love the process - my favorite part of Objectivist Epistemology!) , and if for the purpose of theorizing, I am going to use a word differently than the most common meaning, I state my working definition clearly to those with whom I am speaking.

          If they choose to ignore my words and respond based on a different definition than I am using, then they waste a lot of time (and frequently emotional energy 😕) saying things that are not really applicable.

          Btw, I got the word "beingness" from Webster and cross-checked it with several other common dictionaries.
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  • Posted by dukem 7 years, 11 months ago
    Interestingly, your concepts of Presence and Grace/Spirit/Flow happen to correspond precisely with my struggles to define existence. I therefore proclaim you to be correct. Not that our agreement is meaningful, but simply recognition by me of another body of consciousness passing in the night.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
      Maybe the problem is trying to define something by going outside it since definitions are relational in nature and existence has no outside. 'Existence' is best just placed in Rand's 'Existence Exists' axiom as a general relation between matter and radiation. There is no separate consciousness which exists that settles into living things to be aware of existence, being part of existence. Of course one can make mental concepts for different observed and imagined aspects of existence and sometimes get it right objectively. But the present human condition indicates that quite a bit is not properly conceptualized.
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      • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
        You said,"'Existence' is best just placed in Rand's 'Existence Exists' axiom as a general relation between matter and radiation."

        I disagree - existence includes both matter and energy, as in all that exists.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
          I was not clear. First of all, radiation and energy are in no way the same. Radiation is existing stuff like electromagnetic radiation but not like alpha or beta which are matter, while energy is a relative relationship between existing stuff. Matter and radiation are absolute at any local instant of time and measurements are in relation to them only but dynamically measurements can change due to motion of the observer but describable by mathematics.
          However, my " 'Existence' is best just placed in Rand's 'Existence Exists' axiom as a general relation between matter and radiation." just means that the two are related by the property of existence, that existence is a common attribute of the two.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
    To some, because it can't be "Completely" knowable, just simply reject what seems objectively obvious to most. Existence didn't invent itself. So what is wrong with at least appreciating that something, that process that allowed existence to exist. We need not ritualized it, just simply appreciate it profoundly.
    Einstein understood that "Consciousness" governs Existence and more than likely what ever created it, was aware of it's creation and the evidence lies in the details of existence. These details, (physical laws), are so specific and mathematically precise that if it were one digit, one decimal place off...existence wouldn't exist.

    It's mind blowing, however, the pagan pre-conscious view and expression of it is not helpful at all to the rational, objective, observant mind. The conversation needs to be elevated in a new from with different language... therefore eliminating the mystically humanized descriptions and phrases that reference things unseen.
    It is my assertion that Quantum physics might provide not just the answers but the language to articulate what is self evident.

    I'm sure many along with our good friend Zenphamy will still say...GobbelyGook.
    Somehow we need to show that the physical laws are not a strangle hold upon the creativity of man but provide the means inwhich we can create.
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    • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
      @Olduglycarl - you wrote, "Existence didn't invent itself."

      I don't think the concept "invent" is meaningful with respect to existence. It's an out of context term.

      Just like "creation of the universe" is a contradiction in terms. Creation requires something to manipulate that is ones starting point. "The Universe" refers to everything - leaving nothing for "creation" to change into something "created". That's what a contradiction in terms is. And that's meaningless misuse of language.

      Words like invent and create come from a human context of use. These examples contradict that context.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
        Existence does not require a universe, that can come out of existence as with a big bang. Even that is a little off because a vacuum would have existence were it to have energy relationships which could fluctuate into a universe. Best to just say 'Existence Exists' and a vacuum had existence and then Banged. Better than that god made the universe because there is some evidence for a expansion of the vacuum into the Universe as the so called Big Bang and a lot of evidence that we all exist, though some are having trouble with that last.
        When one of my brothers tries to discuss the Universe referring to everything leaving out the 'that exists' thing and I say that there is existence regardless of there being a universe, the shouting begins and the discussion ends. 'Nothing' cannot exist and would contradict the concept of 'existence'. So there is either existence or ....
        'Nothing' is not something just as a non existing god is .... :nothing to describe there. Therefore I have to remain an atheist and get along with the always wonderful, amazing, and knowable existence that exists.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
        I believe I said Cosmos...which is everything; same as creation. Universe is just a grouping of Galaxy's.
        So you think it would be better to say: Existence didn't create itself?...Ok...

        It doesn't make sense to me that it always existed, like some prefer to think.
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        • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
          Actually, I'm using universe in the philosophical sense for the unit of all that exists. Cosmos is described as the study of the origin and evolution of the large and small structures of the universe and has more of an astronomical perspective.

          For this conversion it doesn't really matter.

          Before answering a question it is proper to evaluate the question. Asking about the origin of everything is a mistaken question because it implies that there is nothing left for a causal explanation. Therefore the question is a contradiction in terms and unanswerable.

          It's a common fallacy promoted by religion - asking unanswerable questions and then attaching moral implications to having their dogmatic but arbitrary answer. The moral loading to nonsense traps people in unsolvable guilt. The trap is sprung.

          The only defense is the philosophical insight from good epistemology (theory of knowledge) to recognising a fallacious and therefore meaningless question.

          Just because we can construct a question, it doesn't make it valid.

          I hope that helps.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
            Mankind will always ask this question, whether or not the question is valid or not, whether there is an answer or not by those conscious and those stuck in bicameralism. Religion continues to ask and answer that question for and by bicameral thought. We are trying to form and reach a conscious understanding of the question and what is a logical response that would include a profound appreciation of the complexities of it all. That's all the original discussion was about and everyone today refuses to see that. One needs to understand the meme or paradigm of the times...Jaynes helps us do that...but the question will always be asked. We need to be humbled...otherwise we'll go off the rails...we are seeing that today and it's not the first time it's happened.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
              Sounds like you have read Spiral Dynamics as well. Awesome book
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
                Yep...don't agree with his accessment of the greenies, (they have revisit the previous memes or we could say, go down a peg or two)...but the rest all made sense. The clear path to continued ascension is not ignoring or discarding the previous memes, one must bring what's universally valuable to the next level or meme. In that sense, it's all inclusive and leads to a continued process of integration.

                The other clear and valuable point is that it's not a pretty perfect process; one might find themselves at any of the levels at any given moment in the bicameral brain and the next moment in his mind.
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                • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
                  He? You must be talking about Wilbur and his "Boomeritis". Yup, full of fairly bitter and vehement hostility - definitely not consistent with the principles of Spiral Dynamics. He's a strange cat.

                  But much like Tony Robbins is to the originators of the NLP model, but then he is the high-profile student (and valuable popularizer), not the intellectual originator of the Integral Model. (Although his 4-square overlay did enhance the practical applications of the theory. I use it a lot in the executive and Enterprise Coaching work I do) .

                  But the originators, Cowan and Beck, were very (both/and, all/and vs either or, which is the central principle of the model) about the green meme, as with all the memes.

                  What brilliant paradigm-shaking, human evolution-turbo-charging work!
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
                    Yes it is and it fits in with Jaynes and inhances our integration of it all. As you've observed, I'm entangling quantum physics into the mix because it is the study of the very same particles of energy that our brains "transceive" and what makes up the mind and It's possible connections to it all.
                    One of Jaynes students or associates; in the new book, discusses an event that triggers the achievement of self introspection and I know that some natural event, cosmic or solar that not just effected our atmosphere, our magnetic shields but our brains as well. Everything is electric. Also there was a spike in strength of our magnetic shielding about 2400 to 3000 years ago also. Our magnetic shielding has been weakening since. I can see that all these events play a role...but I'm having a tough time putting it all together with reliable resources.
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                    • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
                      I hear you. Certainly an intriguing theory, ans I can certainly see electromagnetic events triggering significant changes in primitive cellular life forms - even from complex molecules into life forms.

                      However trying to reduce complex human characteristics, causally, too much to phenomena of physical sciences can stretch thin pretty easily.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
                        Tell me about it...but I know it all's hard to express but I literally see it in my mind and I am constantly challenging myself and asking so to get this right...I don't care about being right. This is important and I often feel I have no right to attempt it but I can't stop. The stuff that comes to mind...I know for a fact...did not come from my brain...I study these things after that fact, thinking it can't be so but I can't refute what I find. I just keep looking to see what's there. A principle I call: Wide Scope Accountability with profound honesty. Definition was published in my first book...laughing, my first attempt at writing.
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    • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
      @Olduglycarl (if you say so)...
      This post gets rather confused...

      - The topic of "completely knowable" is addressed in the omniscience fallacy. While here may effectively infinite to know in extent and detail, it not necessary to know all of that to her certain gravity is working when you place your cup on the table. Certainty does not require omniscience. It sound like you agree, this is just the formal understanding of the topic.

      - What Einstein understood on these issues changed as he became a theist in later years. That's his personal issue and has no bearing on physics.

      - "These details, (physical laws), are so specific and mathematically precise that if it were one digit, one decimal place off...existence wouldn't exist." That's a very convoluted and confusing statement. I'd say that if there was a difference in some details and because existence exists, that would be a different example or context - period. Now there is a possibility that physics is VERY different at the smallest and largest scales. But that's a topic for science to evaluate as evidence becomes available. Something like that may be necessary to explain phenomena at the quantum scale.

      - with fiction and fantasy, there is no "strangle hold upon the creativity of man..." But the value that creativity creates needs to be judged. All creativity is valuable nor equal. and that begs the question - of value to whom? - since value is a personal evaluation.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago you don't see...I thought you might, you have yet to outreach the mind.
        Of course it's not completely knowable, that's why it's rejected...silly...but it's why we try...without that much...we would get bored and die.

        There is nothing convoluted nor confusing about the specificity of existence.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
        Any reference to Einstein becoming a theist in later years?
        His: "These details, (physical laws), are so specific and mathematically precise that if it were one digit, one decimal place off...existence wouldn't exist." is off the mark because it should be that the Universe might not exist. Not that existence would not exist. The physical laws pertain to the physical universe and may be different for any other universe depending on how matter and energy comes into being, i.e., as existing acting stuff with specific identities for action relative to each other.
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        • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
          I Googled "Einstein as a theist" and got a good list. Wikipedia has an article entitled, "Religious views of Albert Einstein" that hardly supports my statement. But here's one one about his later years, "In the last year of his life he said "If I were not a Jew I would be a Quaker."[68]"

          Perhaps you can learn more with more research.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
            What is important is what an individual believes. I had no belief in the existence of a god when I was born and still none at 76. Being an atheist was only important when someone would want to know if I believed in god or when someone tried to get me to get a belief in the existence of a god. I do admit that since my parents enjoyed the Santa Clause myth that I would stay awake hoping for the arrival of the jolly fellow. That did not last for long. I have always been interested in trying to understand and find out as much as possible about existence but do not spend any time on thinking to myself that "oh it's so big and unknown to me and so awesome that it must have something which thinks behind it all". Even death and dying does not bring out some necessity for a belief in an afterlife or whining about how unfair life is and should require a belief in a deity to make it better.
            Whether my parents were theists or not was only important in that they did not force any beliefs on me and only taught ethics by how they acted and by little stories about honesty, independence, integrity, how to treat others well, etc.
            My interest in Einstein is based on his theoretical science and not his personal life. I never have liked practical jokers which Einstein sometimes was, probably because my father scared me few times with such things as on an April 1st with a large crashing sound and " the floor fell through." Probably not a good thing to do to a little guy. I do applaud Einstein for thinking about and changing some of his boyhood beliefs, but mainly for his thinking about objective reality (a term he used in the EPR paper which tried to counter the spooky action at a distance of an interpretation of quantum mechanics).
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    • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
      Interesting thoughts. Thanks. However, I think we have to be very careful and exact with words - especially in this subject matter.

      First, though perhaps not completely known (at any given point in time), Existence and everything that exists is "knowable," because it exists with an identity, a specific nature and certain actions.

      Also, I think we have to be careful of statements like "Consciousness governs Existence" and "what ever created it, was aware of it's creation" - even if only metaphorical. Consciousness and awareness are characteristics of living beings, so certainly Existence includes consciousness and awareness (as attributes of particular entities), but Existence itself doesn't possess these capabilities, nor do they exist in some disembodied form.

      Also I don't think a creator or origin or "inventor" of Existence is a necessary concept, because Existence (in some form) can be reasonably be viewed as eternal and infinite.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 11 months ago
        Thanks for writing in the contemporary vernacular here. Now you are understandable to me and are on the road to come to terms with a completely rational integration of what you are seeking.
        At first I thought you were somewhat like the rosicrucian I met in college searching for some nonexistent connections for consciousness with external world. I never could see the energy field that he was looking at between his held apart hands.
        There is no way to integrate many of the spiritual terms that religion took as its own without redefining them with respect to objective reality and by doing that removing that subjective reality perversion of reality which tries to get one to believe that there is some kind of revelation from god or the universe. Also beware of getting into a trance state by suspending your critical faculty and running off into some kind of selective thinking. That is what I consider to be the basis of all faith related thinking.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
        Well Einstein's observation was quantum physical. Once an event is observed consciously...the outcome changes. That's one of the mysteries of the quantum yes, consciousness does in fact govern existence if only in small ways. That doesn't mean everything is conscious, nor living. In fact everything is not. but built into creation or the cosmos if one prefers,are all the physical laws that govern existence.
        And what ever created it is obvious abet we still have the chicken and the egg enigma to contend with here. As to existence always existed makes no sense to matter how far back one could go...there had to be a beginning and endings are not predestined...the creativity of conscious life might play a small roll here, so long as we create order, abide by the physical laws and not just make it up on our own...which is the direction we are headed. Also the obvious conclusion to make about being aware of it's creation is in fact it's specificity...

        Re read my first statement about those that reject knowing because is can not be completely...I do not take this view.

        And one last point; Identity only applies to Conscious Beings...those human like entities that are clearly not conscious rely on ego...a made up identity in the brain...nothing else, except our immortal energies might retain some form of identity...this is hard to prove but it is obvious to me when considering our conscious connection to the ether via our Minds...not our heads, our bodies nor our thoughts.
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        • Posted by jconne 7 years, 11 months ago
          @OlduglyCarl - I agree with @cksawyer on this.
          You wrote, "Once an event is observed consciously...the outcome changes."
          1. What event? Only a Quantum scale one? Certainly you don't mean that about observing someone crossing the street. Your knowledge has changed, but not the facts of existence as a result of your observing it, unless by that you mean the content of your mind.

          2. your last long sentence is incomprehensible to me. It strikes me as pretentious psychobabble posturing as profound. Try saying it in English if there's an "it" there.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
            Seems to me to be English...just maybe I'm ahead of myself time it will come together.

            Your number one makes me think of "as above so below" why not it the macro world...only not as dramatic as what we see in the quantum world...I suppose anything we learn or observe changes something along the way...although that is just a suspicion here. There seems to be 2 or more camps in quantum physics, each going in different directions according to my observations)(so to in Einstein's time as well)...quantum physics has a long way to go yet...hell if it was so easy or settled, we'd get bored.

            As far as consciousness and the mind...I refer to Julian Jaynes...A new book out now about his work and much easier to read: gods, Voices and the bicameral mind. by Marcel Kuijsten. I'm a 1/4 was through and it articulates what I've been saying better than I have been...of course his work has progressed for some years now after his passing...there is more proof in his pudding so to speak.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
              I like your reference to the Kybalion - awesome little book. Hermes actual use the name "The All" to refer to the aspect of Existence that I am trying to identify by my definition of God.

              And Jaynes!! What a brilliant scientist. His book shook part of my world and affirmed the rest when I read it almost 30 years ago. I am actually rereading it now!

              I didn't know about the new book. I will check it out. Thanks.

              What a spectacularly rich post this has been. I have profited immensely aleady - in many currencies.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
          First, even in Quantum physics consciousness does not govern existence. The Hiesenberg Uncertainty Principle doesn't have to be interpreted to say that. It may also be interpreted to mean our perception of existence (not Existence itself) is governed and limited by our act of perceiving.

          And when I said "identity" I meant in the Objectivist metaphysics context. The Law of Identity: A is A. In this way, everything that exists has Identity.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
            Ok...I see... identity wise.

            Although Einstein would never admit it in the scientific world I am sure he realized that our perceptions of existence would evolve the more we observed it.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 11 months ago
    The Old and New Testaments are not what they seem to be .
    God is not stated as a name in the Bible. God has a name - "Ahura Mazda".
    Most of the writings Books, Psalms, Gospels, and Etc; refer to God as "Lord" or "Father".
    There are some historical tidbits there but not enough to call the Bible an historical text.
    The Bible is a book that is written as a guide to the spiritual mind. A manual for meditation to transcend this reality and Light the Fire of human mind. This is all done in a positive way. There is no instant gratification but an on going discipline to create a better person through one's own daily visualized meditation.
    This is not new age palaver, but old and new testment teachings. Read it without a prejudical viewpoint. You must also do some reading of historical theological material to read the Bible in a new light. Light and Fire are the key terms. Those are they keys in reading the text of the Bible.Go to the following link:
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  • Posted by comyn1066 7 years, 11 months ago
    ck, I want first to thank you for your deeply thoughtful post. Since spirituality was consistently expressed as a virtue in Ayn Rand's writings, I also have strived mightily over the years to integrate secular spirituality into my life and have also mastered instantaneous translation from conventional definitions to rational definitions. I decided to come to your rescue with some actual Ayn Rand quotes. I hope the following link works:

    I appreciated very much johnpe1's post as you did. You have been amazingly benevolent and patient with some of the shallower and less intellectual if not rude and dismissive responses.

    I see no evidence of mysticism or primacy of consciousness or anthropomorphism in your posts as some folks have said. As you plow new ground with your thinking, it is certainly permissible to use words that surface-level Objectivists would frown upon.

    I myself find some of your formulations difficult to integrate perfectly but I certainly see and appreciate what you are striving for.

    You come across as a very happy person for whom all this creative philosophizing has obviously been beneficial in real life terms.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
      Hi Comyn. Your reply meant a lot to me. I was moved, and felt clearly seen by you. What's more, I really appreciate the trouble you went to re the quotes.

      I would enjoy continuing the conversation live by phone or video. You game? If so, let's move to email.
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  • -2
    Posted by mec4cdlic 7 years, 11 months ago
    Although I can appreciate your post - still, i doubt that God will. Ask him, not us. The rest of us do not matter in regard to these you are having; only his thoughts will matter. .
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  • -3
    Posted by LarryHeart 7 years, 11 months ago
    The question of what is Reason, needs to be answered before some critics deride the OP as not 'objectivist' enough. Reason depends on logic and logic depends on premises. Premises depend on...well that's the problem. They depend on information about what is objective which we form premises about. What is objective is filtered through our senses and the mechanisms and tools we invent to detect what is objective.

    Reality is a construct of our minds through which we perceive what is objective reality. Since our minds exist in a universe of time and space we are constrained from perception or even understanding what is "beyond' those dimensions.We can only guess by the manifestations in our dimensions. A 2d person on a piece of paper would perceive the touch of a 3 dimensional hand as five points in their 2d universe and totally not be able to conceive of a hand or a body or much less the totality of 3 dimensions.

    There is one premise that ties in spirituality with reason. That intelligence can not arise unless the universe began with intelligence. DNA could not arise unless there was intelligence to program it and give it the purpose of becoming more complex and evolve. The universe has intelligence. Not like ours but intelligent nonetheless. A tree would not grow without a from of intelligence.

    In the ancient language roots, the word for Tree is also the word for ideas which arise from intelligence and thought.

    In the words of Moses the forces of nature making up the intelligent universe (Called Elohim) - and the existence in which our universe resides (Yahweh meaning timeless being) are a unity. In an analogous manner to our mind being a unity with our bodies, although they are separate intelligences. . The body has it's own intelligence but the mind influences that intelligence. The difference is that the mind is dependent on the body whereas the intelligent universe is dependent on the intelligence of Existence.

    That is not the regular concept of God that has been misrepresented across the ages. God is an idol or an image which Moses cautioned us about become enslaved to. All the concepts of a God have been influenced by Pagan,Greek and Roman myths. Those myths and hierarchies of forces of nature corresponding to political hierarchies were the source of legitimacy for all the tyrannical regimes, the churches, Political Islam etc. What we call God is a Political fiction for control of the people rather than allowing self control as the intelligence in all of us warrants. 10 things that order society. That's the message of Moses if you read it in the original Hebrew and not the mis-translations.

    Political ideas do not come out of thin air. They are the result of the moral premises which men have accepted. Whatever people believe to be the good, right and proper Human actions – that will determine their Political actions“. – Ayn Rand

    If you are interested in a moral governance ordered by those 10 things, in the context of America, as it should have been organized, here is the link
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    • Posted by philosophercat 7 years, 11 months ago
      Reality is not a construct of our minds, our minds are an evolved construct of realty brilliantly equipped to perceive it as it is. Period.
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      • -1
        Posted by LarryHeart 7 years, 11 months ago
        You are arguing over what you believe my words meant. That meaning you assign to the words is a construct of your mind made up of a confusion between subjective and objective reality.
        What we consider to be reality is Subjective reality, a construct of our minds, which we fool ourselves into thinking that it is the same as objective reality,

        And no our mind does not ever perceive reality as it is because we are not equipped to do so. Our senses are limited in what they can detect and the amount of data that can be processed, we do not smell in the range a dog does. we do not see in the range of ultraviolet or infrared. We do not hear ultrasonic.

        Ever see a magician? he moves objects right in front of your eyes and you don't see it because you are distracted. That's because our mind fills in the gaps in the limited data our senses send to the brain. So no we absolutely do not perceive objective reality as it is - we only make an image of what is. That is what Moses warned about. Don't make an image in front of objective reality and think it is truth. There is much more to objective reality than you think (pun intended)
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        • Posted by philosophercat 7 years, 11 months ago
          There is no evidence for any of your statements in science. Minds evolved 500 million years ago to perceive reality and act on it. Moses may guide you, he cant inform you.
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          • Posted by LarryHeart 7 years, 11 months ago
            Actually it is you who have not provided proof or logical argument to your statements. They are merely declarations of your opinion and bias.

            Science does not understand mind so there is no way to know that it evolved or when. You might say a brain or nervous system perhaps but that is not the same thing.

            Nor do you account for the intelligence in all of nature. Nor have you learned that evolution as Darwin theorized not sufficient to explain irreducibly complex mechanism in nature. Those whose parts must all come together for there to be a mechanism and whose parts do not have purpose otherwise and would not come together by chance. Sorry but you are still spouting the blind religion of evolution by chance and survival only. That science is outdated. Step out of your church of the flat world and try to overcome the need to shout heresy.
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            • Posted by philosophercat 7 years, 11 months ago
              You made affirmative statements and have not had the wisdom to cite the passages from the Bible you consider relevant as proof. .
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              • Posted by LarryHeart 7 years, 11 months ago
                The first passage in Genesis read in the original Hebrew. Translated - Inside the universe bounded by time and space (The first letter meaning shelter) With Intelligence (Raishis meaning mind, head, intelligence) the forces of nature (Elohim) ...
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