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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
    The first thing that comes to mind a insect-sized quad copter that 15 y/o's use to spy on the school locker room of their choice.

    But after that, I think how amazingly the beginning reminds me of the plot of AS.

    It says 50kHz. The circuit wouldn't be complicated at all. You can easily get a few watts from a small battery and, they're saying this is a highly-efficient conversion to mechanical energy. The weak link is a watts isn't that much b/c batteries' energy density isn't high compared to burning fuel. There's huge research into more powerful batteries, driven by all our gadgets. There's a slight chance that battery technology and this could come together to create energy efficient vehicles, assuming it's scalable.

    Those 15 y/o's I mentioned will probably commercialize it a few years later. All this nano-meter-scale stuff has potential, though, to be used in some kind of bio-WMD. Eros and Thantos are always driving us to create new technology.
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