EPA Just Declared War On Millions Of Car Owners

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago to Government
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Describes how Govermnet Imperial idiocy will try to ruin your car, and already makes small engines run like crap. I have had to find a gas station that sells 92 octane unadulterated gas to try to keep mine running, I have had to take several to the shop where they do magic, and I pay 50-70 to get it back. All because of the Farm lobby...Rather than let business regulate itself by demand...
SOURCE URL: http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/epa-just-declared-war-on-millions-of-car-owners/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
    Another example of insider manipulation and corruption to benefit corporatocracy, destroy competition, suppress creative problem solving, and increase government power at the expense of the sovereign productive people.
    A pro-liberty candidate that pledges to close the EPA will gain 10% or more voters.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I think they once had a good thing going, if you look at how great Bejings quality is. That has passed and it has morphed into a giant :tell you what to do" control organization, that can implement economic policy under disguise. I just want the a holes to quit messing up my small engines...
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
        I have a Kwik-Fill station near me that offers 91 octane 100% gasoline. It costs a bit more, but I get much better mileage in my Ram-hemi and it works great in all my small engines and emergency generator.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 8 years ago
    Maybe my opinion is from being dropped on my head as a baby, but how is the cultivation of corn to extend fuel supplies cost effective?
    As I understand it, Ethanol cannot be conveyed through efficient pipelines. It is also fairly corrosive It must be shipped in trucks using, well, diesel.
    Also, I did read this....That certain Latin "America" nations are up in arms because their main grain staple has gone UP in price due to the consumption of corn converted now into mandated fuel additives.
    Do you think we could muster enough members of the National Guard to encircle DC, round the traitors up (Government anybody) and drive them into the sea? This will keep the EPA busy managing the pollution.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years ago
      Your mistake is looking at the "unexpected consequences" of a policy. Which are actually fully expected by anyone with a brain and rudimentary knowledge of economics and markets. Which excludes the EPA and almost all of government...
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 8 years ago
      Read this last paragraph aloud to my wife who is on the other side of the room at her computer. I think now she is going to have to wipe saliva off her keyboard.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    At this rate, cars will run on ethanol and Soylent Green.
    Funny, right? Not so much. If irrational mandates based on faux science are allowed to prevail, the ultimate result will not only ruin cars, but also the industry that makes them. Besides gun ownership, there is no greater expression of freedom than owning a car. It means freedom to travel, and to be independent. And the left hates independent.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
    Very bad Government intrusion. Bad for consumers, taxpayers AND the environment.

    Would be nice to sue the EPA for damaging the environment by creating additional CO2 and consuming valuable water by this action, which it clearly does.

    If any of these guys had any sense, they'd be pushing for vegetable oil based diesel, which is overwhelmingly the best form of solar energy available. I semi-support such initiatives (but prefer private versions), because the most effective means of defending against Middle Eastern threats of any kind is to take away their oil money supply. They'll be right back in the middle ages in a decade.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years ago
    5 of my 6 road vehicles are diesel - Ford 7.3, Benz 05 CDI (last of the "dirty" diesels), 2 pre emissions test deceiving VW's, and a Cat. I have located ethanol-free stations for my only gasoline-powered vehicle.

    Should the volume of refined gasoline without ethanol rise in response to the market's rational response to the problems and resulting expense precipitated by ethanol, then I am sure the EPA will attempt to stop the making of ANY gasoline without ethanol. Meanwhile, since turbo-charging and electronic control, diesels are my choice.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Diesel is great, but the newer ones with Diesel juice just added another layer of cost and pain to the issue. I have a 2004 Dodge 3500 just because I just do not want to mess with more crap from DC genius...
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
    A better alcohol fuel would be butanol ( http://www.biobutanol.com/ ). It has nearly the same energy density as gasoline, with a higher octane rating, and a high cetane rating, which makes it a good diesel supplement as well. Butanol also has a lower volatility than gasoline, making it a safer fuel, and it doesn't have the affinity for water adsorption like the lower weight alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, e.g.), so it can be pumped through existing gasoline and diesel pipelines.

    The usual methods for butanol production involve the ABE process ( see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butanol... ) originally developed in 1916 to use coal as feedstock to produce acetone for cordite (smokeless gunpowder) when the UK was running out of the imported product. That can still be used, with any hydrocarbon feed, but new methods result in higher butanol content.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 8 years ago
    The other problem with ethanol is its very low BTUs, I have an E85 capable engine, most GM vehicles do actually - odds are if you have a GM truck that does not have a yellow gas cap, but has a tow package, it is still probably a flex fuel vehicle but they don't want you using ethanol and towing something.

    I tried a tank once in my 2015 Colorado crew/Z71, my Mpg fell like a rock, from around 17 on California normal/shitty blend to about 9. It drove 'normally' but the engine management was throwing a lot more fuel into the engine automatically. Dealer said that was normal for E85, pulling my trailer, I'd get like 4 or 5 I would guess... So obviously a lot more CO2 emission.

    GM won't allow it in my wife's Chevy Volt, while it might be fine for something like that where the ICE/apu is only there to charge the battery if you exhaust the range, it also rarely needs to be filled, she might go 4 months without stopping at a gas station, so the corrosive E85 would eat through the fuel system.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Yes, a tank for 4 months might thin out the ration since it is very volatile, but the damage would be done. I seriously doubt warranty coverage would be available either.
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  • Posted by RevJay4 8 years ago
    There needs to be a letter/fax/email/phone campaign to get the ethanol subsidy stopped.
    Yeah, okay, like the DC folks will listen. They count on Farm Lobby for big campaign donations at election time. So, nothing will be done to change anything. As usual.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years ago
    Cronyism masquerading as environmentalism, backed up by government regulations.
    Who gains? The corn growers obviously, then the vehicle manufacturers who want to sell vehicles with ethanol resistant fuel systems, and an aftermarket fuel conversion industry.
    Wait a mo ..
    it increases, not decreases CO2 emissions.
    So there is at least one positive!
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    • Posted by term2 8 years ago
      I have a 2008 chevrolet truck which is supposedly set up for E-85 OR regular gasoline.

      I have never actually run the E-85 fuel (what for really ?).

      But I was forced to pay for the ability to run it by, no doubt, some law the EPA forced on GM.

      I say get rid of the EPA's ability to make these stupid rules.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
        Term2, right on. You touch upon the most scary aspect of all the government alphabet soup bureaucracy pyramids. That is, they are somehow set loose to make up any rules (legislation) they want that can fine, jail, and just slap around the citizenry by their army of little Napoleons and congress snoozes through the whole thing.
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      • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years ago
        Well, it's all about the carrot and stick approach when it comes to dealing with the EPA. They write their rules basically forcing you to commit fraud. Take Flex Fuel cars, for instance. The EPA rates the fuel economy of a car designed to run on E85 by the amount of gasoline that it burns, not the total amount of fuel it burns. So a car that gets 15 mpg running on E85 is actually credited with getting 84 mpg because only 15% of the fuel it burns is gasoline. Never mind the fact that few people ever run their cars on E85, that's the way that the EPA credits the mileage toward the CAFE requirement.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years ago
    Think again, who would like to leave office and hand the next President a ruined country. I'm sure BHO is well aware of what is going on in the EPA and he is not going to stop it nor the lazy Congress. Myself -, I'm going to purchase on-line gasoline additive concentrates to negate the alcohol.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Well, check carefully, a lot of them do not address the issue. I tried "Mechanic in a bottle" which is supposed to start any engine that wont run, and it didn't work. Still had to go to shop. It almost seems like the shops are in on it to, when you ask what they did, they say "cleaned it", and will not divulge what that means. I also tried 2 other brands of "Ethanol Booster additive" guaranteed to negate the effects of ethanol. It didn't. But good luck, hope you have better results than I have had. If you find something that works, let us know. I will just pay the extra for straight Mk1 92 Octane. That is a guaranteed fix. Also, it was Bush who sold out to the Corn Lobby, when we had a glut of corn due to farm subsidy's, and this was a quick fix to help maintain demand for something that should have been allowed to fall with free market.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years ago
    The administration is anti-car, pro-Agenda 21/2030! It is all about getting rid of cars to please the UN. It has nothing to do with anythig else, this is their goal. First the gave cash fro clunkers, which made is harder for the poor to find used cars to buy. Now they want to destroy the engines of newer cars, until it is too expensive to drive a car. It is all part of the plan, in the book.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Stormi, unfortunately, this issue does not quite fit the statement. The increase in ethanol is more of a "break older cars" than "newer". The newer cars are less effected, but may still have problems.

      "A 2012 study by Auto Alliance found internal engine damage to cars built between 2001 and 2009 with the higher blend. And a report last year found that the vast majority of cars on the road were not built to handle higher ethanol levels"

      That is 2 different reports, and no source was cited, so the reliability of the data is in question. The bigger impact is that small engines (lawnmowers, chainsaws, wee whackers) have never been able to tolerate any ethanol, and the 10% they have now screws them up. The move to more will make them unusable. The earlier cars will have more of an issue because they were made with non ethanol resistant parts, as well as some carburetors which are more susceptible to being eaten up by the ethanol. The main thrust of the article was that they wrote a crappy law (not a new thing) that mandates amount, not percentage, So as you use less gas, but have to add more ethanol, the ration (and thus percentage of ethanol to gasoline) has to go up. I would say this is more illustrative of the total lack of response, understanding and the impact of lobbyists on government, and the crap that results, than a plot to get rid of cars. There are many more ways they can do that, such as taxes and fees, which is already happening. Even the vaunted "clean cars" are now being taxed to the point you can't own them by states trying to squeeze as much as they can from us.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years ago
        I think our definition of "newer" is different. I consider a 2009 or a 2002 to be a newer car, many of us collectors keep our sports models longer than that.Many of those on the lower middle class and lower often rely on cars older than that to get to work as well. Just because of the farm lobby, we are supposed to have our engines destroyed. I am still concerned over the increase in asthma as the increae in corn products are released as well. Childhood asthma is way up.Stuidies are not being don on the link, but should be. as to the yard equipment, why should government mandates destroy small engines, just to please farmers. There is plenty of market for corn as food products, even though corn syrup is being dumped by many food makers. This is just a special interest issue that should not even have happened. The government who can't even correctly identify weather issues should get out and would were money not changing hands.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
          Ethanol has no reason to exist. Corn syrup and derivatives are a menace to good health and the Iowa is a menace to a free society. But on the other hand i't's used heavily in our neighbor to the south to produce ham. Corn and Turkey equals cheap ham. Iowa is not a friend of the USA.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years ago
          You are indeed correct about that, and you also have a really good point someone could use as a alternate reason to ditch the mess, in that it is harmful to the poor and that the Democrats have been complicit in allowing it to go on... The bottom line is always its all about money.
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          • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years ago
            Money is not bad, but when it is hurting the people who are paying for the product, in favor of some lobbyist, that is bad. This whole ethanol mess hurts the very constituents the liberals claim to want to always protect. As someone who is unfortunately allergic to corn, I have found it is not just what you eat. I worked for a newspaper as a reporter for several years, and there was no way to get to work except to stop at a stop sign beside the building. I found I had to carry an inhaler, as when the corn was in tasslle, I would start to go into an asthma attack by the time I reached our parking lot. Corn products have contributed to obesity via additives. Childhood asthma is greater in cites with a lot of traffic, yet no one is really doing studies to see what additive, including ethanol might be implicated. Kids are put on Ritalin, when many actually have allergies causing their restlessness. Since this might cut lawmakers paychecks or power, they are not likely to see if what they are legislating is dangerous to kids.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
    The number it does to "Yard equipment" is obscene...every year I have to replace the gas tubes, air tubes and little filters inside the gas tanks on my chainsaw, trimmer, lawnmower, snow blower and leaf blower...those little plastic and rubber lines just turn to moosh...
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years ago
    I have a Stihl chainsaw in the shop because its
    carb can't handle the alcohol in the gasoline.
    don't yet know the cost -- for a new carb! -- j
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      My point. I have had 3 tools go this year. I am moving to the 92 Oct no ethanol gas a station now sells for this reason. Their current plan will now have cars go tot he shop unless they also go that route.
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