Atlas Shrugged II critique by LetsShrug

Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago to Movies
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First of all I want to send out a HUGE thank you to EVERY person involved in bringing Atlas Shrugged to the big screen, especially right now when so many need to be awakened. NOW is the time and you've nailed it! So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

I was only disappointed in one thing while watching this movie: The size of the audience. Granted it was a 10:10am showing on a weekday (Friday), but I had really hoped for a bigger bunch of producers to show up. We were there with approx 60 others.

I didn't expect the movie to begin with the flight/chase scene, and for a split second I questioned that decision, but then I realized that it sucked in the viewer, making them thirsty for answers for who, what, why, where, and when is this happening? Brilliant!

I think a great job was done to tie in the details from the previous chapter (part I). Just a few words here and there were enough for the first time viewer to catch up with the present events.

The speeches: Hank Rearden in court, and Francisco d'Anconia at James and Cherryl's wedding, were cut incredibly short, but the main points were still made.

The new cast members, although older, were well cast. Particularly Patrick Fabian (James Taggart), and Kim Rhodes (Lillian Rearden).

The “bum” on the train's character was completely changed, the snowstorm, when the train stalled, was left out, and Dagny made her way to the airport, (where she buys a plane to fly to Utah to try and catch Quentin Daniels), in a truck, rather than on foot, but again, it didn't diminish the story line.

I am left with only one question. I know this is petty, ridiculous, silly, and unimportant, but I have to ask. In the part where Dagny is at their family cabin and she's cleaning up and chucking things off the front porch she heaved/dragged a perfectly good (as far as I could tell) adirondack chair into the front yard. Why? What was wrong with that chair? Okay, okay, it was HER chair she can throw it in the junk pile if she wants to...it just bugged me a little. I know I'm just nitpicking, but I wasn't convinced that she was “cleaning” at that point. I liked that chair. :(

All in all the movie is a MUST-SEE and I will tell everybody I know to go see it and I hope it has a tremendous turn out. We need it.

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  • Posted by SNAFU 11 years, 2 months ago
    I particularly liked the Scene of Dagny Gassing up that Truck, it Drove the Point Home to many of just How Screwed up things had become.
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  • Posted by Svarog 11 years, 3 months ago
    The book was defenatly more full , but so many people do not read so the movie is the perfect replacement . Hope it will wake some sleeping people up !
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    • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
      Please enlighten me, oh great person of heavenly wisdom and expert in the area of guilt, where did I infringe on anyone's free will? When did I try to guilt anyone? And I can be disappointed in whoever the hell I want be disappointed in. And take me out of your cross hairs right now.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years, 6 months ago
    Took an old friend to see AS II last week at a second run theater. We were the only patrons. The "B" cast was good, not great. My pal was unfamiliar with both AS I and Ayn Rand. I was pleased that he was able to "get it." I do hope that $ can be found to make AS III. Perhaps a billionaire "maker" will step up and make it so.
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  • Posted by World_Engine_2012 11 years, 7 months ago
    We had 16 in our theater and I don't think one of them was under 45 yo. As for the speaches I agree. But as with all things cinema you only have so much time so something must be cut. I'd have to go back and re-read the story to see how much of the meat of the messages were lost. I agree the main points were made but with todays society I wonder if the points needed the additional boost the longer speeches would have given. With our country's current situation I think it time for people to start thinking about and reading this story. And I mean read it. I got so much more out of the reading than I did from the movies. We are in a crisis that has been caused as much by the American people as the politicians we put into office. I say this because we have let those same politicians become powerful beyond what the Constitution allows, we've been too busy in our own lives and being more concerned about the little things in our lives and have left them alone to do as they wish. If we don't get a better hold on them and give them a good shake to let them know we are awake and watching them we are doomed to losing our country. This film, mpre than any other, is extremely pertinent to our situation today. I think it should be a required "go see" by civics and government teachers in the schools. Show the students what they can lose by too much government intervention. Overall I enjoyed the movie and can't wait for part 3. I wish they would sell a longer (and I don't mean 5 minutes longer) version for home viewing; a version that has the longer speaches and some of the more important messages. When this series of movies comes out in video though, I will be buying it. I think Ayn Rand was so far ahead of her time that she was grossly misunderstood and dismissed. If more people in the 50s had paid attention to her then we wouldn't be having the problems we are having now.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      Well said :) So many Americans don't realize (or care) that it is their responsibility to pay attention to what the government is up to. They think nothing the gov does really affects them. I'm afraid to think what it would take for them to wake up and take notice.
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  • Posted by Munce 11 years, 7 months ago
    1st. @ BigJim & SDesapio: Auction off the Adirondack chair! Based on the posts for this critique, it should finance all of AS part III! ;-)

    2nd. @ LetsShrug: I saw it opening weekend on Saturday and took 6 family and friends with me in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. There were about 20 in the theatre at the 7:30 show and the ticket taker who knows me as a regular said there was a decent amount of activity for AS-II.

    I was sporting my Danneskjöld Repossessions pirate shirt and educating people on the third brilliant student!

    I like the quality of the production and the actors are fine.

    All-in-all I agree with your critique. I’m not as picky about the actors as you are being.

    All of us should keep spreading the word! Don't forget to tell your friends that part I is on Netflix streaming and then get them to go to the theatre for part II.
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  • Posted by winter 11 years, 7 months ago
    I finally got to see AS this past staturday , this was a noon showing . The theater was maybe 20 % full, butr the disterbing for me wes the age of the audience. The people I saw were in there 40's and up. I left with 2 other people that were older then myself 61 , they were in their 70's at a guess I said to bad it's us geezers seeing this I would like to see many more young(er ) people. Any thought's about bringing in that younger audience ?
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    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 7 months ago
      The problem with marketing the ideas of Atlas Shrugged is the same problem faced by the American political write. Liberals and Democrats have made their ideas sexy and associated with you. The only definition of "the man" kids accept is economic--companies trying to sell to them. So, when kids embrace their rebellious streak and fight for freedom, they fight the system, which they see as capitalism. (The error here is that capitalism is an economic theory, not a political system.)

      Personally I think "objectivism" needs to focus on (marketing wise) how individualism and reason maximize your personal happiness, not capitalism and limited government. The latter follow from the former, and the former is more appealing on a personal level.
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  • Posted by capnkris 11 years, 7 months ago
    I went to see AS2 on a Friday night in a suburb of Chicago. There were maybe 20 people in the audience. I've been waiting for this movie for 40 years, so of course I was disappointed, mostly with the casting. Like TexasLadyJuanita, I had some very high expectations. I have been picturing an Antonio Banderas type as Francisco, a Dagny with the drama of Susan Hayward, and a John Galt with the stoicism of Gary Cooper. I wonder who Ayn Rand would have chosen for the parts.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 11 years, 5 months ago
      I have cast this movie in my head for over 40 years, putting characters together, changing things around. There are a number of people who could look the Frisco part EXCEPT I could always see the cape waving behind him in the wind as I read, and I can't see it behind any actor I slot into that part. I'd like to use the "kick ass and take names" attitude of both Katherine Hepburn and Lauren Bacall, but neither voice is anywhere right.The one that eludes me, of course, is John Galt: the face without pain or fear or guilt. I did know a Libertarian some years ago who was beautiful enough to do the part, and had a splendid voice - but I don't think he was an actor. In all, "fantasy casting" is a fun game. bigjim is right - we have to get enough of a word out to make the right actors want to do the parts - and then get the butts in the seats and the brains in gear! I loved actually seeing the movie, though. Watching the choices made on casting and script and location fascinates me.
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