6 Fictional Lands We Should Bomb Once We're Done With Agrabah

Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
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Ever wonder why it's so difficult to discuss anything of significance with not only Liberals, but also Conservatives?

The results of a recent poll might give us a clue:
"Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb... Agrabah? While U.S. airstrikes in Syria continue to dominate foreign-policy headlines, the Republican electorate won't so easily forget about another Middle Eastern menace. According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, 30 percent of Republican voters nationally support bombing Agrabah. Just 13 percent are opposed, while the rest remain unsure.

Agrabah, for the record, is not actually a real country. It's the name of the magical kingdom where the Disney movie Aladdin takes place."
SOURCE URL: https://reason.com/blog/2015/12/18/republicans-want-to-bomb-agrabah

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