Atlas Shrugged Producer says Atlas Not for Everyone

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 11 months ago to Movies
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Recently, Atlas Shrugged Producer Harmon Kaslow was asked who the movie would appeal to. Following is his response...

"While Ayn Rand’s heroes speak to the individual in all of us, they do not speak for everyone. Ayn Rand’s heroes are men and women from all walks of life - sculptors, musicians, plumbers, steel workers, architects, industrialists - if you enjoy your work and do it well, if you constantly strive to be better, if you work hard every day, you will LOVE Atlas.

However, if you feel a sense of entitlement - as in the government owes you something - simply because you exist, Atlas [Shrugged] is not a story for you. You are whom we are warning against."

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged Part II opens in theaters nationwide Friday, October 12th.

Find a theater near you and get your Atlas Shrugged tickets now: http://thegulch.atlasshruggedmovie.com/e...

All Comments

  • Posted by MikeJoyous 10 years, 6 months ago
    Phooey! Kaslow is using the Argument of Moral Intimidation to plump up support for his grade B movie. As he puts it, you don't like my movie, so you're a bad person.
    Well, I, as a minority of one, perhaps, do not like that movie thus far. Many of Rand's most sparkling scenes are cut mercilessly or simply trashed in favor of scenes of train tracks:( The movie lacks a top director or great actors.
    It's really a shame. To influence the *culture* the movie would have to be so good that anyone interested in film-making would feel obliged to see it. Literature profs would be obliged to analyze it, unfairly I suspect, but the Atlas movies couldn't just be put under a metaphorical rug and ignored the way Toohey tried to ignore Roark!
    Since these Atlas movies are only grade B, everyone not vitally interested in Rand will ignore them. They will influence nothing from anyone--said amid my own personal sorrow.
    I wish the movies were really great. It just did not happen--at least not thus far!
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  • Posted by MikeJoyous 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think I'd put it a tad differently, amigo. I wouldn't say that behavior doesn't lie. If that were true, hypocrites wouldn't exist! I prefer to say that our conscious philosophy is only *one* part of our characters. That explains why some folks here (not all, I hasten to add) define ideas or people by focusing on one pregnant idea rather than actually thinking about the issue in depth.
    Anyways, I vote for you as an individualist, amigo. I just wish a majority of folks here fell into that camp!!
    Oh yes, concerning the Atlas Shrugged films made thus far: I made a post about that at the end of the line of these comments. I'd appreciate hearing what you think of it!
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  • Posted by save 11 years, 11 months ago
    I believe it is human nature to be productive, when we are not, we do not feel good about ourselve. We will always be looking for something outside ourself. There for we become pray to instant gradifaction that does not last does not satify the need within. Our founding farthers understood that as well. It is not what one wishes the world to be like, but what is. One can only become inslaved to entitlements and evenually loose confidence in their own abillities.
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  • Posted by WesleyMooch 11 years, 11 months ago
    Mr. Kaslow omitted a large contingent: the millions of government employees and tens of millions of voters who enable the entitlement-dependent, who'd not "get" Atlas in a million years no matter how infinite an ad budget.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 11 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    <after snack &>
    I think what you started was interesting and I thank you for it. You said that you were uncomfortable with a certain point, and people jumped in to comment.
    As I read it, davidkachel did not call you a "leftie" and you're correct, nobody can truly define you but you. Political discussion does use labels, often incorrectly, usually for convenience.
    As you continue to explore yourself [AKA living the examined life], hang out here some. I think that most of the members will tell you what they think about what you say, and tell you why. That's not easy to get most days.
    Did you get useful and sufficient information/response on your discomfort about "being selfish"? I'm curious as to why you think that is a requirement or commandment - or even commended.
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  • Posted by webwatcher 11 years, 11 months ago
    I knew that if i didn't elaborate in my earlier statement I would probable start a shot-storm and I do not believe that a few words here will suffice in dealing with this subject. Nor am I interested in playing semantics.
    On a personal note I have still not arrived at a position, for myself, that I am totally comfortable with. I am still evolving.
    The first time I read the Fountainhead first and then Atlas Shrugged in 1967 when I was in 8th grade.....and I fell in love. I embraced Rand's Objectivism unquestionably until I grew older and started to experience "life".
    I am not a "joiner" so I can't say that I belong to this club or system of thought 100% as I believe it is a personal journey and just as I have abandoned religious dogma, I have also done so with political dogma. So please, ladies and gents, let's leave the labels like "lefties" alone as it does not define me.
    In the end I can only speak for myself and try to stay away from commanding other to see it "my way".
    A phrase I like to keep in mind and put its principle in my daily affairs is "Behavior Does Not Lie". Thoughts and words can deceive or create doubt.....but one's behavior tells the truth.
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  • Posted by emess18 11 years, 11 months ago
    Mr. Kaslow's comment is "sufficient", but hardly "necessary". What of the individual whose values demand that he care for his sick child above all else and stays in a job he hates (whose insurance he needs). Mr. Kaslow says he won't enjoy the movie. Nonsense! Just as nonsensical as Mr. Romney's "47%" comments. Before anyone gets upset about my core beliefs, I was a member of the Objectivist Society in the 1960's.
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  • Posted by unorthodox27 11 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Well stated Mr. Kachel. An objective response to an uniformed question about an objective reasoning. I truly appreciate and enjoy seeing what other like minded individuals, such as many others in the comments, say in response to the uninformed who question objective sense.
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  • Posted by mercuryval 11 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Remember, too, that helping others makes most people feel good... hence, there is even an element of selfishness in what we think of as selflessness.
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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The word "selfish" has come to be commonly understood with a package deal fallacy--that caring about yourself first necessarily means you won't care about other people. I believe you are committing this same fallacy.
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  • Posted by Muaadeeb 11 years, 11 months ago
    Tomorrow is my 16th wedding anniversary - my wife and I know where to be at 11:30 AM!!!
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 11 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You have either not fully explored or have misunderstood "selfishness". For example, I am exercising my selfishness by leaving you with an incomplete reply because I am hungry and would rather go and eat right now than continue for one more moment on this computer. More later?
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 11 years, 11 months ago
    That needed to be said. Bravo. And it needs to be said again and again,
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  • Posted by Hummerman 11 years, 11 months ago
    Well, as mitt Romney would say: I guess 40% of the country will not see this movie due to their entitlement attitudes.
    Great comments Mr. Kaslow!!! I share your views.
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  • Posted by webwatcher 11 years, 11 months ago
    I have championed Ayn Rand and the principles so well stated by Howard Roark in the Fountainhead...BUT, the one thing I struggle with is the justifications to be selfish....to not have empathy for others or lending a helping hand. I am not going to get into a political debate. My IQ is over 150 and it would be easy for me to pay no mind to those I could easily choose to see and treat as beneath me, but I don't....or at least try not to.
    I guess being a "child of the 60s" has left its mark on me.
    But as far as the ideals of Rand, iI am not such a radical.
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  • Posted by mmm2m8r 11 years, 11 months ago
    That sums up the reason for this movie. There is a split in this country. I, for one enjoy being with the producers as much as possible in person and online. The book is like a refuge and these movies are a rest stop for a like minded brother and sisterhood. I have my Galt shirt ready and am going to see it tomorrow.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 11 months ago
    That gives you a chill down your back. Not the scary kind but the wonderful "That is awesome" Kind.
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