My recent letter to the editor

Posted by marc 8 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I recently wrote this to the editor of my local newspaper and she plants to run it soon. Just thought I would share it with you folks!

To The Editor:

The trilogy of “Atlas Shrugged” movies (available on DVD only up here when they were on the big screen theaters) was almost totally prescient—we have “looters” and “wreckers” galore—just take a look at the federal government!

We as a nation are in such deep and dire straits it’s beyond pathetic; it’s downright terrifying!

Obama is trying to disarm the civilian population by enacting “gun control” i.e. gun Confiscation making laws with “my pen and my cell phone.”

And NOBODY in Congress is standing up to him!

I watched all three of the “Atlas Shrugged” DVD movies recently, and I was again shocked at how downright prophetic they were! Was Ayn Rand a secular prophet? And those who made her novel into three movies?

My question is not “Who is John Galt?” but “WHERE is John Galt when we need him so badly now!?”

Marc V. Ridenour

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