How and Why Hollywood is full of left-winged Politics

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 7 months ago to Culture
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The fourth video down shows how carefully 'The Fountainhead' was used by the bad guy in the popular movie 'Dirty Dancing' for the obvious attempt to turn the audiance off of Ayn Rand. It's shockingly obvious. For those who say that there is no conspiracy, the evidence speaks otherwise. The film was released in 1987, that's how far back this stuff goes.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 11 years, 7 months ago
    You have clearly explained why I very rarely ever go to the theater and why I change the channel from movies that drive the leftist recognition BS meter into the red zone. Perhaps to the socialist leaning Hollywood set it makes no difference. The entertainment "stars" of utopias like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia did quite well as long as they towed the party line. Same for "journalists".
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 7 months ago
    Finished reading through this in bits and pieces. My question is, can I get a copy of each of your books (The Symposium of Justice and Tail of the Dragon) signed by you, and how much extra do you want for your signatures?
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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 7 months ago
    I think you're giving most people in Hollywood far too much credit when you say they've heard of and are in the midst of a long term plan to discredit Ayn Rand. Most people simply don't have first hand knowledge of her work.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 years, 7 months ago
    You are so right; they don't see any common ground because they are completely against free markets. They go to great lengths to eliminate competition, not by creating a better product, but by character assassination, creation of straw man arguments, and legislation bought through campaign bribes. They can't compete against true creative forces of free markets, so they conspire with government to suppress innovations.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      That is why George Lucas lives in San Fran, and Hollywood crawls to his Industrial Light and Magic facility for the best visual effects. He moved out of Hollywood for many of the reasons discussed here. Creative freedom!
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago
    Very well done! Ayn Rands Screen Guide for Americans apparently is long forgotten by Hollywood. It's been forever since I've seen Dirty Dancing and didn't even remember the Fountainhead part. (Scary). What I still can't grasp though is why do the Hollywood Liberals not make the connection between their own wealth and Capitalism? They are against it, yet they ARE it and I don't know how they make that jive in their heads. It's only okay for THEM to succeed and get rich from their work but if anybody else gets rich they should be demonized for it?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      I think they are simply confused. Like a lot of peope, they don't connect what they do for a living with reality. Such as a person who works in a factory that makes ammunition for the military may never think of how their product might kill people, yet when they aren't working, they protest against war. They forget that they make the bullets for war. But to them they only see their little part of it. Hollywood is natoriously closed off from the outside world. They think the whole world is that little flat of land that bunches up against the mountains. They know Las Vegas is just over those mountains, but beyond that, the world is a mystery. Sometimes they fly to New York and think the whole world is just in those two places. Santa Monica residents are really bad about this. They live in a bottle.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 7 months ago
        You are much kinder than I on your thoughts about these people. I will share an experience with a step brother, which I think is basically the attitude of those in the entertainment industry, He works in construction....

        Entertainers have something in common with those in the constructgion industry, when they have work they can make some good money, but they often have periods of little or no income between the times of plenty. My step brother had a time of plenty, bought a nice new Chevy 3500 diesel truck, loaded up with about every extra for 59k. My dad asked him if was saving any money. "No, why should I... the government took care of me before I had this job and they will again when I don't." My dad started into lectures about being prepared for the down times... but it was all falling on deaf ears.

        Many in the arts have to spend years not making any money off the thing they want to do that is productive. Some do some other productive endeavor while attempting to get there break. Others live off producers while attempting to get there break. The first group may remain small government producer types, but I can not image the later group doing so. Even the first group has the risk of feeling like it is not up to them, but up to someone who casts a show, play, advertisement... to give them a chance. The ideal that you will do what you can has a hard time getting through that culture of you will do what I let you do that I think so strongly permeates entertainment. Several people have gotten big from puplishing through itunes first, and then getting a record deal. This new method provides some hope for the future, but the same thing happening to music is not happening to most of the arts and the culture of a beggar asking for alms from some producer is largely there, which enforces the big government liberal socialistic view of the world on those that go through it.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
          That's a great story, and it comes back to the money speech from Atlas. Money doesn't give people value. Take all their money away, and they will still find a way to make more money because they are people of value. That doesn't give leeches the right to sap away all the energy of such people though. Liberals don't make the connection.

          As to being harsh, I'm with you. I have learned to mind everything I say as though I'm getting ready for court, but I certainly understand calling punks, losers and parasites by their proper names. : )
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  • Posted by WWJGD 11 years, 6 months ago
    Wow. He could have cut that down to about 1/3 its size and improved it dramatically. It almost qualifies for the infamous "tl;dr" tag.
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  • Posted by etwfj 11 years, 6 months ago
    The leftist types started hollywood to use as a propaganda platform, it has worked to a large degree, the Lies they tell are taken as facts.
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