Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago to Government
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And I stupidly thought only emperors and kings could issue decrees... I would think it illegal to use tax money looted from the peoples paychecks to pay for, and blackmail schools into adhering to their social re-engineering. Now we can raise a generation of sexually correct idiots to join the generation of socially correct idiots, and we will have idiots abounding...
SOURCE URL: https://gma.yahoo.com/obama-order-public-schools-allow-transgender-students-access-030502541--abc-news-topstories.html?post_id=773964209290203_1183043621715591#_=_

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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years ago
    Obama has been compared to jimmy carter as the worst of presidents. jimmy carter just didn't know what to do and was otherwise for the usa. Obama knows what he is doing and it is because he IS NOT for the usa. maybe he thinks this bathroom stuff will be a positive for his legacy. his legacy is already cast in stone; here lies the worst president the usa has ever had.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
    Two sides to this issue: first, real transgenders are a very small part of the population, often a single digit number among hundreds of students,so distinct separate facilities don't meet the cost/benefit ratio (particularly when some schools currently have NO transgender students); non-transgender students have a right to privacy, even if measures are undertaken to accommodate transgenders.

    Solutions to these issues can be difficult. For schools with a limited budget, portable toilets for the use of gender-conflicted students is one solution, but usually these kids are trying hard not to be noticed. For planned facilities, or school buildings under construction, a single person all-gender bathroom can be included. If the Feds want it, they pay for it (this will be tested in court, when judges decide if the Fed position is a stretch of Title IX).

    Locker rooms are a more difficult matter. Mixed gender close proximity nudity is a non-starter. Privacy screens are one solution, but not sufficient for most parents. Again, public schools should insist on additional Federal dollars for any solution.

    It's becoming clear that the states have allowed themselves to be bribed into disregarding the 10th amendment. State governments should be looking for ways to wean themselves off of Federal monies, to prevent this kind of Federal blackmail.

    While Texans joke about seceding from the union, directives like this one is starting to make many of them think it may become a serious option. The energy states have the capability to hold the rest of the union hostage, if they act together.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      No Funding No Mandate. That should be a Constitutional Amendment - if we ever get it back.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years ago
        Indeed, government should not be able to impose any rules or laws not required for the country's protection and security. It is also that idea that gets abused and manipulated to the point picking up trash becomes a national security issue. Back to the corrupt politician problem...
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
          If we still had it I would be asking isn't this just another in a long list of 9th and 10th Amendment violations. Question? How does one teach a course that apparently one has failed?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      Texas lost that right, which they had, in the1860's. Had they seceded and stayed out of it. No Problem. but they joined the CSA and went to war against the USA...lost and were brought into the union a second time by force of arms. The original provision ceased to exist when they fired on a union soldier and probably when they joined the CSA.

      However they can apply to be divided into as many as four perhaps five States. there's six or maybe eight new Senators. Michigan, Montana, California, Florida, etc. the same. That is they could when we had a Constitution. Now it depends on he who has not yet abdicated.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 8 years ago
    This marxist/socialist/communist president showed his true intentions when the bean counting was done and he told us -publicly, " we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." His every action and declaration since then has been to fulfill that promise. This is only the latest in his "bucket list", there is more to come. In the waning months of his power, consider what he, along with his wife(who is by far the worst of the two) covets most - total control. To that end, we will see them prod us with dictates designed to deliver what they most crave - martial law, legal suspension of rights of citizens. This crew has been prodding us, easily at first and now with more force as his time runs short, to a violent response, which hands him the legitimate reasons he needs to declare. To our credit, we have not given him the tools. It is not January yet, this enemy of America is far from done.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
    So goes the 55 mph speed limit and seat belt laws. If you want our money, you must OBEY.

    16 amendment needs to be repealed and replaced with something the states want. They foolishly let this happened, and never saw the totalitarian mess forming. Idiots!
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  • Posted by scojohnson 8 years ago
    There was an obvious attempt at a tear-jerker of a story on the evening news about a week ago, some little 'it' (a boy dressed up like a girl) that looked about 13, and self-identified as a girl. Beyond using the girls' bathroom & such at school, he felt further discriminated against because none of the boys would ask him out on a date, etc. Wow. And the journalist was really trying to make it sound like his own little civil rights battle.

    At 13, the boys are looking to get into the girl's pants for some obvious action, that's not going to work well when the kid's parts don't match the intended solution. It's not civil rights, its natural anatomy and the little kid is either confused or gay and the parents appeared to only be adding to the problem.

    So where's the next 'human story', the little boy dressed up like a girl but upset that other little girls don't want to date him or let him take them to the prom? Ok, so maybe the other little girls are not lesbians and interested in what the little boy may have to offer, but don't want to be seen as a lesbian going to the prom with what looks like another girl in a prom dress.

    Every election cycle, the democrats pick out some other group that needs their voice to be heard, etc.. it's been going on so long that they are now down to the little boys & girls in K-12 that want to use the other's bathroom in an attempt to pander a few more votes.

    Where is the voice for the first teenage girl that is going to be assaulted in the girl's bathroom by the creepy teacher or janitor that 'self-identifies' as a female. We have certainly seen no end of the upskirt & potty-cams on the Internet... my guess is there are many more of those to keep our kids safe from at a vulnerable time than the confused young pre-teens that want to play dress-up. Certainly, they may be like that as an adult and do whatever as an adult, as a kid, maybe some therapy would be more valuable than letting them set themselves up for an alternative lifestyle at a very young age that might have serious social effects.

    Personally, I'm rather surprised that there are really any girls out there that can't wait to sit down on the toilet seat in a boy's bathroom.

    I'm still pretty confused... how does the boys/girls locker room thing work? When I was a freshman, I may have certainly self-identified as a girl to hang out in the girl's locker room before and after swim class.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Indeed. The next logical step (per the Empire) is to force the other students to ask the little boy/girl out, or face stiff fines and suspension, for violating his/her civil rights. Classic "punish them all for the one" theory of control.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years ago
    This is the ultimate absurd result of the federal government arrogating powers that it does not rightfully own. Neither schools (outside of DC and the military) nor the wider practice of collecting tax money for non-federal purposes so that they can hand it back to states with strings attached is among Congress's enumerated powers.
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  • Posted by skidance 8 years ago
    Idiots already abound!

    Other than leaving things as they are, one solution might be to add third bathrooms labelled "Any."
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years ago
      "Any" I like that. Or a "question mark" because on any given day, they aren't sure what they are.
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      • Posted by skidance 8 years ago
        You make a valid point.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
          Or they do it the other way around - have a restroom marked "family" that is a single commode unit, and i you don't want to use the other restroom (that is open to anyone regardless of plumbing or what a piece of paper says) or are afraid some pervo will attack your kid in said open-use facility, then you can choose to accompany your child into said "family" bathroom. Or send junior in, and stand guard outside.

          However, it's kind of a non-issue - in my 50-someodd years of using the restroom, I cannot think of one time where a perverted male put on a dress and went into a ladies room to molest or mess with someone's daughter. I have seen some pretty untoward stuff (remembering the club scenes of the 1980's there) but never a pervo molesting someone's daughter by pretending to be a woman. (I have, however, heard of numerous cases of a man doing such things to boys in MENS rooms... Hmmm??)

          IMO - this whole anti-transpeople nonsense is just another tactic to keep you in fear of the non-existant and compliant to the fear-mongers controlling you. Just like Blacks using the same water fountain, or making Jews wear yellow stars... Now it's transpeople. Who's next? Perhaps... Non-Muslims for being, well, non-muslim? In some places that's already the case...
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          • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
            While not a molestation, a man in his 20's went into the dressing room of a public pool, in Seattle...twice, to change his shirt. This was while there were young girls and women changing out of their bathing suits.

            Do you really think you would be okay with this, if it were you changing your suit?

            In another recent instance, a high school girl was harassed and heckled by her classmates when she refused to undress in a locker room with a supposed transgender boy. This blade cuts both ways.

            I don't state this to say you're wrong, but just because you, personally, have not experienced it doesn't mean it's a non-issue for others.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
              The problem is more about access for the unintended not the GBLT. It is a truly scary situation for a women traveling and needing to stop at a rest area in a remote area
              any creep can freely walk in on a victim .This will only get worse as the perverts pretend to be what ever with no consequences for being in an inappropriate place.
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              • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                That is very true, and is one of the key points I see people feeling: Where does it stop, and what about my privacy. Freedom does not imply absolute freedom to do anything with no responsibility. In forcing women and men to accomadate others who feel difeerent, the government destroys one freedom to secure another. That is an unfair trade, and is illustrative of all the "social changes" they have enacted. You cannot legislate others moral framework or norms, you have to either persuade them it is right, or find another accommodation.
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
              I've had it happen, then again, perhaps I don't lead as sheltered a life as some. I camp out a lot, do a lot of distance hikes and other outdoors events, so the thought of someone seeing me in my birthday suit, because it has happened so often, whether it's bathing in a lake or creek, "whizzing" behind a tree, or whatever... is a non-starter for me.

              Actually - being a child of the 60's, we used to skinny dip a lot. So most current peoples hang-ups about the human body aren't mine. Doesn't mean I wouldn't kick some pervo freak in the privates if he were being offensive, but I am NOT of the squeamish, neo-victorian era Americanist viewpoint shared by some on this list.

              Actually... thinking about it... (Aw hell, you done went and lit my fuse...)

              I just love how people on this list somehow recently make blatant assumptions about posters based on their own personal experiences (or lack thereof). OK, that was parody - that little recent change in the list REALLY pisses me off. It didn't happen when this list was new, yet somehow people now, here, think that they have free reign to make assumptions and generalizations that are in their own mind... about everyone else here. DON'T F#(&ING DO IT.

              Dig? I HAVE had it happen, guys looking at my nekkid bod, and it wasn't a big deal to me. I may be somewhat of a fat tub and pasty ugly with thunder thighs (or maybe I'm not, but you could picture that, right?) but even were that the case I have no hangups about my body, or that of anyone else's. That (you can gasp in horror now) even includes transpeople who have enough on their plate to worry about what I think about them (when, actually - I __DON'T_*). Yes... I have seen pre-op transwomen at my gym. Do I care? No. Do I think them pervos? No. Are they total freaks that deserved to be flayed? No. Because... ya know what? What (Goddess Forbid) that were ME in that skin dealing with THAT load of crap?

              Someone wants to judge - I have NO use for them, because that type of judgment (sorry, kiddos) - is absolutely, positively NON-OBJECTIVIST. Diggit? I don't buy into other's "feelings" or "assumptions" as fact.

              If that gets you bent out of shape... then look in a mirror. If not - then good for you - maybe we CAN continue a discourse. Either way - have a good whatever it is for you.
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              • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
                Most Americans, did not grow up in nudist colonies.Most Americans are not former hippies. Most American believe that when a naked man exposes himself to a young girl (that is not his own child) that he should be arrested and given a mental examination.

                You say that it doesn't bother you to have a strange male ogle your nude body...okay. How about your 13 year old daughter or granddaughter? How about if that granddaughter had all of her friends start calling her a prude and insulting her modesty, just because she won't undress in front of some mentally unstable person can't decide what sex he or she is (when all they have to do is look between their own legs). By the way, anybody who lacks the mental capacity to recognize their own sex should be a serious concern to any sane person, for any number of reasons.

                This has gone beyond having a "special" room for the undecided...the law of the land is a free-for-all, but only for the freaks because the normal people KNOW which bathroom to use.

                I will not accept this new "standard" because for one person to gain at the cost of another's comfort is not a trade...it's theft. An objectivist would understand that concept.
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                • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
                  Here we ago again...

                  I did not grow up in a Nudist Colony. I am not a "former hippie". I think... well, fuck. I think I am just fucking tired of people stuffing their values down my throat, demanding I accept them, and worse, demanding I accept the labels or assumptions they have of me, when THEY DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME.

                  I think you should be congratulated. The Gulch has gone from a group of rational thinkers to a parrot society of the radical far right.

                  I am NOT interested in arguing points that shouldn't need arguing, I am even less interested (and am in fact QUITE tired) of having to defend myself, my actions, or my words to a group that would rather spread rhetoric than remain objective.

                  I'm even more than finished with those who answer only to superimpose their thoughts or their values on me, as if they know what's in my mind or in my head. What's being offered - isn't value for value anymore, it's rhetoric for the sake of self-aggrandizement and argument, and, well...

                  Ever read the book Atlas Shrugged? Even Dagny eventually shrugged. And... so do I.
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                  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
                    I apologize...

                    There was no reason for me to attempt to force my values on you. The fact that I pulled the "children" card just shows how little I thought, before replying.

                    I will now stop trying to win you over to my side of the argument.

                    Thank you for offering your insight into the issue.
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                  • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                    Randys position is as valid as yours, Suzanne. The fact he does not want to accept the imposition the Obamanation is trying is not imposing anything on you. Nor is it denigrating. Your position is a valid as his. It mirrors the larger issue as well, a neutral solution is needed that respects both views, for real freedom to be found.
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              • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                Susanne, I do not object or argue your point. I share that view as well, it is no big deal. I lived in Sweden in 1969, and went to lakes where everyone ran around nakid. No issue there. I have seen some TS's that are absolutely beautiful. Maybe they should have been female. Maybe not. It is a personal decision, it is a personal view and framework that they need. I am ok with that. I am not ok with then taking that person and allowing them to then impose themselves on functional women, or men. Those others have not been consulted or asked how THEY feel. It is as wrong to impose it upon them, ans to restrict the others. That is why the solution is never imposition, but some neutral answer that protects all rights. The problem is even when that is suggested, and lot of minority groups will say "not good enough". They want the full approval of all society, and that just will not happen, and is not fair to that society. It is a case of yin and yang, and the person who is adamant they do not a male equipped female in their locker room has as much right as the one who wants to be in there. So, the solution MUST always be as close to neutral as possible, if we are to protect individual rights. That is where the problem comes from. What you see as some people being prejudiced or judgemental, is just an expression of another part of the social whole. You will have a wide window of response, and in reality, no response is wrong, it is as valid as any other. Acceptance does not constitute approval. People have as much right to be prejudiced as not. It is the imposition of the prejudice on others that is wrong. The opposite is as true as well, those different have no right to impose that difference on others.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years ago
              That is the examples I have heard. It comes down to a: allowing freedom is OK, but it goes both ways. b: If concern for the odd 1% is so great, make a 3rd bathroom available with a "?" on it, and then "Use at your own risk".
              End of issue.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
    What is this really about? Take a fairly meaningless easily solved non issue and hype it out of proportion. Put a lock on the inside of the door just like the airlines. But No....it's a federal case.

    That ought to take forever

    So? Why? Minor meaningless easily solved stuff like this tend to divert public opinion from a. failed Presidents working on their legacies, Failed politicians trying to get re-elected, and failed political systems trying to gasp one more breath of oxygen before they die.

    Benghazi suffers while potty training goes on the front burner. The public gets toilet paper rolled and flush me freddy hosed again. there's your new toy for the Christmas season.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years ago
      The issue never existed. What this is about is forced acceptance, not tolerance. And yes, you're right, this is about diversion from more important matters that deserve attention. AKA slight of hand.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      That is the real reason crazy things like this take off. it is pure manipulation and theater. They do it so they can continue their real work, dismantling what little is left of the old U.S.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years ago
    Listen. Being transgender is a fact of reality. We believe in "liberty and justice for all". That includes transgender people. Please get a bit of schooling on what is real and isn't before you just go on a rant. There are a lot of lies out there. Many are being played.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      You believe in it. You don't speak for everyone. Most of us believe in common decency and politeness. Most of us and I don't speak for everyone don't believe in anything that starts with PC. But I'll be my group is larger than your group. The answer is the same as a facility on an aircraft. One at a time. Locked from the inside . A light saying in use. Problem solved.

      Because not all of us believe in common decency.
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      • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years ago
        A fact of reality in not a matter of belief. It has nothing to do with "decency". Your saying so is simple prejudice. It has nothing to do with PC. Your group being larger than mine has nothing to do with what is true in reality. Did you miss that part of objectivist philosophy?
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      • Posted by $ 8 years ago
        Indeed, one solution. For communal facilities, one that is "use at your own risk". That way the people who do not object, can use it, the ones who don't, don't. freedom for all. But that means the minority does not get the reaffirmation they are "normal", when they are not. A man who is a woman, but equipped as a man, is not "normal" when that term means equipped only. As such, moms do not want their daughters exposed to that, and vice versa. That is what the minority does not want to have to see that, they just want the doors thrown wide open and all variations treated as whatever they want to be, even if they are not. That is where it all falls apart, most people are not willing to give up their own right to privacy and security, just to entertain a small groups need to impose themselves to be validated.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I do not think that is the issue. I have no issues with any persons identity, race color, religion. I do have an issue when they percieve that they must ram it in my face and have me both acknowledge and approve of it. The fact that someone has the need to ram their difference into society, by forcing everyone to bend to their will and allow them to do anything they deem needed to validate their person, is what I object to. The use of force to inject their perception into the world is what we are speaking of here. The government has no right to force a group to approve and allow a minority group to force their norms to change, just to suit them. It is the lowest form of pandering. Liberty and justice means that some accommodation should be made for these people, but not at the expense of everyone else. It is true of every minority group in society, the tools today is to use force, intimidation, bending the law, and making people "celebrate their differences" whether they want to or not. The majority groups needs go by the wayside, just to make sure the minority doesn't end up "feeling bad". All this does is make it more and more harder for anyone to become mainstream, as the mainstream cannot, and should not, have to change in whatever way the minority wants. Accommodate, accept, allow, yes. But do not force compliance. In this case, males and females of the mainstream have a body taboo that is ingrained in the culture. There are fears of even the smallest group that will use this to gain access to others to abuse. There are no provisions for addressing that, and when bad things happen, the majority has lost all confidence that something will be done to prevent it re-occurring. Until the political elite start to respect ALL opinions, and become consensus builders, instead of consensus destroyers, this will continue to be an issue. I rarely run into anyone who "hates" gays or transgendered people. They may not approve, endorse or want to associate with them. That cannot be changed by force. It has to be changed with slow discussion, debate, and a form of consensus building. There is an intense lack of respect or concern for the individual today, political power wants to manipulate in blocks, so they set gays against straight, black against white and then roll out some "wonderful" forceful solution (a law or fine) for one or the other, and now have bought their loyalty. That is the issue we see here.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years ago
    People have to stop falling for these diversions that generate emotional involvement in non-issues while real evil is being committed against us. While it is a coarsening of society to tear down bathroom privacy among the sexes, on real harm is likely. Transgender people have gone to great effort and expense to change their sex and are unlikely to threaten persons of the biological sex they aspire to. Perverts present a threat that has nothing to do with this issue and no one has ever been harmed by seeing the genitalia of anyone.
    While we are getting caught up in this type of distraction, the magician is removing yet another cornerstone of liberty by some executive action or regulation that we aren't aware of yet and it will be too late to do anything about it when we notice.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      It is a manipulated issue, but real when you go to a swimming pool and some "wmana" comes in your locker room and strips down in front of your 12 yo, and you have to explain why "she" is different. That is what raises the fear of so many, they then see their kids at risk. It is a valid concern, when personal respect and courtesy is at an all time low.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years ago
    What's the problem? Let private businesses set any restroom policies they please, and allow the free market to sort out the issue.

    Oh yes, and get rid of the public schools.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      Well, while private business has that option, they still try to force the issue through regulation. The bulk of the issues are schools and public venues such as pools and such. I have not seen much on the private gyms or any issues with them...yet...but I am sure they will not go un-harassed.
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  • Posted by marc 8 years ago
    I think Obama is like all other Muslims - he wants to make it easier for girls and young women to be raped by the faithful - see the article I have copied and sent out, a piece from http://www.raymondibrahim.com/.


    And here are two letters to the editor of my town's newspaper which were REJECTED!

    To The Editor:
    Will Muslims refugee men be raping local women when they are relocated to the White Mountains?

    I have just been informed that several thousand Islamics will soon be relocated to the White Mountains, somewhere in the White Mountain Apache reservation if my information is correct.

    This is the final evolution of the insanity known as Political Correctness—bringing several thousand Muslims into this area. Among other things that makes me wonder why in God’s Name our elected and appointed leaders are doing this is the example of what has happened in Sweden — mainly the Somali men are raping virtually en masse, every Swedish woman they can get their hands on — the latest Rapture Ready Nearing Midnight Web Page has a horrifying article exposing the horrible crimes of mass rape of Swedish women by Somali Islamic men — and nothing is being done about it! Political Correctness prevents it! Here is a weblink to read and heed:


    According to Sharia law, ‘infidel’ women — as young as 3 to 11 years f age — are fair game for Muslim men. Will the White Mountain Apache Tribe’s women be at risk for gang rapes by Sharia Muslims? Quite possibly! And what about the women of the surrounding area? Will they, too, be targets of these Sharia law Muslim men who will consider them to be fair game?

    And what will law enforcement agencies do? Nothing? That’s what the Swedish police have done — paralyzed by Political Correctness!?

    One last thing: it is a known fact that Islamic terrorists have infiltrated the Muslim refugees fleeing to Europe. How many Muslim refugees admitted by the Obama Administration will actually be Muslim terrorists? Many more than one, I am sure. Wake up America — before it’s too late!

    My latest letter to the editor - how much you wanna bet they DON'T run it?


    One of the latest articles in WND.com is downright terrifying! ‘WND Exclusive: “ÜBER-BIG PROBLEM: MUSLIMS ‘RAPING U.S. WOMEN IN TAXIS’ ” is the title and that is exactly what has happened—and may still be happening!

    In multiple locations across the United States, Muslim men employed as taxi drivers for Über, Lyft, and possibly other cab companies have been arrested after they abducted and RAPED women passengers!

    And the appalling thing is that everyone seems to be trying to cover up the fact the rapists are Muslims! Read. The. Article.

    This is happening with the floodgates opened wide to admit the Islamic tide. Imagine what will be occurring when the dike is totally busted by Obama, Hillary, and God knows who else with the power and clout to do it!

    Muslim men are ALLOWED to rape non-Muslim women! The Koran clearly states this! Look it up on the Internet! Type this exact phrase into your search engine: “Muslim men are allowed to rape non-Muslim women.” And see what pops up! It’s disgusting and appalling. And for the women themselves, their husbands, brothers, fiancés, parents, it can be downright HORRIFYING!

    Am I an Islamaphobe? Quite probably. After reading so many stories that are well-documented about Muslim killers blowing themselves up to kill as many others as they could, and now this horrific new article—containing well-documented solid FACT, not fanciful speculation!—I am extremely leery of Muslims in general and Muslim men in particular.

    People, we are in danger. And if we let the Muslim flood tide inundate the country, horrific incidents like the ones solidly-documented by WND.com in that article will become the rule rather than the exception!
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  • Posted by term2 8 years ago
    I could care less about this issue. In the scheme of things , it is useless to even think about it. Who cares really.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      term, the point is, it is another encroachment on individual rights and freedom. It is an accepted std that women go in bathrooms, and associate with women, the govt does not have the authority or the right to change the structure to appease some other niche group who demand it. If the niche group has such concerns, then they should be allowed to pay and provide their own room they can play in. This is as applicable to any fundamental right (for instance, if a group of people decided that staring in windows of houses was their own form of freedom, does that mean government has the right to turn off the electricity until all houses remove drapes and blinds, just to appease their needs?). Even if you do not care about the specific issue, the fat that the government chooses to impose it's own corrupt pandering solution to it, is worth concern and push back.
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  • Posted by marc 8 years ago
    I think Obama want to make it easier for his Muslim buddis to rape young girls - which the Koran says Muslim men can do, even girls as young as nine!

    Below are two letters to the editor that were rejected for political INcorrectness!

    To The Editor:
    Will Muslims refugee men be raping local women when they are relocated to the White Mountains?

    I have just been informed that several thousand Islamics will soon be relocated to the White Mountains, somewhere in the White Mountain Apache reservation if my information is correct.

    This is the final evolution of the insanity known as Political Correctness—bringing several thousand Muslims into this area.

    Among other things that makes me wonder why in God’s Name our elected and appointed leaders are doing this is the example of what has happened in Sweden — mainly the Somali men are raping virtually en masse, every Swedish woman they can get their hands on — the latest Rapture Ready Nearing Midnight Web Page has a horrifying article exposing the horrible crimes of mass rape of Swedish women by Somali Islamic men — and nothing is being done about it!

    Political Correctness prevents it! Here is a weblink to read and heed: http://mrconservative.com/2013/03/667...

    According to Sharia law, ‘infidel’ women — as young as 3 to 11 years f age — are fair game for Muslim men. Will the White Mountain Apache Tribe’s women be at risk for gang rapes by Sharia Muslims? Quite possibly! And what about the women of the surrounding area? Will they, too, be targets of these Sharia law Muslim men who will consider them to be fair game?

    And what will law enforcement agencies do? Nothing? That’s what the Swedish police have done — paralyzed by Political Correctness!?

    One last thing: it is a known fact that Islamic terrorists have infiltrated the Muslim refugees fleeing to Europe.

    How many Muslim refugees admitted by the Obama Administration will actually be Muslim terrorists? Many more than one, I am sure. Wake up America — before it’s too late!

    My latest letter to the editor - how much you wanna bet they DON'T run it?


    One of the latest articles in WND.com is downright terrifying! ‘WND Exclusive: “ÜBER-BIG PROBLEM: MUSLIMS ‘RAPING U.S. WOMEN IN TAXIS’ ” is the title and that is exactly what has happened—and may still be happening!

    In multiple locations across the United States, Muslim men employed as taxi drivers for Über, Lyft, and possibly other cab companies have been arrested after they abducted and RAPED women passengers!

    And the appalling thing is that everyone seems to be trying to cover up the fact the rapists are Muslims! Read. The. Article.

    This is happening with the floodgates opened wide to admit the Islamic tide. Imagine what will be occurring when the dike is totally busted by Obama, Hillary, and God knows who else with the power and clout to do it!

    Muslim men are ALLOWED to rape non-Muslim women! The Koran clearly states this! Look it up on the Internet! Type this exact phrase into your search engine: “Muslim men are allowed to rape non-Muslim women.” And see what pops up! It’s disgusting and appalling. And for the women themselves, their husbands, brothers, fiancés, parents, it can be downright HORRIFYING!

    Am I an Islamaphobe? Quite probably. After reading so many stories that are well-documented about Muslim killers blowing themselves up to kill as many others as they could, and now this horrific new article—containing well-documented solid FACT, not fanciful speculation!—I am extremely leery of Muslims in general and Muslim men in particular.

    People, we are in danger. And if we let the Muslim flood tide inundate the country, horrific incidents like the ones solidly-documented by WND.com in that article will become the rule rather than the exception!
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
      So...how long before an armed white woman is thrown to the ground and viciously attacked by an unarmed teenage Muslim boy, shoots and kills him and is immediately vilified by the government for an apparent "hate crime"? Maybe Obama would even state "If I had an adopted Syrian refugee son"...
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      One would have to think if this was indeed true, that there would be a little more sensational media going on. I can't see Uber allowing any of it's associated employees raping women enmass, it just seems bad for business... It does bring up the issue of a social structure at odds with the one they are injected into, making such an injection not only immoral, but unsupportable. If facts can be obtained, then that makes good ammo for use on the politicians who have supported it, especially if they are "women's rights" supporters (or claim to be).
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  • -1
    Posted by dnr 8 years ago
    Up to now, almost every comment in this discussion would make Ayn turn over in her grave. These comments are bigoted. What right does anyone have to condemn people who are trans-gender. I am ashamed for all of you. What exactly is it that you are afraid of? Now, while I don't support the heavy handedness of the administration, I don't think that it is anything to go crazy about.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I think you miss the point. I do not believe AR would endorse the government: a: using its power to legislate social behavior to it's limited taste. and b: Using it's power to tax to take money and then require specific actions to get it back. In addition, I think she would also say they shouldnot be taxing and paying for schools across the country, it is a local responsibility. Is it bigoted to not let people pee on your doorstep? What if a group decides that their lives are unfulfilled until they have done so one every house in their town, and the town requires everyone to open their gates to allow it, or have their utilities cut? Bigoted is being prejudiced against a norm that has been established and exists and also ignores the fact you have the personal freedom to NOT have to subject yourself to something you find offensive, or be forced to. The correct answer to this silliness was to add a gender neutral bathroom/locker room to all facilities, but why should the majority have to pay to create such infrastructure to accommodate a small minority. Imposition of someones social morals on the majority from an outside source and using blackmail is certainly immoral and much worse that a persons personal offense at being forced to violate their own privacy standards, when they are built around an established norm.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 8 years ago
      At a k-12 age group, you are basically dealing with a petri dish of hormones.

      When my son (now 23) was in high school - around his sophomore year, there was an autistic kid in his class that would whip out his junk and jerk himself until masturbation while sitting at his desk behind whatever girl of the day it was in front of him. Obviously, he was kicked out of class the first time it happened, then under Title IX or whatever, the parents pushed for him to be put back in class so he would get the same education experience as anyone else. Minus the fact that everyone else would have to skip their hour of educational experience because they were completely distracted watching him ejaculate all over the carpeting every day while the teacher had to act like the village idiot.

      Then little Johnny or whatever his name was felt lonely, and the mother actually came in to explain to the kids that her son had an emotional problem, etc., and it wasn't his fault, so everyone needed to be nice to him and be his friend and hang out with the kid that whips out his junk in class and jerks all over the carpeting.

      Under threat of lawsuit, the opinions of anyone else were completely stifled.

      I'll reserve my feelings on the issue, and simply point out that mental illness does exist, about 25% of Americans can be diagnosed with something. This is simply no different, it is probably a chemical imbalance in the brain/hormones/etc. that could probably be treated if we weren't obsessed with whatever this is we're obsessed with now. Or like I really don't like my 35 mile commute each way to work and I would rather get paid my salary to go off in my RV and fish or hunt every day, I do have the reality of a family to support and bills to pay. We all can't fully self-express ourselves with every whim or desire, or society breaks down into chaos.

      What's next? The guys that only get off by raping a girl and cannot get to orgasm by conventional means - should we decriminalize rape where they are concerned because it's just their method of self-expression? What about guys that are into snuff films, they only want to get off when watching a girl killed during the act... should we immediately realize that some girls are just going to be cattle for that type of self-expression?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
      Save your labels for a black lives matter rally.

      I could care a less what sexual preference a person has or is, provided it involves adults.

      Fed govt black mailing educators to force compliance of a standard determined by altruistic
      Control hungry bureaucrats is unexceptable.
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