The New Larry King Version of My Take on Bernie Sanders Proposal to Raise Taxes but Only on Half the Middle Class

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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The following should be taken with one grain of salt. First Mr. Bernie Sanders version of how to fix health care. I get the last cheap shot.

Headlines Time Exclusive: Bernie Sanders open to raising middle-class taxes to fund health care

When asked in an interview in Charleston, South Carolina, on Sunday which of his big-ticket proposals would cost the middle class more in taxes, the insurgent presidential candidate said “I think if we can guarantee healthcare to all people comprehensive healthcare, no deductibles, and if we can cut people’s healthcare bill substantially.”

Sanders disputed to TIME it was a middle-class tax hike, saying it would ultimately save taxpayers money by cutting out private health insurers.

He added that Clinton’s attacks over the bills were a “distortion of reality.”

“What media sometimes does, what my opponent does, what Republicans do, is they really try to take a cheap shot. If you were paying $10,000 in private health insurance and I said to you, guess what, you ain’t going to pay that $10,000 and more but you’re going to pay $5,000 more in healthcare premiums, you’d be jumping up and down for joy. You save $5,000 on your healthcare bills,” Sanders told TIME.
Read the Article

Cheap shots and soft balls in comments.

By the way I put a source an URL anyway ....I can only go so far with playing stupid.

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  • 11
    Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    I again point out that

    health insurance
    N O T
    health C A R E.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 4 months ago
      Absolutely! If you want lower cost quality health care you need to focus on health care not paying for a government enforced monopoly. Open up the use of technology to provide lower cost tools to manage and improve health. Laws against "practicing medicine without a license" are stifling our ability to do it better for less.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
        Bernnie is an ass, health care is not a right, much less taking from others to provide it. If it wasn't for the invention of allopathic medicine and nutritionally deficient non local food, much less GMO's and dangerous drugs...we wouldn't need health insurance in the first place!

        My bitch is that traditional health care (read sickness care) or allopathic medicine (read, treating symptoms and not the causes) is harmful to most...some can survive it...I can not. So the level of care must be performed by myself using common sense, blood and genotype approaches and food as my health protocols. There is no insurance for this type of care and is deemed illegal to cure anything without a drug...(a sure sign the system is rigged).

        The only value in the current system is emergency care if you get hurt.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years, 4 months ago
    Its all smoke and mirrors. Clearly Bernie doesn't have a clue about the health care industry. Back in the day long before technology hit the scene and medical care was delivered on a one to one basis the hospital administrators sought and achieved tax exempt status from the IRS. The stipulation was that hospital would provide community service for the poor and less fortunate. So how has that worked out? My premise is that had health care remained "for profit" the horrendous burden placed on the health care industry by the poor and illegals would not have occurred. The health care people are compassionate and 80 years ago the health care providers took care of people. The same would have happened today but hospital administrators would have the right to refuse treatment. The free ride would be over. The unintended consequences of tax exempt status is a major player in the health care fiasco in which we live.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Another example of an elegant solution also KISS solution. By law all medical facilities must provide treatment at least to the point of stabilizing the injured or ill party regardless of ability to pay.

      This included illegals and any other class of criminal or criminal activity and their families if any. The same probably applies to all schools and school districts for the children.

      The easy fix is cure the problem at it's source which is not in Mexico but in Washington DC. The idea is called No Funding No Mandate. The government would be required to pay the entire cost of any of their laws or regulations or the law or regulation would be stricken as moot and meaningless. This includes using ethanol for the entire cost of purchasing at the pump price and the cost of engine replacement. Said payment like those for medical treatment for illegals paid as the first item above all other entitlement schemes on each years budget. The cost of medical treatment is easily solved. The federal government would be required to pay the bill in a timely manner 30 days or less or...stipulated bureaucrats and elected officials would be individually and personally liable and subject to any scofflaw, criminal indictment or civil suit without further ado. No exemption for Congress.

      Should the debt not be settled the government would bve required to dun the home country. Import and tarifff penalties, a subtraction of any foreign aid, and so forth. That includes, especially for felons the cost of apprehension, trial, punishment.

      Employers of illegal employees also arrested, jailed, fined, convicted with fines and jail sentences.

      On the other side of the coin work with countries like Mexico to make it easier to obtain passports and with the passport holder to obtain visas. that specifically includes Braceros

      Hospital bills, legal bills, cost of hamburgers in No Funding No mandate accrue 100 % plus interest to the level of government involved.

      Te last part of this is another elegant solution. but requires Congress to state on the cover page the full intent of the new bill, law or act, the authorizing or constitutional provision. the funding amount and it's the annual budget.

      Absent any of the above The document is stamped Not Funded No Mandate No Requirement.

      Would the cost be passed on t the taxpayer? Of course. but for how long?

      Elegant solution number three. All Congressionals work for their home state and are subject to recall, all states have initiative referendum and recall, The States pay their salary as delegates to the national congress.

      The only two exempt are the only two elected federal positions President and Vice-President or in Gore's case in charge of vice.

      I left out some on purpose time and space constraints but Bill of Rights and the Elegant Rights would come first the congress and bureaucrats living off the hind t-it.

      Finallly another elegant solution is federal property which is not protected turned over to the State or sale at the highest bid tendered.

      Right there I'm speaking of the strip of land that lies between Tucson and Phoenix and extend u and past the center of the state. 3,000 or one combat brigade at a time is all that's needed bu they can't or won't protect our own country.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    Liberals always focus on effort, never results. Obamacare is being touted as a great success because a miniscule fraction more are now covered by insurance. What is being ignored is the greatly increased cost to everyone of actually getting care, and the reduced quality and availability of that care.

    I've seen three different versions of Sanders' proposal for universal health care, and he's given three different answers regarding how it's going to be paid for. At first, it was going to be covered entirely by increased taxes on "the rich," as though even a significant increase on the "one percent" would cover the $15T cost. Next , he expanded his definition of "the rich" to include anyone with an income of over $250K annual. Now, he's avoiding any dividing line, and saying how great it will be for everyone to pay more taxes in exchange for "free" health care.

    Once a single payer system is in place, it inevitably leads to a call for enlisting the medical community into a government health service, because the costs are still too high. That was the path the UK took, and look what that's got them.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
      Excellent recap of the idiocy of Obamacare and/or any "single payer" monstrosity. Only the hopelessly ignorant or brainwashed could think this is ever going to work!
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      • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 4 months ago
        "Work" in the sense of keeping Obama's promises about what it will do -- you're right, that will never happen.

        But "work" in the sense of so hosing America's health care and insurance industries that the voters will demand single-payer -- it's too early to tell, but that may very well happen, and that was his and Pelosi's express purpose for enacting the law. To prevent that, we will not only need to repeal it, but to undo all the damage, some of which comes from earlier enacted laws (including HIPAA and provisions in the various "stimulus" bills passed in his first term).
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        • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
          Completely in agreement with you! This idiotic ACA was never designed to "work" but too the contrary, build up demand for Single Payer! It was pretty obvious right from the get-go! Only the terminally ill-informed thought this garbage was the answer.....
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    First of all you're smarter than Larry King.
    Secondly you're smarter than Bernie Sanders, however, that is not too big of an accomplishment, since sand crabs are smarter than Bernie Sanders.
    It is almost impossible to keep from making cheap shots at Sanders because what he says is so irredeemably stupid that it simply leaves you with nothing else to do. I don't know what would cause me to drop out faster if either Sanders or Clinton gets elected, a lying, vicious traitor, or a complete moron. Quoting Willie The Shake, "Lord, what fools these mortals be."
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
    This guy probably can't balance his check book. Same story with the WSJ article he wrote about the solvency of the US Postal Service. He ignores the cost of running the basic service and discusses the incremental increase in cost as the delta we should consider against Fed Ex and UPS.
    He probably does "believe' the price will come down, and he has nothing but hatred for capitalism to base it on.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
      Its obvious! Sanders is a functional illiterate! who couldn't find his backside with both hands if his life depended on it!

      Its amazing how many idiots (sorry, that was rude!) I meant to say, how many "uninformed" voters there are out there that think this moron knows what he is talking about!!!

      As they say "Stupid is as stupid does.....".
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
        Free stuff, stolen from other (richer) citizens, sells. If it comes to that, the republicans need to call him simply a thief stealing from the middle & upper classes.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
    This man is either totally naive or completely delusional and perhaps ready for a straight jacket. No rational person who has even the basic understanding of the issues could possibly believe such socialist tripe. It is even worse that Obama's "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"!

    Should be some far out chance become president with a Democrat Senate and House, the country will be totally bankrupt and probably over-run by its enemies within weeks. Let's see how naive or, let's not mince words, stupid the American electorate really is!
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
    This healthcare monstrosity that has been forced down our throats shows just how corrupt and out of touch our elected officials truly are! The Democrats who gave us this crap should all be thrown out ASAP! The Republicans who allowed this CRAP (AKA Obamacare) to stand by not de-funding it, or even attempting to roll it back when they had the chance, are just as evil as the Democrats and should be removed from office as well!

    It is time for a major draining electorally speaking, of that Washington cesspool! For what its worth!
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
    I'm afraid that a candidate as old as Bernie Sanders who has been an avowed socialist for so many years will never understand simple concepts that are anathema to Austrian economics. The scary thing is that Sanders actually believes his own rhetoric! That is scary.....
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 4 months ago
    people like Sanders want to nationalize health insurance
    in order to make their friends in government wealthy instead
    of allowing the private sector to amass wealth and make
    goods and services better and cheaper. . he is a charlatan
    and a Marxist of the first order. -- j
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  • Posted by illucio 8 years, 4 months ago
    What is wrong with the US Democratic system? The fact that instead of electing a Parliament of Representatives, this form allows a narrow minded view on what could actually be a monarchy, tyrany, you name it.

    If decisions were made on more plural grounds, not only would this rule out many preposterous proposals but exponentially improve those that were to be approved. Somehow, this form of "democracy" has become a far higher than average coincidence throughout the continent.

    If one could add a plan to vote on each ballot, that would also determine objectives and an efficiency hearing on the goals achieved (or not). This is plausible and effective, and could actually be frequent if that were to be desired.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      It only applies in a Republic at the lowest levels. We don't live in a Democracy- never have. We lived in a Republic now we live in a dictatorship

      Unless it becomes the Peoples Democratic Socialist Republic of..... .
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
    Obamacare is a disaster. My insurance more than doubled per month, AND my out of pocket went from $1000 to over $5000 per year.

    I doubt MORE government intervention is going to lower anything. It is always more inefficient than what it replaced
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    “I think if we can guarantee healthcare to all people comprehensive healthcare, no deductibles, and if we can cut people’s healthcare bill substantially.”

    Hmmm. Is there a statement of anything there?
    All I see is If this and , If that. There is no statement of If this ... then that will result.
    Its not even a campaign promise.

    I am still waiting for someone running for president to have the balls to expose all the politicians doublespeak as nothing more than a confidence game backed up by the muscle of a protection racket.

    Mr. Johnson, stand up and be heard. Pull back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
      You're correct! It is just political double speak! Means absolutely nothing except to someone who wants to read something into it! That is the how and why politicians who have nothing to say deflect by subterfuge and jargon....
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    Average annual income right now is $49,000 before taxes.Thats middle class. Assuming that's one third will divide zero to that dollar figure in three and give one third to the lower half of the median. 16,333,33 or roughly everything above $32,666 past the median to Hmmm how do you judge the upper third. I'll get back to you on that. This is soft ball.

    As it turns out I'm just a hair below the national average for the average taxpayer.

    Mr. Sanders says IF someone was paying $10,000 for private insurance and IF it was replaced it with a mandatory single payer government insurance featuring a $5000 increase Mr. IF would have $5,000 extra in their pocket.

    I pay $1200 at $100 a month plus an annual premium totaling around $1500 not $10,000 and Sanders proposed I pay $5,000 more. so I'm reallly not quite sure where his figures come from but no matter. Facts aren't required.

    The reason at median national average income I pay that amount is I'm retired military AND have social security. AND a small union payout. Not everyone gets that as it requires a small payment up front of 20 plus years of military service and none of it in the pentagon. SMILE I was a real soldier.

    But the point is I live in FNA most of the year and pay cash since none of that government medicine is valid outside the country.

    It's also 40% of the cost of US medicine and by the way I dropped Delta Dental for that very reason.

    What Bernie Bear doesn't tell us is this. Is Government medical worth the extra $5,000.00? Or will I still need to add say $5,000 a year in extra catastrophic insurance like the Canadians?

    I'd go look it up on Google but.....It's a Larry King post. Have a nice day! Unless you have made other plans.

    Most people
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 4 months ago
      Just do a simple supply/demand analysis. If you add 40 or 50 million additional users, at a cost BELOW equilibrium (otherwise, they'd already be paying on their own), and you don't increase any of the supply of health care (clinics, doctors, nurses, lab techs, etc.), the prices WILL go up, DRAMATICALLY. Just shift the demand curve to the right, and keep the supply at its old position. The price MUST go up. The fact is, you'll pay in insurance premiums, or you'll pay in "taxes," but you'll pay.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 4 months ago
        Bernie has an answer to that too: Just enslave the health care providers and make them work for below market wages. After all, they have no right to any "excess" income just because they went to school for years to develop their expertise. Once we have solved that "problem" then costs will be held down no matter how much demand there will be. This worked very well in the Soviet Union.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          My local doctor started out in Okutsk got out of Russia and went o Poland, France, USA board certified in each country. He's also a certified pharmacist. He now lives down the street in the other United States. Reason? USA was starting to remind him too much of where he had lived and escaped from - didn't want to wait until the last minute and take any chances. think about it. He's not the only Eastern European down here for the exact same reason.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
        Oregon found that out and compensated by cutting the length of a prioritized list of treatments.

        Now they just proscribe pot and no one cares....their to laid back .. BleedingI'm bleeding? wow far out!
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 4 months ago
    If only the American people could file "shareholder lawsuits" against liars like this when their promises are finally proven to be nothing but hot air.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 4 months ago
    If only the American people could file "shareholder lawsuits" against liars like this when their promises are finally proven to be nothing but hot air.
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