Canadian Island Invites Americans If Trump Wins

Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 2 months ago to News
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I find "this is not a joke" offer (for people who are a joke for me) to be amusing.
Not amusing for me would be living in a promoted gun free zone.
I was going to put this humor but but decided to put it in news.
I'm currently undecided who to vote for by the way.

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 2 months ago
    Just the safe space those Emory UniversityTerrorized Students who are so abused and fearful by someone supporting free speech... and by the violent word "Trump".

    What happens when they realize they're in Canada... which is NOT the USA? Or why people aren't all that thrilled to live off PEI? Or that people in Canada can - and DO - own firearms? --gasp--

    Go, little diaperbirds, flee your evil democratic hell of free speech for the sweet socialist sound of someone's propaganda. Enjoy Stormy Cape Breton, chilly spot it is (wonder why people are leaving?), live far away from your rights and freedoms to embrace some imaginary fairyland. of rainbows and unicorns and sparkle ponies.

    Sell out. You deserve what you get.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 2 months ago
    My fear if Trump wins is that nothing will change. If someone as far away from mainstream politicians and such a strong personality can't curb the bureaucracy, then nothing will.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I don't know what to think of Trump.
      Just as I was beginning to warm up to him (again), sleaze starts flying all over the place.
      I voted for Cruz in the primary; but when he blamed Trump for trouble George Soros and Moveon.guano paid for, Cruz really turned me off too.
      I may end up voting to the what's-his-name Libertarian should Alabama allow it.
      I signed a petition to make that so despite the fact that I voted for Cruz that very same day.
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  • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 2 months ago
    I look at it this way, if he wins he cannot be any worse than Obama has been or that Hill or Sanders would be. I am not a fan of Trump the politician but I am leaving irregardless of who wins. It is not a statement of the current state of our country, just reality that I cannot afford to retire here on my military retirement alone and I don't want to be a WalMart greeter anytime in the future. I have 6 more years until I can start to get any return from my SS contributions but the way I look at it, I funded my stepdad and mother's retirement thanks to the profligate spending of our parasitic lawmakers in Dirty City or Mordor or whatever you want to call inside the Beltway. As for Breton Island, I would hope that some take them up on it, it would enhance their population and economy and would rid us of some of those parasitic elites that contaminate our culture.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      A good person looks out for his folks.
      I'm curious to know where you are leaving to or is at least where you are thinking about going to.
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      • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 2 months ago
        I am looking out for my folks. They moved to Belize 2 years ago and I am moving there by the end of the year. I have purchased 3 acres and already had a prebuilt house set up on one of the lots. I plan on having a fruit tree farm but I am only like 10 minutes from where my stepdad lives (my mom passed away a week before Easter). The property is paid for and so is the house, I just have to finish the house as I bought just a shell. So I have to do electrical and plumbing along with insulation and interior walls.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
          I understand that Belize is promoting retirees and others to live there. While I haven't investigated it in any depth, it looks like a really good deal to me.
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          • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 2 months ago
            My parents moved there 2 years ago under the retiree program (QRP). The program is through the Belize Tourism Department, not Immigration and basically you are a long term resident with no chance of citizenship. One benefit is that for the first year, you can bring in your household goods, vehicles and everything else tariff free. In Belize, everything that comes into the country has a tariff on it, the level of which is determined on where it is coming from (Belize is a member of CARICOM). As for everything else, infrastructure is basic, medical care is not the best and if you live like a local is actually quite inexpensive. If you want imported goods, live on the beach in an American style condo, it is more expensive. I will be in the Cayo (the interior) about 3 miles outside the capital of Belmopan, living on 3 acres that costs me around $20 a year in taxes.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
              I just gotta ask. Your parents say anything about the neighbors?
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              • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 2 months ago
                Most of their neighbors are really nice, one couple is from Belize but they lived in the US for a number of years then moved back and then were one of the first to live in the village. Some others are friendly but only speak Spanish. I have been there twice in the last 7 months and am going back for another 2 weeks or so, sometime in April to spend time with my Stepdad. In my area, I have not spent enough time in the area to get to know them.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 2 months ago
    First off, Liberals will NOT leave...even if Trump wins. What fun is there in converting like minded people to your way of life?

    Secondly, in my mind, we really need Cruz to whip Trump. From what I've been seeing of Trump's rallies, he is better at dividing people than getting them to join together. He's even worse than Obama in that regard.

    I am a believer of the Constitution and Cruz is a far better follower of that document than most other candidates out there. True, he has faults...some of them serious, but a perfect President we are never going to get.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I'm not holding my breath, but if Cruz actually comes out on top without GOP fat cats pulling a Mitt Romney or a Kasich out of a play dirty hat, I'll vote for him like I did in the primary.
      Yeah, I agree Cruz has his faults . . .
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 2 months ago
    America will be great again if these sort of people leave just because Trump wins. However.....Cape Breton Island needs to be ready for all the taxes and welfare the new immigrants vote for.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 8 years, 2 months ago
    Imagine that -- an 'anti-gulch' -- I wonder how long it would be before the island resembles Detroit? I'd give it 15 years, twenty at the outside. Then again the RCMP might swarm in and deport the 'undesirable' elements before it got that bad.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 2 months ago
    I want Cruz to get the nomination. But I guess
    Trump would be better than Clinton or Sanders.
    I thought that Nixon would be better than Humphrey (although I wasn't old enough to vote then), and then look what he did for free enter- prise,bringing in those government controls, with that wage/price freeze. Still, if people don't
    want individual enterprise, why stop with go-
    ing to a Canadian island? Why not just move
    to Cube or Red China and be done with it?
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
    I would consider moving there IF evil witch woman Hillary gets elected..

    I AM voting for Trump, because he tells it like it is, he is a washington outsider, doesnt take campaign contributions that require favors he has to offer to be paid for by me, and he will threaten the corrupt crony establishment, and question why we are doing things. He is also committed to lowering taxes and getting us more equitable two way trade deals.

    Hillary on the other hand IS the posterchild for the bought and paid for establishment, will have to give favors to wall street at my expense, and will increase minimum wages so my small business will have to struggle and probably close in the face of chinese low wage competition. She will also make it ridiculous to start a small business that the owner might want to sell later ( capital gains treatment she came out against- meaning tax at over 40% of the sale price of the business).
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
    I think he cannot win. If he did, I would say here to resist and protest. If he turned out to be way worse than I think and destroyed the US gov't, I would find myself in some place like Germany, not Canada, working on weapons to defeat him, which would be an ironic scenario. I am very confident we're nowhere at all close to that, even if he became president. I think he's bad but no Adolf Hitler.
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  • Posted by hattrup 8 years, 2 months ago
    The President is not a King - per Constitution mostly a figurehead.
    Our current Imperial Presidency only exists due to the Congress total dereliction of duty.
    A more fundamental problem is a Congress not doing their Constitutional duty (like control of
    war and spending authorizations) - not who
    the next unconstitutional imperial President is.
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  • Posted by Donald-Brian-Lehoux 8 years, 2 months ago
    If Hillary wins everything will change for the worse. At least Trump ISN'T a politician.
    Divide and conquer is why they do.
    Vote veteran someone that puts America B4 any party, we come from all backgrounds.
    end the DC double standards and put them on Obama care, SS.
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  • Posted by IamThereforeIThink 8 years, 2 months ago
    Not as far off the truth as you'd imagine. In fact I can see Cape Breton across the Gulf from my front porch ... no, really! - not joking - & I invate you to spend the month of June with what's left of the rational world. Find out more here:
    (you see folks the only criteria is the motor - it doesn't have to be in Colorado and if Rand named it Atlantis, shouldn't it at least be in the Atlantic?)
    but you're right about any promotion of 'gun-free-zones' allosaur* - without any specified objective morality that is more of an invitation to armed criminals.

    JohnGalt Iamoura
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Old Dino read a couple of books about Atlantis and have also seen stuff about it on The History Channel, Discovery, etc., over the years.
      IMO this legend stems from a Krakatoa sized volcanic explosion that reshaped the Mediterranean island of Santorini not far from Crete.
      It severely wrecked the alpha Minoan (both on Santorini and Crete) civilization and its vast navy.
      Some may recall the legend of Theseus killing the Minotaur when legend holds that Athens was once forced to annually sacrifice young adults sent to Crete.
      The Minoan volcanic holocaust gave rise to the ancient Greek Mycenaean ruled collection of city states that sacked Troy.
      Centuries later Atlantis was but a legend when Plato heard about. I believe he in his writings errantly placed Atlantis in that big scary ocean that could cause you to fall off the earth beyond the Pillars of Hercules.
      I may be wrong but I think the Atlantic Ocean got its name from the misplaced island that in some stories grew into a "lost continent" that completely sank.
      The volcano altered island of Santorini is still there and the post-apocalyptic people whose ancestors moved there would appreciate your tourism.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
        I think the jury is still out on Atlantis. Their is evidence of a impact that initially caused a rapid melting of 2 mile thick ice sheet over N. America that caused massive flooding, we have to expect that water would pour into both Pacific and Atlantic Oceans rapidly raising see levels. The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, also known as the Clovis comet hypothesis, is one of the competing scientific explanations for the onset of the Younger Dryas cold period after the last glacial period. The hypothesis, which scientists continue to debate, proposes that the climate of that time was cooled by the impact or air burst of one or more comets.

        The general hypothesis states that about 12,900 BP calibrated (10,900 14C uncalibrated) years ago, air burst(s) or impact(s) from a near-Earth object(s) set areas of the North American continent on fire, disrupted climate and caused the Quaternary extinction event in North America.
        100-fold spike in the concentration of platinum has also been found in Greenland ice cores, dated to 12,890 BP with 5 year accuracy.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
          That time period strikes me as way too long ago to have a legendary advanced for its time Atlantis civilization in it.
          Me wants to be a stubborn old dino and stick to me precious ancient Minoan Santorini was Atlantis before it all blew up theory.
          Oh, me precious! Oh, me precious!
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          • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
            Old Dino ,me precious sounds like Golum from the Hobbit.
            You may be right but, our understanding of ancient civilized man has been extended by thousands of years with the discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey 6000 years older than the Sumarians from Mesopotania. In addition Geologist Robert Schoch Ph.D has shown strong evidence that the Sphinx dates to around 11000-9500bc much older than conventional wisdom. Puma Punka in Bolivia and Sacsayhunan in Peru amazing technological sites could be dated to 15000bc.

            I find the topic quite interesting. I just finished Meet me in Atlantis by Mark Adams 2015.
            It is a pretty thorough investigation of the popular theory's locations including Santorini, his conclusion was that Solon said nothing about a volcanic explosion and the Critias says earthquake , flood and sinking.
            Ultimately he thinks Plato made up the story.
            I am not so sure about that. Most thought Troy was a mythological city until it was discovered.
            Anyway to me this is less disturbing to contemplate than discussing the fascist and socialists running for President!
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