Points Of Concern for Thursday Jan 7th 2016 - Two Percent of Nation Concerned About Gun Control with Source URLs

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago to News
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http://townhall.com/columnists/victor... This and other current topics but you go look at them. My focus today is on t he following

The lead source comes first. The heavy stuff comes second as I followed the trail asking cui bono.

"Gallup Poll: Only Two Percent Of Americans Rank Gun Control As Major Concern
1, January 7, 2016 jonathanturley Congress, Media, Politics, Society

President Barack Obama has made gun control a priority in 2016 and the latest area of confrontation with Congress. There is clearly a calculation that the public will support another area of conflict between the branches and the assertion of unilateral executive power. That is what makes a recent poll so interesting. Gallup found that “gun/gun control” ranked near the bottom of concerns for most Americans. How low? Try only two percent of those polled."


"#1 source continues "I I was quite surprised by the poll frankly. Gallup said that citizens put gun control and issues 19th out of 23 problems facing the country. Equally surprising is that only 13 percent list the economy while 16 percent of those responding listed Government/Congress/Politicians. Immigration made it into the top four concerns. Moreover, wars were a dead last.

Guns came in just slightly above “lack of respect for each other” — a category that seems like Ned Flanders wrote it.

Honestly, I am perplexed by the results on all of these issues and it shows how disconnected our coverage and assumptions may be in the media from the actual populace. It is also a curiously indeterminate profile with no overriding concern that garners even a majority of polled individuals."

2. Second source The first link is where If found the lead. The meat of that comment is int he second link in the last table provided by Gallup. We don't have a polls category so I put it under Culture? Look for your favorite topic of concern. Might be surprised.

Here is the actual poll:
Gallop Poll

Based on this source one wonders why all the White House Hoopla on a subject of so little national interest. My answer is to divert the attention of the public from areas that really do concern and worry the general public which coincidentally are one's where the administration gets a failing grade.

Conclusion? Obama's failing grade is also the media's failing grade. What you get for listening to reporters instead of journalists.

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