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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
    Of all the candidates in the race right now, Ted Cruz is the one who I think actually has a track record of supporting the Constitution as originally intended. No one is going to be perfect and no organization - especially a political one - is going to be perfect. Cruz is the best one currently, and much better than we've seen in recent years with the exception of Rand Paul.

    With Rubio, we get more Republican establishment politics. I'm not real hot on that idea.

    With Trump, we get another ego-maniac/narcissist who relies more on stoking the passions than in sound governance. We've had that for the past eight years and I'm not real hot on it continuing. I was eager to vote for Perot, but Perot hadn't bankrupted four businesses, benefited from government taking private land under eminent domain, encouraged higher taxes, or shilled for socialized medicine.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
    There is not a single candidate who is perfect, but Ted Cruz has been consistent in sticking to conservative principles. .
    Cruz has been so consistent that the conniving RINO hypocrites of the "mainstream" GOP are horrified by the thought of him becoming POTUS.
    I've read and heard the RINOs are starting to back The (deal-making) Donald if that's what it takes to beat Cruz.
    I don't see Cruz as our next president.
    Still, I intend to vote for him in the primary to make a statement.
    At this point in time. Something more may happen to change my mind.
    Recent libtard Trump making fun of Cruz will not change my mind. Neither will Gang Of Eight trickster RINO Rubio.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
      I dont trust the religious zealotry of Cruz. You never really know what his "god" will tell him to do at any given time. Very scary to have him in a position of power. Same comment with Rubio, who has decided a raped woman has to carry the rapists baby to term. That would freak me out if I were a raped woman.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
        Christian values do not bother me because I am one of those "scary people" who holds such views.
        Well, I hold some such views, rejecting others just as I do with my ongoing study of philosophy.
        I am pro-life but not a zealot to the point the point that I think a woman should have to carry a rapist's baby. Rubio is a RINO anyway.
        We've had plenty of Christian presidents. It helped a lot of them become just that by proclaiming their faith before crowds.
        Catholic JFK was not a papist slave. He even messed around. "Bless me father for I have sinned----" LOL!
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        • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
          I agree, while I think it's an aspect of character to be considered, it's not something you beat each other up over. I was raised lutheran, converted to Catholicism to marry my wife. It's an interesting perspective, given that the universal church until only relatively recently (a blink of an eye in its history) considered evangelicals, baptists, mormons, etc.. to all be a 'cult' and not recognized as an organized Christian religion. I honestly think that is where a lot of the angst comes from, kind of an 'in your face' reaction to where evangelicals wear it on their sleeve so much. I've been accused of not being a Christian (not here - but in life), and well, ok, if regularly attending the church established by St. Peter at Christ's verbal request and listening to mass whether it be in English, Spanish, or Latin on my knees for an hour (with one really bad knee that I have to kind of prop myself away from) is not "Christian Enough" because we don't raise our hands and sway about like Woodstock, then.. whatever. I just shrug it off. People, leaders, evangelical ministers that founded their own 'ministry' a few years ago, taboos, societal values, and celebrities come and go. When you get to a certain age, you realize that, and you start realizing that we're not talking about upending the apple cart of American culture with any one of these options. We're asking ourselves which one is the right person for the time.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
            A coincidence!
            My American born full-blooded Swedish father was raised a Lutheran who converted to Catholicism to marry my mother.
            They now rest side by side beneath the same somewhat sizable grave marker.
            Dad turned into a devout Catholic. I didn't.
            All five of his sons fell away from the Catholic church, though his youngest reconverted in recent years. He used to be agnostic.
            I'm the oldest, a Protestant who rarely goes to a church, Methodist being the last one.
            The only atheist now says he believes there is a God due to beauty in the world.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          What bothers me about the religions is that there isnt a reliance built in for facts- they rely on things written in a book which could be good OR bad. Some of whats in those books actually is very practical- although there is a lot of socialism in them too.

          The whole country was based on christianity, and a rebellion from the king's religion (whatever that was) and his taxes. Freedom of religion didnt extend to "other" religions like mormonism so it wasnt real religious freedom- just freedom from the king's religion
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          • Posted by minorwork 8 years, 3 months ago
            Heretics had a big part in framing our founding documents. Thomas Young, the designer of the Boston Tea Party had great influence in the day with meetings that resemble the Twitter and FaceBook communicaitons we have today. Thomas Paine? Heretic. Then the Deists. The documents of our nation's founding reads more of Spinoza and radical enlightenment than any Christian designed document would. All humans are created equal? That was a radical statement for the times.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
              Interesting. Thanks.
              I was once a heretic in my past. It's a resentful reaction to having any specific religion shoved down your throat.
              Ex-Catholic talking here. Fifteen years later I was "born again" as it's called.
              I was won over. Not forced.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              except for the slaves which even Jefferson had. All white settlers are humans and are created equal, but the black slaves are not humans so they arent created equal. Interesting way to keep the cheap labor quiet.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 3 months ago
                IMHO, the phrase "all men are created equal" penned by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence had nothing to do with race, ethnicity, gender or sexual preference. It was an assault on the divine right of kings. It put King George III, to whom the open letter was addressed, on notice that the people of the new nation would not be having a royal class and their rule by right of birth will be rejected and no longer recognized.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  I do think that the beg innings of our country were more about rejecting England than guaranting freedom for everyone here
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 3 months ago
                    I agree, term2. Until the American Revolution, very little progress had been made in making any general populace "free". The magic phrase "all men are created equal" was lighting a candle in the darkness that grew brighter and was reinterpreted to include more people and the evolution towards equal rights for all was then underway. I recall reading that Frederick Douglas commented on why the slaves weren't freed right after the American Revolution by saying the white man had to free himself first.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
            I'm restricted from preaching here. On the subject of faith, I could quote mumble mumble mumble cough cough.
            I am who I am.
            About to turn 69 with most of my life behind me, I try to be honest with myself and have a good time.
            There are some Christian lurkers here. I get PM'd from time to time.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              I am 70, and Trump has freed me from political correctness. I think its better for us to be ourselves and speak our minds- and others should do the same. We all should have respect for others although we certainly dont have to agree with them !!! Personally, I thought Bill Mayer's movie RELIGULOUS was spot on. I probably dont agree with anything else he says (wild liberal), but religion should definitely NOT be part of government. If someone wants to believe in ghosts and pray to them- its fine with me. Just dont pass laws requiring me to do it..
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
                The Founding Fathers would not pass a law requiring you to pray to anything.
                The First Amendment does not either.
                Ted Cruz won't be doing that.
                Such theocratic behavior is not at the core of his conservative American principles.
                And he's not going to win anyway.
                Trump may yet win me over. I listened to him speak in Texas today.
                He said he's going to protect Christians.
                A TV preacher was even invited up to the podium.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Trump tells it like he sees it. Thats refreshing and will bring real honesty and probably some real change to government. He will work better with foreign countries to enhance trade on better terms for us- he knows how to negotiate for a change. I can see better foreign relations because he will just deal honestly with other countries from a position of mutual respect. He isnt John Galt, so I dont pretend he is perfect and consistently objectivist. But I do think he will slow down the progression to socialism and stupid government control.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
                    Maybe the ship of state's deck DOES need a loose cannon.
                    I've plenty of time to think about Mr. Trump.
                    I'm still (at this point) voting for Cruz to make a statement.
                    Well, try to. Heard on the car radio today that Trump has a lock on the Alabama GOP vote.
                    Where I live the blacks will make Hillary a winner in both the Dimwit primary and the USA final.
                    You'd think I'd just stay home; but no, I consider voting to be a citizenship duty.
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                    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                      Loose cannon is needed for 4 years. I would pay to sit in the oval office and listen to some lame bureaucrat propose something stupid to Trump. It would be priceless !
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                      • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                        "Mr. Trump... we really can't meet your deadline for this". Why Not? "Well, you see we have our alternate work schedules where people only work Mondays-Thursdays, and are supposed to work from home on Fridays, but none of them have laptops or access to email." Who came up with that idea? "Well, it was really popular with the unions so we gave it a test implementation 4 years ago.". If it didn't work, why didn't you give everyone the tools they need or have them come in on Fridays? "Well, IT didn't want to spend the money on laptops, its easier on their budget if we just have people spending 20% of their salaries not doing anything, and its in their union memoranda now, so we really can't change it."

                        You're fired. LOL
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              • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                Here Here - I'm tired of being 'shamed' into submissiveness for speaking my mind... happens in public, happens at Republican party gatherings because I keep pointing out the flaws in the phony 'endorsement' process. Heck, I'm a VP at the county level and I never was asked to 'vote' on who we ended up endorsing... I'm in California, so we are going to look pretty stupid when our endorsed candidate drops out 2 months before our primary.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
            The contents of the book has been interpreted many times over the centuries as well... I've often wondered how much of it is consistent with the original scriptures.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
        I just think he's creepy, sounds like a televangelist when he's cupping his microphone, the Texas drawl, and the threats of fire and brimstone. The only things missing are the snakes to charm and dance with.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          Last night I decided just not to listen to Rubio anymore- he is just too slick for me and makes statements and then changes the subject before the other person can answer. Imagine how he would do using those tactics on Putin? We would have WW3 on our hands..

          Cruz is a preacher at heart. Texas is a bible belt state. To be a popular governor, he has to be a preacher. I remember Rick Perry, who said that evolution didnt exist. Thats like saying the earth is flat. Crazy
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          • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago
            There is no proof of evolution. that is more mind control from your leftist eliteist professors.You think we evolved from monkeys? Not one bone in a human is the same as an apes.Also why did we evolve to the point of needing clothes or an animal pelt to survive in the out doors. Given the time and history crocodiles should have evolved and be masters of the universe
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            • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 3 months ago
              Right on! I get so tired of people claiming theories as fact. Just like the "consensus" on man-made global warming. It is like Hitler said, β€œIf you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” There are no "facts" to prove evolution.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago
                Thanks ycandrea . It seams that evidence or facts are not important when the narrative is important to the controllers. I like the example of the pyramids in Egypt are tombs for the Pharos when
                All the Pharos had been found buried in the valley of the kings not one was ever found in a pyramid.
                Survival of the fittest causes a fear and greed
                Dichotomy.Thats not what my interpretation of Galts gulch was in AS! Peace to all Gulches
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            • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
              So... God Created the Earth around 4500 BC according to the Biblical record, and the dinosaurs were... what? Dragons from medieval England?
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              • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 3 months ago
                Something to think about: Whether made by God or the Big Bang Theory, the Earth is made up of many land masses from other planets. So maybe the dinosaurs are not part of the Earth's history. Sometimes you gotta think outside of the box and not just accept what is crammed down your throat. I keep my mind open until something is actually a fact.
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            • -1
              Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              Come to north Las Vegas and compare the physical structure of some black people with apes. Evolution is a matter of continuous improvement and mixing of genes. We do faster evolution all the time with animals
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              • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago
                Thanks for your comment but I think Your eyes are deceiving you. What appears to you to be comparable or similar can truly be a mirage. Like the Federal Reserve looks like part of our government
                When it actually is a private corporation owned by 20 not so secret shareholders many who are not US citizens and the ones who are would like to
                Put us into a "new world order" Governed by the United Nations. Peace and safety to you!
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  When it comes to gradual changes in animals, we see it all the time when blood lines are mixed and genes mutate. We have speeded up that process in domesticated animals to get all sorts of canine and feline breeds. Genes do not appear to be fixed, but accept change routinely

                  As to federal reserve, you are right that it's private. But it moves in lockstep with our government for 100 years now to destroy our money. It should be abolished
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago
                    Yes it is true that we manipulate genes to
                    Promote certain desirable traits.Who manipulated
                    The genes of an ape to create human beings to need clothing to reason to invent to communicate verbally and orally in hundreds of different languages .I know that the argument is mutations
                    Changed apes to mankind but it doesn't make sense to me that no other creatures mutated into intelligent beings.
                    As for the federal reserve it has been in some shape or form controlling the money of our country for over 215 years and every president who tried to reign in its power has been assassinated Abolish it yes but also the puppet masters should be imprisoned and their ill gotten wealth should be repatriated.
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                    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                      What doesn't make sense also is that there is some mythical all knowing and all powerful being that directs all this. No evidence for that
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                      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago
                        I agree with you that none of the actions by individual are directed or controlled by any "mythological being" and the major religions are so contrived and designed for ulterior motives of the leaders that most of their rhetoric is also no evidence either. My studies of ancient geometry ,the precessional code and sound scales along with the diameters of the Earth , the moon and the Sun as well as the distances of the planets as measured in miles or kilometers has convinced my that there is a Creator! The final evidence of this may only become evident when we are just a soul or spirit halving left our earthly body in death.Thanks term2 for this discourse.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
            Exactly, so the question is, does he win in the other 49 states where they don't teach the biblical version of creation in school... probably not...

            First of all, I'm not a Trump fanatic. I'm a realist that wants to see us WIN at many levels. Trump seems to bring out a shit-load more voters to the polls than anyone else can in their wettest dreams. 7 out of 8 of his supporters were not even registered to vote before, which isn't surprising, considering we have like 20% voter turnout in this country. The 'polls' always say "among likely voters" - which is why, although they are accurate in predicting his win, they are way under-estimating his victory numbers. If you haven't voted in 20 years, you are not being polled as "a likely voter" and sure as shit not being "a likely Republican Primary voter".

            Those people are going to turn out in numbers that are going to say "I'm a Republican, I need to vote for all these other Republicans too". Every R on the slate is going to strongly benefit from a Trump landslide voter turnout. I don't really care what Trump does, frankly, I think we need a wall built. I live in California, I'm officially a minority in terms of diversity preference in government hiring here for being a white male. I like immigration, most of my friends are immigrants, but I also don't like people cutting the line. Cruz & Rubio seem to be just fine with that, I don't see the difference between 'citizenship' and just living here and enjoying the benefits while myself and my family goes off to fight for freedom. We actually let them buy firearms, but not vote.... whatever..

            I'm looking at the benefit of registering new Republican voter rolls in RECORD numbers. We can actually turn back the dial on the fact that we are in a diminishing population segment while the democrats cobble together 50 different groups that don't like each other but always vote together. (Teamsters + the gay vote, environmentalist + the union logger vote, etc.)

            Don't let the pundits and the media, all funded & hugged by the democrats, mislead you with that 'electability' crap. Trump brought 35,000+ votes in Nevada, compared to a TOTAL of under 12,000 that voted for Hillary and Bernie. He also swept the hispanic vote. That doesn't sound like someone that will lose 50-40% to me in the general... not at all.

            Here's the magic, look at the TOTAL votes cast in each of these primaries, look at Trump's numbers, compared to Hillary and Bernie's actual vote counts, don't look at 'percentages' because they are only showing the percentages. Trump carried all but 3 of the counties in South Carolina, and those 3 were cities, and in my California world, the cities are where the liberals live. The carpet doesn't match the drapes you might say...
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              I noticed all the candidates EXCEPT Trump had papers in front of them they were referring to. Trump just tells it like it is and doesnt need cue cards
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              I live in Nevada and spent an hour waiting in line to vote for trump. He isnt john Galt by any means, but he says it like it is for a change, we know where he is at cause he tells us, and he is stand up kind of person who will get respect from other countries by honestly negotiating with them rather than apologizing for our existence (like with Iran). I dont know about this wall thing's practicality, and I do think that if you want to stop illegal immigration, you grant guest worker permits that dont carry citizenship rights. You make worker protection laws (minimum wage) only for US citizens. You stop welfare for illegals, even if they have children. You stop the idea that just being born on this side of the line grants citizenship automatically. Then you dont need the wall nearly as much. Drop the anti-drug laws which dont work anyway, and the cartels cant make money over here and trafficking stops. Let each state/county do its own schooling IF it wants to. Get Feds out of it. I, of course would be killed less than 24 hours after being appointed king of the USA and enacting these things.
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              • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                I"m in California, but went to his rally in Reno, I saw voter registration tables, maybe a dozen of them, with lines of 30-40 people in each waiting to register as Republicans.

                The media pundits don't like him, because frankly, they all work as campaign workers during election season and he's not interested in hiring them. The networks don't like him because he doesn't seem to feel the need to buy ad time, so that deflates their general election anticipated advertising money bonanza by like, 30-50%. The 'establishment' doesn't like him because it's pretty obvious he's not going to hire Karl Rove or any of their other 'handlers'. The other politicians don't like him because he's going to show them up for the fools they are with 'free trade' deals. Why did we ever feel the need for 'free trade'? Think about it, we're the largest economy in the world, what the hell do we need to give others free access to our markets for? If trade isn't free, do you think BMW is not going to want to sell their cars here?

                You always have to follow the money... what does Karl Rove get for blasting him? well... if Rubio or Cruz get the nomination, Karl Rove might have a job again.. Lindsay Graham is a failure anyway, I wouldn't listen to anything out of that RINO's mouth. Have you noticed all these people that don't like him, have literally never had a paycheck from anything other than government, let alone never having signed the front of a paycheck...

                Today, Sanders is in Hibbing Minnesota, about an hour from my hometown of Bemidji, telling Native American tribal leaders that he feels their pain, and he has always thought we treated them disgracefully... Huh? Just what we need, another apologist for shit that happened 200 years ago. In addition to casinos, extreme preferential 8(a) set asides for government contracts to tribal-owned companies such as Bearskin and Cherokee Services, and around $1200 / month for every man/woman/child + free indian health services... maybe we need to what? give them more? Hold onto your wallets folks... Then he walks across the street to the iron workers and tells them that free trade has been just disgraceful for the steel industry... LOL... ya think? Nice of him to say that, needs to credit that plagiarized statement to Mr. Trump though, I think he needs some more of his own free college plan.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Sanders is a wacko who needs to live in Venezuela for awhile to see how socialism has worked for them !!!!! I like Trump for many reasons. First of all, he says it like he sees it with no political correctness. Second, he doesnt give speeches from notes or teleprompters like the other guys do (look at the notes on all the podiums EXCEPT his). Third, he doest take contributions or speaking fees like Hillary (I wonder what Goldman expected for that $675k speaking fee???) Fourth, he will be able to negotiate better with foreign countries.
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                  • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                    Sanders did live in the former Soviet Union for a while... he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont and came up with some wacko scheme of a 'sister city' in the Soviet Union. When he got married to his very unattractive bride, they honeymooned in their 'sister city' and the City of Burlington taxpayers picked up the tab as a 'work trip'.

                    He's very vulnerable, Hillary isn't hitting him on this stuff because she probably vacationed on the taxpayer dime herself, Trump will just decimate him if he's the democratic nominee. I just don't see that happening though.
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                    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                      I agree, it would be fun to watch Trump vs Sanders. I have to say that I dont mind watching Sanders, as he is kind of OUT THERE also. He is just a wacko. I do want to know what Hillary said to the Goldman people for their $675k speaking fee. They must expect something for their money.
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                      • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                        Check out Cruz's Goldman Sachs & Citibank money... he didn't even have to speak to them for it.

                        He's calling it a "loan", but there really isn't a lot of people that get $500,000 & $650,000 loans out of Citibank or Goldman Sachs without some real estate backing it or something. I find it suspicious that his wife happens to work at Goldman Sachs and he is a sitting senator.
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 3 months ago
        That position was what made me lose enthusiasm
        for Scott Walker. I had really wanted him to run
        for president about 4 years ago. Well, live and
        learn.--But I don't think that Cruz will be able to
        have much effect with his "religious zealotry" if
        he is elected.--And we would have more freed-
        om with him in the job than we would with
        Clinton, Sanders, or Trump.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          What I like about Trump is he speaks his mind and is right out there without political correctness or sneakiness. He has no notes when he gives a speech, as opposed to all the others, which means a lot to me actually. Hillary is the opposite, and everything she does is scripted and controlled by the political weathervane of her "handlers". In addition, he will get along with foreign powers and make deals that are good for us- for a change. Thirdly, I suspect he will populate his administration with smart people that will allow the economy to work much better.
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          • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 3 months ago
            He "speaks his mind...without sneakiness"?--No,
            there is no need for sneakiness. He brazenly
            praises eminent domain and brags about his lack
            of principle, and says he can change into what
            others want. And if people don't want to bother to
            hold him to any standard of principle, it should
            be pretty easy to fool them. I think Clinton or
            Sanders would be worse, but it will be a disaster
            if our only choice is between one of them or
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  • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 3 months ago
    Cruz and Rubio looked like idiots in last night's debate. They were like little yipping, snapping dogs. It was embarassing. Ben Carson's answers were the only ones I agreed with. He won the debate as far as I am concerned.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    At present, Senator Cruz is the only candidate who is learned enough, Constitutionally savvy enough, and has integrity enough to make a satisfactory President. He's not perfect by Objectivist standards, but unless you want to make a statement by going Libertarian he's the best of the bunch. Accusing him of dirty tricks is merely a ploy to discredit where no discredit is warranted.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 3 months ago
      Well said, Herb! This dirty tricks ploy just shows how scared the GOP really is of him. They can't control him. Rubio can be controlled, and they think that they will be able to influence The Trumpster. So who's really up to dirty tricks!
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  • Comment deleted.
  • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 3 months ago
    I love this by David Stockman: "Marco Rubio is an obnoxious kid who wants to be President so he can play with guns, planes, ships and bombs."
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  • Posted by starznbarz 8 years, 3 months ago
    As I see it, it is very simple. Who you have been is who you will be, run Cruz` history and then Trumps. Who has shown through their actions - not their words, that they have and will act in a lawful,Constitutional fashion?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    The kakistocracy has always had the tendency to label, blame or accuse others for what they themselves have done or thought.

    That is clear sign of brain only behavior, devoid of self inspection and have either been brain washed, put on prescriptive medication or early in life had chosen Not to be an accountable conscious human being; and of course there is always the probability of having a genetic retardation preventing them from being so.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 3 months ago
    I have supported Jenny Beth in the past, and may
    again in the future. . we might want to think of Cruz
    staying in the senate to filibuster when needed. -- j
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  • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 3 months ago
    Cruz, IMHO, has no integrity. I am going by how he conducts himself at the debates. He tries dirty, sneaky attacks that usually blow up in his face.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
    If you think Cruz sounds weird try someone from back East by Europe from Philly to Canada.

    On balance I much prefer Cruz accent to that of what's her name Ma Chalmers of Texas talkin' 'bout silver that is the perfect candidate to play that role in the AS movie...what's her name?
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  • Posted by Dennis55 8 years, 3 months ago
    Speaking of religious zealots--we are probably going to blow up the planet, starting in the middle east, because we think we are supposed to.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
    CRUZ is a religious zealot. He will do whatever his "god" tells him to do in the middle of the night, regardless of anything else. That is scary and enough reason NOT to vote for him.

    That said, he did pull a few nasty tricks trying to get votes from Ben Carson- telling voters Carson was dropping out and to switch votes to him. Thats where the liar tag came from, and it was justified.

    This is the behavior we would expect from Hillary, except that she would deny it and then hide inside some email server...
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
    I don't know. I think the fact that Cruz fired Rick Tyler over the video tweet was a bit of a confession. It doesn't seem the appropriate reaction for a single event.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Yes, that gave merit to the accusations (at least that the incidents had actually originated from his inner circle). Even so, the person let go could have been the one responsible for the unsavory incidents and it took Cruz time to pull the trigger.

      I've been watching Cruz for a few years, waiting for him to fail to live up to his words or my expectations based on his words - he never has. It is conceivable that he was loyal to his people, giving Tyler another chance, and then had to cut him loose when he spread falsehoods again. Its also possible that he's guilty. To Ms. Martin, President and Co-Founder of the Tea Party Patriots. and I it just seems out of character.
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      • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 3 months ago
        One thing to take into account AJ. The people he has around him are not new to this. If they have a history of "dirty tricks" or walking on an ethical edge, Senator Cruz should know about it. If he didn't, then he has not vetted his own staff properly.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
          Very true, his campaign manager from Missouri (Jeff Roe) has a long history of not having much of compassion for fellow conservatives, he's only interested in winning and it usually damages the party after the primary season.

          Trump's attacks on them have been landing punches because they don't necessarily attack his opponent's politics. He attacks Cruz for being a [Canadian] anchor baby, that's a very factual statement. I seriously doubt he can be president and many others do as well. That left a mark, so then the Roe tricks come out, and now Trump is hitting back very effectively with the "liar" stuff, and whether it's Cruz making those ads, or its Roe, it doesn't matter, Cruz is responsible. He [should] be in charge of his campaign. If he's not in control, it makes him very unfit to be Commander in Chief. He doesn't have any executive experience, so it could easily flip either way.

          Trump's early attacks on Rubio were very accurate, he had a small handful of people keeping him in the race and those people would be looking for their payback later. That's not a stretch at all, the first year of his campaign efforts were funded entirely by a car dealership owner in Florida.

          I actually kind of liked how Donald went after a couple of people specifically to just get them out of the way, Rand Paul never really had more than 1% or so of the vote, so why was he there. I completely agreed. The same thing with Jeb Bush, he didn't really look or act like he wanted to be there, Trump just helped him get out of the way. Rubio kind of owes Trump a favor practically for that one.

          I honestly think that the only one remaining on that stage that wouldn't find a home in a Trump administration is Cruz. He chose to make it very personal in a very insulting and inaccurate way, so I don't think it matters who wins, if its not Cruz himself, he's probably going to be a senator for another term or two, and out of politics after that. The political parties tend to remember which ones created more problems.

          The Cruz/Rubio theory that the 'establishment' would coalesce around him, just isn't panning out. Trump benefited almost entirely from Bush leaving, with very few votes going to Rubio or Cruz. With that not being the case, I expect funding problems to become real issues from both. The heavy lifting of a campaign is through 'commitments', not necessarily cash in the bank. When they stop performing, the recurring monthly commitments will dry up just like it did for Bush.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
            If you don't like the Supreme Court Decision on the Anchor Baby non question you should have pitched a bitch back when it was being discussed and voted on Sadly I didn't but that means I didn't put my hat in ring for President ...probably a good thing.
            The latest ruling a child born of one or more US
            parent but born outside the limits of the USA is considered as natural born citizen...

            Trump knows that. He's full of excrement. I didn't know that or you would be discussing my name.

            End of discussion . Dead issue.

            Except for Trumpeters
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          I agree. It make's me wonder if "plausible deniability" is something he had in mind from the onset.
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          • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
            From the various "inside baseball" type articles I've read over the years it seems as though the candidates often are not in charge of their campaign. An account of the Bush campaign talked about all the decisions the various top level people made but didn't mention Bush actually giving direction.

            Possibly he just went where they told him to go and gave the speeches but finally had to do something.

            I will say that Trump is probably running his own campaign -- no professional political operative is running that!
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
              That is my impression as well. Still, he had to hire the people who worked on his behalf. As mentioned previously, I've been watching Cruz for sometime and I think his knowing allowing, condoning or participating in this would be out of character from everything I've seen.
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              • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
                So, when the VA is letting vets die on the waiting list to be seen in primary care... not being part of that decision process is just ok as well?

                That's the problem with government, no one is ever FIRED. No one is accountable for being incompetent, in fact, if you do nothing - you will probably have more job security than someone that tries to stand out. The unions don't like 'standing out', they are there to protect mediocrity, so the best way to do that is to have everyone working at ΒΌ impulse speed.

                People are not remembering the last couple of seasons of the 'celebrity apprentice', they are thinking about when it was a hit show, and they remember seeing the Donald looking at the one that lost and saying "you're fired". He doesn't care how hard you tried, or that your mom is really sick and you are distracted, or whatever sad story I've heard a govie say too many times in my life to not be depressed over. If it were me, I'd honestly start with the 3 million federal employees, and figure that at least 1 out of 2 of those doesn't do a damn thing, and start with firing half in every labor category and career point, and see what we have to work with after that.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            Politics is vicious, and I could certainly see Cruz just overlooking it and apologizing IF he gets caught. Amazing what lengths politicians go to just to get elected. I wouldnt take the job of president if it were handed to me.
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          • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 3 months ago
            It leaves you in the position of choosing between..
            1. Someone ethically challenged enough to be sanguine about the dirty tricks
            2. Hoping the candidate is competence compromised in this area in preference to being unethical.

            Neither strikes me as appealing.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              BUT, we will get one or the other. Given that, I pick Trump by far. He is politically incorrect; he says it like it is; and he will be good at negotiating with foreign leaders.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
              Right now it leaves you in the position of choosing between the two Socialist candidates and their supporters Clintonites and Trumpeters

              and the only one left standing....

              When the left of the left seriously suggests pairing Biden with Reid they are seriously in trouble

              But still not excuse for supporting the right wing of the left... Nattional versus International Socialism

              It's the only choice you are going to get....

              Constitution to the right Patriot Act to the left.

              Probably Cause to the right suspicion of to the left

              Personally I would prefer a Constiutional Candidate....but we don't have one of them except Johnson and Webb and they aren't allowed on the ballots of the left.

              Plausible Deniability was a phrase coined and used by Democrats and left wingers....It means we can get away with it and you can't

              as for the waters in which they swim...DC was a swamp to begin with...
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      • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
        My dislike of Cruz doesn't have anything to do with his record, quite the contrary, he's a very solid conservative. The problem is the electorate is not. He consistently polls about 20% of the right wing of the Republican party, as primary voters are basically activists compared to the general electorate, and he's getting 20% of those.

        Trump fires up the masses by bringing in huge swaths of newly registered voters that quite honestly, would have probably been predicted to register democrat - displaced blue collar workers, poorly educated, etc. He carried the Latino vote in Nevada... more Latinos turned out to vote for Trump, than they did combined for Hillary and Bernie. Actually, 4 times the number of people turned out to vote for Trump, than turned out for Hillary and Bernie.

        Cruz's critique of Trump is really just a reflection of his own myopathy when it comes to anything other than a legal argument or campaigning (the 2 skills in trade of a career politician). In large project management, business construction, or strategic planning, we use expert judgement and experience to outline a plan in broad strokes, assign resources and increase the level of detail through the project plan as we approach each phase and "know more". If you are planning a new high rise building to break ground in 2 years, do you know what day and hour the 4th dump truck of concrete will be delivered for the sidewalk on the back of the building? Of course not. You know it will have to happen, and you know about how much it will cost, but scheduling is very generalized and rolled up into a summary work package with a sticker price attached to it.

        So these other clowns will release exceptionally detailed tax plans, health care proposals for 340 million people, etc. etc. None of which has a snowball's chance in hell of getting through Congress, let alone actually 'penciling' from a resource perspective, and Cruz is no different with his flat tax plan. Will it work? Probably, I don't know, it sounds good, but can he actually implement it by fiat? No, he can't, even if he wins.

        The Cruz'rs also tend to deny his obvious faults, I strongly reject the idea he is a natural born citizen. His mother was a permanent resident (the criteria for a green card here) and his father was a Cuban national and both had been living in Canada and working in the oil industry for years. That sounds a lot like, you moved to Canada and you are not coming back, as most expatriate jobs last about 6 months to a year, in fact, you can't stay in Canada beyond 179 days without immigration & work VISA... soo... which is it? He had a Canadian passport until he renounced his citizenship in 2014. That doesn't sound like 'natural born' to me... Whatever stupid arguments he has been making, is just his trial lawyer double-speak, he could easily argue against it if it was Hillary or Trump or Bernie or Carson, but it's him, so he's grabbing onto some silly "my mom was a citizen living overseas". Ok, whatever. Here we call them anchor babies, in fact, he calls them anchor babies when it comes to illegal immigration. What the hell was he?

        Second, while he does pontificate, he has never actually accomplished 'anything' in doing it. You see him on CSPAN, but when they pan the room, no one is there, he's just reading Dr. Seuss into the Congressional Record and wasting your tax dollars doing it.

        This group is about people that ACCOMPLISH something, that BUILD something, that have skills. I'm pretty shocked, quite honestly, that the elected official that has never had anything but a government paycheck is somehow more popular than the guy that absolutely fits the description of what Ayn Rand wrote about as titans of industry that eventually just 'shrugged'. He's not building steel for train tracks, but he's building very large buildings, he employs a lot of people that seem to like working for him, and he does everything he can do to avoid paying taxes (and I'm 100% guilty of that as well - anyone that is not, is a fool because your dollars are buying $600 million of planes and selling them to the Afghan Air Force for $32,000 - we really did just do that).

        Lastly, have you ever noticed how Cruz screams fire and brimstone, but he's pretty much a liar fairly consistently. He lies about Rubio's record, he lies about his own naturalization and upbringing, he lies about Trump as the PT Barnum circus, as if Trump is a master of sideshow ticket sales, instead of creating billions of dollars in trophy-class real estate investments. What has Cruz done? I mean REALLY done... has he invented something? has he innovated a service business in someway? No. He debates & argues with people for a living. Period. How does that really improve your life? Or anyone's life?

        Then he lies about "forgetting" about a million dollars in loans from investment bankers that quite honestly, no one would really qualify for in his position unless it's a little bit of 'favor-buying'.... If you make $200k a year and are probably paying (or should be paying) $10,000 a month of interest on a signature loan, do you really forget something like that?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
          The line us then is ...o

          on the right "Cruz with his 20% plus of the Real Republicans Party probably more since the hard core Rinos really don't count AND the 46% disenfranchised who have no representation

          on the left you have a National Socialist and his Trumpeters and and two International Socialists the Clintonistas and Bernie and the students.

          The left is so set it's looking at people like Biden and Reid, Biden and Rubio, Biden and anybody.

          There is no conservative movement anymore just some ineffective tea sippers who went Rino.
          I hope you are insulted you should be.

          Like the populists the Tea Party got rolled, hosed, and screwed by the RINOS.

          So that's the line up;

          Does the left really care. No. There is not a candidate still in the race that won't in some way help them and they are nothing if not patient.

          It's up to Cruz to make go to the majority of unaligned voters and convince them he's worth it.

          So far he has failed to do so.. This time though it will take more than empty rhetoric or a RIno Promise. Neither are worth spit. It will take a major stance in a position from which he cannot retreat. He'll have to lay his political life on the line.

          otherwise i give it 50 50 trumpeters versus Clintonites with Bernie sucking hind teat.Students are not well regarded these days except in neo-Nazi circles
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          • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 3 months ago
            Your armchair quarterback of a guess doesn't square with reality.


            Cruz is actually dropping back with Carson & Kaisich in many polls. Trump is up by 20 points on average in pretty much every Super Tuesday state.

            Trump now defeats Clinton or Sanders handily.

            I recommend you don't just look at the summary number, but click on the link itself, read the questions that were asked, why the respondents say what, etc... These are usually 30 minute interviews, there is a lot of information in them. The numbers are shifting because Cruz & Rubio followers are no longer "sticky" - maybe 30% say they wouldn't consider another candidate, where 70% or so of Trump supporters say they wouldn't support anyone else in the field.

            The latest polls were post-Texas debate, the vast majority of Americans just saw it as a couple of little kids trying to pick on someone.

            So, the new Cruz line is 'neo nazi'? I thought he was a RINO or a liberal before? It's really just more immaturity and lack of business sense, in business development, we call it "throwing spaghetti on the wall" - just throwing out a bunch of ideas and see if anything sticks. If there was a mature and winning concept there, it would be like a war drum beating consistently, but Cruz & Rubio at this point are shifting every 48 hours practically in desperation. Their donors are no doubt threatening to pull out by now.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
              That's funny i was going to say the same thing but decided to be nice.

              I'll go back to my near year old and still unchallenged ten to one odds hundred dollar bet.

              95% of the electorate will be listed as voting for left wing fascist socialism.. So far that could be Bernie, Hillary, or Donald.

              Winner take all is why I'm so confident.

              The other two are immaterial. There is no opposition to support them
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        His "god" is the one in charge. He does what his version of "god" tells him to do, so its difficult to predict what actions he will take. Enough reason to NOT have him as president.
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