
The 17 saddest moments of Jeb Bush’s very sad campaign

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Kind of a story of someone who never had a chance from the get go, this illustrates a whole lot of why our society is so broken, and why the individual is not respected. When donors have to keep blindly contributing until the "family" green lights a bail out (are they that tied to them?) to how even a SuperPac spending 100 million could not buy him a victory, this is an indictment of the whole system for me. Why we keep getting gouged by these clowns in so many ways, to siphon off money for this type of adventure, because I am pretty sure a lot of the money did not come from real earned wealth, but wealth that was grafted. I can't see anyone tossing real earned money into something like this.
SOURCE URL: http://www.vox.com/2016/2/20/11080952/jeb-bush-please-clap

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