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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 7 months ago
    A socialist is the only term that can be used by the author of this review. I mean look at how much this idiot hates the rich. "Like a soap opera, it's a tale set in the posh boardrooms, swank hotels, first-class passenger rail cars and limos of the super-rich. And just as in a soap opera, they're a bunch of put-upon crybabies, railing about "government creeps" holding them back and "moochers" and parasites who aren't working in a time of global depression.

    Samantha Mathis is Dagny Taggart this time around, another heiress who acts as if she "built" the railroad that was her inheritance. She fumes and fools around with Henry Rearden (Jason Beghe), the OSHA- and EPA-ignoring steel magnate who is hellbent on keeping his "miracle metal" out of the hands of the government."

    I mean for God sake, don't they know that their ideas were formed during the "Great Revolution" of 1917? That's where that kind of terminolgy comes from.
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