Obama To Middle America: The Economy Is Doing Great, And If You Don’t Think So, You’re Dumb

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 12 months ago to Government
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I don't know but anyone who can vote for another 4 years of HillaryBeast's version of this crap needs to go get their government funded head examined for being a pure vacuum....Maybe IBD is slanted to the right, but this is pretty much the damage report on what clown Obamanation has left us with after 8 years of run amuck looting...
SOURCE URL: http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/obamas-message-to-middle-america-the-economy-is-doing-great-and-if-you-dont-think-so-youre-dumb/

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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 12 months ago
    Well, from his point of view, which is that of a secret destruction agent, the economy is "doing great." His policies are working as designed. Rand never did conceive, did she, of an enemy seeking deliberately to crash an economy. Her villains, except maybe for Ellsworth Monckton Toohey, were pathetic incompetents.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
      I disagree. He is an agent of destruction because he IS a pathetic incompetent. His 8 years have been a shining example of Ayn Rands perception: Total ignorance of facts, manipulation of media, installing "his" people in positions of power (Lois Lerner, that idiot AG whats his name followed by the equally stupid whats her name, Clinton (SS), Kerry, etc). He just keeps running the same bull headed crap he is told too by his masters, since when elected, he had no idea what he was going to do, because he had no preparation and cannot listen to anyone whose skin is a shade lighter than coffee. I am not racist, but his government sure appears to be.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 12 months ago
        For and incompetent, he has succeeded at almost as much turning gold into crap as FDR and more than LBJ. True, he pulls some mind-boggling stupid moves like going golfing at the most inappropriate times, but if he lacks competence, then he has some very clever people in his regime. (Valerie Jarrett to name just one.)
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
          I cannot recall anything constructive the boob has produced. i don't see Obamacare as anything but the huge ripoff it is, fielded by a bunch of arrogant a holes who lied out their pie holes. Beyond that, all he does is whine that the Republicrats won't let him run his Empire HIS royal way. So, yea, for my definition of President, he is pretty incompetent. Let's not even look at some of his genius appointments like "guns for the border" Holder. Bush was no grand wizard, but he did project some sense that he had a plan, and was implementing it. He just had the whole war thing he kept having to go play with. And he let 9/11 go down. So, I am not just an Obamanation hater, I am pretty liberal about which one was an idiot. I actually think JFK tried really hard, but I can't say we have had a competent President, who had the national interest at heart for many, many years. I can't even name the last one I would want to defend... Make no mistake, he is really good at screwing up everything he or his administration gets near, but not through any particular skill, more a lack there of...
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          • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 12 months ago
            Nothing constructive to people who understand freedom and economics, but he has succeeded with his scurrilous agenda to a fair degree, partly because of our congress, composed of wimps and Homer Simpsons.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 12 months ago
            His goal is not to be constructive. He's a looter extraordinaire, as shown by his golfing and international trips. He's out to get while the getting is good and to h__ with everyone else.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 12 months ago
        I disagree. Obama isn't incompetent - he actively wants to be the elite in control of the United States. His moves have been "fundamentally transformative" and very calculated. He's out for power, and he's been actively playing the various groups against each other as a distraction so he can issue his edicts, also known as Executive Actions. And he's effectively used the media to cow the Republicans into not doing anything. The downside of using Executive Actions on everything is that they can be rescinded by the next President - if the next President decides to.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 12 months ago
    trade isn’t killing manufacturing jobs in the U.S. “They were the result of technology and automation that let businesses make more stuff with fewer workers.”

    Hogwash. We are supposed to ignore that hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs are now in Mexico and China instead of the US, and the excuse is automation?
    If it was automation that did it, then there would be lots more US jobs in manufacturing today.
    The real reason is that it costs less to manufacture using workers who live in a regime where the market rate is much lower. Its lower because there is no EPA, no FDA, no alphabet soup of government inteference and intrusion. Its also lower because peasants in China and Mexico settle for much different living standard than US workers and work just as hard. IBD and Obama are both lying.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
      This is such a good illustration of the bald face lies that this idiot throws out. Carrier moved from a fairly new plant in Indiana (I think) to Mexico just a couple months ago. The union fight and lawsuit was all over the media. Yet no one questions this idiot, and that is the same behavior we see with HillaryBeast and her lies. I posted this because it was so blatant, it deserved attention as it is clearly the behavior AR was depicting in AS.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 12 months ago
        My local friends were laughing about that Carrier move made two comments. Was Trump going to take the credit for Carrier like he did for Ford? (It was Kasich that engineered the deal and the deal only included cars made for sale in the USA.) Number two would the USA unions like to take lessons?
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 11 months ago
          I think the Unions will rethink their loyalties, they quit being loyal to their members 30-40 years ago and sold their souls to the Democraps. Bad move.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 11 months ago
            That was when the division of the legislative branch followed the division of the party system into the socialist model consisting of Statists, Corporatists and labor leaders. Should be termed Statist Leaders, Corporate Leaders, and Labor Leaders. Also known as Republicrats, Democans also known as the Government Party or more simply as "The Party or 'There can be only one Party'."

            Meaning there is only one political belief system within the framework of "A Republic."

            Of course we have two. Constutionalism/Capitalism and it's foe Socialism. or Marxist Leninism. Citizens vs. State/Single Party

            Another difference designed for obfuscation is designating the center of the left as the center. instead of, and more properly, the Constitution as the center. And not as a mugwump center but as an active, vibrant center with key abilities.

            One of them is to effect changed within itself using the intentionally slow deliberative amendment system. Just fast enough to provide an escape hatch just slow enough to escape being an abandon ship panic approach.

            Instead we have this false phony center which disallows any mention or discussion of a properly defined right to balance a properly defined left.

            The left is the center center of totalitarian government leaning despotism and IT has it's own left and right for sure. But they are not THE center. Simply put the left generally agrees and supports the concept of Government Over Citizens - and government as the source of all power.

            The true center of course follows the Constitution implicit but draws on it's true support fro the real source of all power namely, 'the citizens.; The concept here is one of sovereignty or true power Citizens Over Government. Sovereignity is the old meaning of sovereign as supreme independent authority. The right is the old stamping ground of the 'divine' right of Kings or sovereigns and is or should be the the home of the divine right of citizens as the sole source of power.

            What the union members SHOULD be doing is acting as the divine right of control over their union leaders instead of giving in as they will once again to a totalitarian system. Not seeking greener pastures elsewhere but living uip to their responsibilities and using the power of the rights granted to - in this case- employees or workers for a certain career field

            Translate it up or down its the same right and authorities. Citizens have the responsibility to protect their rights

            CITIZENS have the right and responsibility to be in control of any form of government be it union,political party or federal in nature. Be it Statist/Corporatist, Corporatist/Statist, or the third leg of the socialist triumverate labor organizations.

            It helps to think vertically instead of the leftist left right system.

            Citizens (the source of all power)
            Temporary (Government Employees and)

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            • Posted by $ 7 years, 11 months ago
              The vertical idea has merit, in that it eliminates a lot of waffleing. The Unions have just been another tool for a few people to gather power and money from the huge herd of cows that join them.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 11 months ago
                The vertical idea is very old and is the original class systems were described so I cannot take credit.

                The dude with the best sword became the leader if his tactics worked. Then Chief, then King, then Emperor but changed the reason - so as to pass on the power to offspring - to something called 'divine right of so the classic vertical bar is God, King, Satraps or apparatchiks or bureaucrats, mark and X on this spot and below that varying levels of serfs etc. The X is a useful point to cross vertical with the left right horizontal bar.

                Next realize the 'divine right' or source of power is no longer royalty - or is it - but the citizens. Depends on where you live in the world.

                The horizontal bar puts the vertical where ever it fit's best and as high or low as it needs to be to describe any given social political order.

                Horizontal then becomes easily defined as Left is government over citizens and more to the right Citizens over government.

                Center is where they cross and more importantly why they cross at that point.

                Ours should be the Constitution and was up to a hundred years ago. Now it is the center of the left. Wants adjustment.

                The terms came from 'divine RIGHT of Kings' and the left was chosen first by the Socialist style movements of the French revolution at the first assembly meeting.

                The revolutionaries took the power of the King unto themselves but retained the left as their hangout (when they decided they needed an ruling class within their classless society per Plato no doubt.)

                Faced with the issue of what to do with the now empty left it was easy to create their own and marginalize that formerly occupied by divine right of kings and in the new USA by the citizens as a source of power.

                Keeping all that in mind you should be able to construct your own set of definitions and, as I have done, deny and repudiate those created by the left. Which in any case make no sense or you wouldn't have to ask why do Republicans always cave and why did most of them become the right wing OF the left. OK too much speech time but a review of where we have trod before should be helpful to the newcomers.

                Remembering to use the three laws of objectivism as that is what we are all about. And yes there is room for objectivity in ideas, dreams, wishful thinking and wild ass guesses.
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                • Posted by $ 7 years, 11 months ago
                  I just can't help thinking that to move the bar to center means that the right gets more power, and I have never been to impressed with either sides ability to protect my freedom and personal rights. Responsibility seems to be a missing virtue in both spheres, they are just power seekers using different bribes. I like the theoiry though it is a better way to illustrate various shades of difference, and the Constitution was probably fell of the chart 100 years ago.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 11 months ago
                    Your using socialist left wing definitions. They don't work. What you called right is the right wing of the left and found left of center assuming you use Constitution as a center or sacred ground. Forget all that liberal sec prog garbage.

                    Find your own way. for example. My Center is the main activity area . some may go a bit toward the right meaning less government more citizens some to the left meaning more government but less citizen control. My personal rule is as long as they keep one foot even one toe firmly planted in the center they can't get too carried away. Some of our current Republicans do that in our got nowhere else to go attitude or they try. 15 in the Senate perhaps.

                    In my version I have Repub, RINO, RINO Socialist, Socialist, Democrats, DINOS, Democrat Socialists Sec Progs, National Socialists or Nazi's and International Socialists or Communists. All have one item in common. Government Control of Citizens and all are fascist in nature meaning any means to maintain control of everything.

                    Really not sure where the Libertarians are but they float somewhere around center.

                    Center Constitutional Centrists not the current party - MY version.

                    To the Right citizens control governments not much out there but plenty of room . Extreme is of course anarchism. meaning No government to control.

                    But like all objectivist tests that's MY version. Pick any term you want except probably liberal and conservative because then you have to define which version to make it useful and figure out your own system - and why. the objections will come mostly from the collectivist lock step left. Disregard them and their antiquated system of definitions. Doesn't work. It's meant not to work but to confuse and control.

                    Then does it work - for you? If Yes
                    Is it useful? If Yes Rule two except for constant testing because you know the left is going to change definitions again by supper time.

                    Then Rule Three Moral Evaluation.

                    Same as as testing dirt or soap or MacDonalds vcersus Jack Inna Crack.
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                    • Posted by $ 7 years, 11 months ago
                      My preference is for a Constitutional Center, using the framework built in and around it. My interpretation of both parties/philosophy (left right) is along your lines, in that I I view all of them as a fascist form of politics, in that they all seek to control the people and own government, whether direct or by proxy. I do not even see a viable Constitutional party, since their platform (the ones who call themselves that party) is rife with dos and do nots and cannot, worse than the Catholic Church. Actually I admire the American Indian phlosophy which is very individualistic and also has a family/group component. But I do not see any real philosophy or politic that meets your definition of Right, in that all government is going to treat such as enemies of the state, and seek to exterminate or restrict them. I use the current terms simply because the masses divide along those lines as they are programmed. I just don't see the Constitution, as created, in anything we have left today.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 11 months ago
                Unions had their place in the beginning and were much needed. But they missed the boat in two major respects.

                One was being taken over by the socialist movement which from the 1930's on counted only labor leaders and not members as part of the overall socialist hierarchy and married those leaders to the statist and corporatist leadership.

                Even then the idea was in front of them but they missed it completely treating labor as something done with sweat and hand tools instead of making it all inclusive. The way I put it is The tools of production are not the machines but the the people working in any given industry or other work site. Espresso stand or whatever.

                All are one form or another of the skull sweat or hand callous labor that make things work in any company or for that matter any group venture. CEO to gate guard and even investors who provided the start up funds. All means of production. In a true union each has respect for the other parts of a successful business. That notion took a long time to develop from the more feudal ways that were dragged 'as is' into the industrial revolution.

                The idea came of course from AR AS when John Galt said I will turn off the motor of the world. Not just the mechanical motors but the mental motors and the willing hands that operate the machines. Galt had to go out and speak with key people and get them to start the ball rolling. Socialism though does it as an inherent uncurable fault. 'They pretend to pay us we pretend to work.'

                The proper union attitude should have been all inclusive but with any one in management or supervisory positions as members but not in a leaders position (shop stewards etc.) They would have their own. Each factory or other enterprise in their own association.

                Next point they missed or glossed over on purpose was treating employees as a business unto themselves each and severally. The gate guard or janitor or punch press operator or secretary are in the business of selling their particular skill providing a product or service. So...why if corporations have 'personhood' and those rights do individuals not have corporationhood and those rights quid pro quo.

                Employees Association with the same power and responsibilities of current unions arise and with input from all levels. Respect to other means of production becomes ingrained and they can expand in two directions. One is Employees and Residents of the local area. The espresso stand operator and the other support structures of any major business become part of...and along with that comes a larger pool for credit union? medical insurance? purchase of pharmeceuticals? any number of ideas...or they may reject the notions such as 'from each according to ability to each according to need.'

                Nonsense and destructive it did state a real need and unions have failed to address that now sinking to how to strangle hold a certain segment of industry with the least number of members but providing the most amount of cash donations and votes.

                Typically 10% or so and in key industries maybe 20-30%. Some others zero percent.

                The Alaska Pipeline project showed the worst features of union using an Oklahoma based Electrical workers I seem to recall union to install pipelines. Check me on that one..It is not exact. and it's four am.

                Add Davis Bacon privileges as a tax money laundering method for campaign contributions but in return only certain unions getting the fat cat pay checks erroneously called prevailing local a blatant lie to be blunt. One would also find the majority of any group skill set were not invited to join the union but kept out so that the membership matched the jobs provided by Davis Bacon.

                Enough on that but where there is no ownership there is no pride so an Employees association tends to provide among other things a method where the employees become the investors. Something any union retirement fund does anyway. But there is now 'skin' in the game and a responsibility to work towards business success.

                You won't find that in any form of socialism but you will find it where capitalism with a conscience is found.

                Government excepted because they produce nothing? Not so. If they get off the track of being 'in control as regulators.' and get on the track of ensuring a healthy and protected environment for the real businesses to flourish they are contributing to a need.

                Of course you would have to fire the lot of them and start over with a major attitude retraining and adjustment program - except for the military. The practitioners of the basic reason for government to exist -- Police, Fire, Military, standards setting where needed (width of roads and traffic lanes, meaning of Bachelor of Science etc. perhaps a few others -- for the most part already have that characteristic.

                Sink to the level of the unneeded and probably illegal at federal level Department of Education government has degenerated to the point of not needed cancel 99.9% of the whole thing. They have yet to do anything to cause pride of ownership or a feeling of contributing to production.
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                • Posted by $ 7 years, 11 months ago
                  Nice summary Michael, and very true in regards to how I have seen the union world go. The big businesses that have not fallen into them take risks that will engender another round of creation with indiscriminate layoffs and reductions "to cut costs" to compete with foreign lands. It gets them all excited to even mention the "U word". Most management I have found is poor to miserable at really understanding the whole relations ship between process, equipment and people and the synergy needed to make it work, and be efficient. If we did we could still beat the outside countries.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 12 months ago
    One would think that with the choice between a criminal (or a socialist) on one side, and a barely tolerable blowhard on the other, that Gary Johnson should be gaining a much larger following. Is it that people just want the pain to end, and have little faith that anyone can stop the pending collapse?
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    • Posted by jsw225 7 years, 12 months ago
      It's because Gary Johnson and the libertarian party are shooting themselves in the foot. For example, at the libertarian convention recently you had one of the vice presidents (a big fat guy, no less) LITERALLY strip up on the stage.

      Or for another example, as an act of support a high ranking Libertarian gave Johnson a replica of George Washington's muzzle loading pistol, which was that guy's favorite possession. So what did Johnson do? He threw it in the trash.

      The only people to blame for the Libertarian's lack of success is themselves.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 12 months ago
        "The only people to blame for the Libertarian's lack of success is themselves."

        You feel the monopoly power that the statist party holds on nearly every facet of the election process and crushes any third party competition is inconsequential compared to the poor taste of one member of the Libertarian party.

        The statists will do ANYTHING to eliminate competition from a Libertarian party that supports freedom. So as they always do, they blow up anything trivial they can that distracts people from the real issues: individual liberty and free markets that the Libertarians support and the statists abhor and destroy at every opportunity.
        While I don't particularly like Weld and I think the near-naked dance is foolishness in that setting, these incidents are nothing compared to the acts of HRM Donnie and Her Liarness Hillary.
        Distraction by unimportant incidents serves the statists and their media lapdogs will keep promoting this rubbish until they are replaced by ethical men and women.
        Don't be distracted.
        Examine the details before you react to a media headline.
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        • Posted by jsw225 7 years, 12 months ago
          You misunderstand me. It's not the main parties doing it to the Libertarians, nor is it a conspiracy. They are doing it themselves!

          Here's the link of Johnson spitting in the face of fellow libertarians and throwing a hissy fit: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2...

          Here's a link to James Weeks stripping on stage to many boos: http://www.mrctv.org/blog/candidate-l...

          All the libertarian had to do was act like an adult and they would have made HUGE gains this election cycle. But they are shooting themselves in the foot.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 12 months ago
            NO, I understood you perfectly and I responded after having read about it in the article you just posted. I am not naive about media and how they choose with bias exactly what to report and how to report it. I am not naive about how media throws biased headlines on everything in order to get people to react in a particular way.
            This is nothing but a media distraction about something that media site would have ignored completely if it had been a republican candidate involved. Instead it would have been the other idiotic republican candidates who would likely have tried to use it against each other.
            By posting that article you are doing exactly what the statist controlled biased media wants. They will to do anything possible to keep power in the hands of the looters by pretending that all Libertarians like to get on stage and strip off their clothes. The GOP is desperate to keep control of the religious right and will do anything to manipulate the minds of the voters. But they donty do a damned thing to punish the obvious looters in government because they are just as guilty.
            Are the Libertarians perfect? Heck, no. But letting the GOP manipulate your mind is a bigger danger. That idiot stripper is not going to fill any role in government. Which is a bigger danger to your liberty? A low level guy with no power who gets drunk and strips or people like Ted Kennedy, Janet Reno, and Dick Cheney who murder (or order the murder) of innocent people and claim to be innocent?
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 12 months ago
        Hello jsw225
        I don't know about the gun, BUT (a big but[t])...
        That stupid strip job proclaimed to one and all "we are not to be taken seriously." It's still a long way to November, and if this strange prelude has shown anything, it is that anything can happen.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
      The pending collapse has been set by the lack of rational thinking. I think that statism is the norm throughout human history and the US was more a specific reaction to the monarchy of England than a real declaration of basic human rights. It took 250 years for statism to creep back in, and without a firm base in individualism, statism will take over. As proof of this hypothesis, I note the support of the young people for outright sanders socialism and the support for hildebeast from the older ones and minorities. I am voting for trump to at least slow down the advance of statism for a few years anyway
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
      Gary Johnson suffers from a lack of perception on the part of the masses. My wife will not vote for a Libertarian because they advocated legalizing pot. Now, that is reality, but she still perceives them as "Liberal" and not having a sense of the need to control the crazies that inhabit our country. Given the current crop of idiots on both sides foisted on us as candidates, logic dictates that the Libertarian time to try to fix this mess has come. Short of a complete Reboot of America, it would seem we can only try a different brand. Overcoming both the rabid dedication factor (all the idiots who will vote for HillaryBeast even if she had a dead dismembered child strapped to her chest) and the other crowd (who will vote for Trump because he is the only one who can save us (he said so), and he is a Republicrat and I only vote for a Republicrat), it leaves a pool of possibly 50% of the voting population left. 50% of that group will only vote for someone who offers the most free stuff, no matter what party they are (they do not believe in party loyalty, but will magnanimously vote for the "best" (aka most free stuff) person, that leaves Gary with 25% of the total available pool. Not enough to win. Since we do not have the enlightened idea of a coalition government (which is the only thing left with the herd of moose we now have given franchise to, based on their wildly variable desires for free stuff or party loyalty) we will be stuck with either of the two idiots from the only 2 parties allowed to matter. Our loss, their gain.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
        Trump and sanders have sown the seeds for the end of the establishment parties in years to come. The establishment will probably force the evil witch Hillary on us this time, but she will never be my presudent and I may just leave the us
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        • Posted by mudirikwa 7 years, 12 months ago
          Take a 4 year vacation. Denmark looks promising :)
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          • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
            Maybe a 4 year vacation on one of those residence type ships that just travel around
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            • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 12 months ago
              I think you'd go crazy in a year without something productive to do ;^) Got your business sold yet?
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              • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
                not yet. I am trying very hard to sell it off and let someone else deal with the powers that be, though.

                I have always wanted to just invent stuff just for the fun of it, and not commercialize the inventions. Its too much hassle to be in business in this environment. One thing I always liked about AS was the idea of using what I know to kind of start over in a free society.

                Even on the boat, I would definitely keep busy and find something productive to do. The problem I would have is that we are so used to using the relatively high level knowledge that we have gotten over the years. I suspect that in a collapse, things would get a bit more basic, like in venezuela.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 12 months ago
    This prez as to be the most ignorant in my lifetime, and that is pretty long. He is among the most corrupt, although Johnson was pretty bad. Clinton was bad with Hillary's covering up for their self indulgences and quest for money. But this guy, he has demoralized the whole country, taken away the dignity of blacks and blacked out reason.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 12 months ago
    This is the kind of statement made by one that knows it isn't so, and wants to ward off the converse argument.

    Of course the economy is better than eight years ago...because businesses seek to survive. No action of your own helped little boy.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
    Translation: it's election year the democrats want you to think the economy is great so you will vote for the evil witch Hillary so she can bail out her corporate supporters when things go south
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
      True, in total disregard to what is really happening, the May jobs report poked a hole in that theory. Now they need to make up a new story. Idiots.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
        Hidden in the report was a continuing actual loss of manufacturing jobs. My small company has 5 minimum wage workers that help us compete with the Chinese. At $15/hr minimum wage, we will get rid of two of them and buy more assemblies from China. That will add to the loss in manufacturing jobs as soon as we can.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
          That is a common theme, and is just what the "reactionaries" on the right forecasted. Now the dumb asses will say that companies like yours are doing it on purpose to make them look bad....idiots..
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          • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
            Interesting that Venezuela is beginning to be the playbook for the US decline. Maduro is claiming this when I bet the US companies would just rather they never went to Venezuela, and would love to not have to deal with Venezuela at all.
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  • Posted by jimslag 7 years, 12 months ago
    Our illustrious President is obviously living in a fantasy world in his own mind. I am actually embarrassed to even call him our President, I mean, how could we have voted for this guy, not just once but twice? I am so glad I left the military long before all this hit the fan. I really think we are in a lot of deep do-do with the available candidates. A bombastic reality TV host, a noted liar and national security scofflaw or just an all around flake in Gary Johnson.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
      At least trump will tell us when the emperor has no clothes. We need that for a change. A non politician. Johnson has no chance to be elected and couldn't do anything good if he were. The real danger is the evil witch Hillary. All she wants is POWER
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      • Posted by jimslag 7 years, 12 months ago
        I agree with you and the only one I would never vote for is the Hildabeast. This is only because I have seen the Clinton White House up close as I was stationed in Mordor during his 2nd term. I was responsible for maintenance on secure communications at most of the government buildings, based out of the Pentagon but also responsible for the White House, Congress, and other places around the area. Clinton and the administration was absolutely clueless about security and it continues to show with Hildabeast.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
          Interesting observation. I would add that it looks like Hilary's only interest is personal power. She didn't seem to care about Benghazi much either. She just has that LOOK
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 12 months ago
            No, she didn't and there is so much not out about it. Most is "rumor" but she just didn't give a crap about whatever, she was marking time getting point for this round.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 12 months ago
              It is hard for me to believe that she can hide all this stuff, and people actually vote for her. Trump is right about crooked Hillary. Its a good name for her. He is a good judge of character actually with all his business experience, and just says it like he sees it (So does Sanders actually, which I do respect him for). Other than the honesty, Sanders IS a real wack job though.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 12 months ago
    The definition of 'dumb' is inability to speak. Now whose playing stupid BHO BHO? for the left bho bho is pronounced Bobo which is Spanish for Clown.
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