$695 or 2.5 percent - this year's fine.

Posted by robgambrill 8 years, 7 months ago to Government
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The government will fine (err tax?) everyone without Obamacare $695 or 2.5% of income next year. This is for the common good.

The common good seems really good for Insurance and Health Care companies. Their profits are at an all time high.

You will need to buy insurance you may not need or want or you will have to pay the fine (uh tax). This year they seem eager to make people aware of the fine (even though the supreme court said it was a tax) to get them to comply..
SOURCE URL: http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/check-out-years-obamacare-fine-695-n446991

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  • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 7 months ago
    They say ten million instead of twenty million will be signing up this year because more employees are keeping their company-based insurance, however, people seem to be forgetting that there were postponements of rules and regulations that will kick in just around election time next year That’s when the bulk of the American people who so far have not been affected are going to lose their current coverage whether they like it or not.

    I will not comply with this law. They can tax me.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 7 months ago
    In summary: The American standard of living is going down. We're well on the way of joining the Third World sh*t holes. Obama's hope and dream are coming true.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 7 months ago
      Right! Obama is the product of Liberal schools and Marxist parents. He hates this country and wants its destruction. Unfortunately, the ruling class is letting him get away with it.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 7 months ago
        No only the ruling class. In almost any country, when the leader is acting blatantly against the good of the citizens, the citizens revolt. In America, we bend over.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 7 months ago
    This is a crunch time for us. As a small (<50 emp) company, we were 'grandfathered' in on the ACA for a year; we were 'grandmothered' in for another year.

    This year, the grand-x-ing runs out and we have to get an ACA compliant policy for our employees. We are trying to figure out how to still provide our people with good coverage - that we can afford to pay for.

    I have been keeping my eyes open for any doctors in the area offering concierge medicine, but not found any yet. For those of you who are interested, concierge med is that you pay out-of-pocket a sum per month (~$50) to a doctor practice and in return you get individualized old-fashioned medical care by the doctor. A lot of doctors are leaving their CMS based practices and either retiring or going into some form of concierge medicine.

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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 7 months ago
    Every person who was indigent prior to the supreme court decision is still indigent and will not be obligated to pay anything. Considering how poor the economy is the number of indigents has increased so these indigents will not have to pay anything. Then of course the number of people who do chose to work for low wages will be able to get government assistance to pay for their insurance.
    Then you have people of my age who had no choice but to get medicare being over 65 will see their premium which is taken from the "FEDERAL BENEFIT" as it is now called versus S.S. increase on top of the fact that recipients will not be getting the cost of living increase for 2016.
    The one thing that ALL of these indigent people will learn is that because they voted for 0 and love how he is changing america they will not get the same quality of service from the medical profession that they had prior SOCIALIZED MEDICINE being imposed upon the population of the usa. The end result for the government is that they will not get the revenues they expect ever.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 7 months ago
    Every regulation of every government since the beginning of organized humanity was for the common good if you were to believe the people in charge. There is no such thing as the "common good." There is only what is good for the individual according to his viewpoint. It is only the most freedom within any organization that makes this even possible. That is why virtually everything done in Washington is mostly irrelevant.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 7 months ago
    I have a 42-year-old friend who cannot afford either the fine
    or the insurance. . he works odd jobs for ten bucks an hour
    and lives out of his truck, when he's not sleeping here.

    this crap is brutally illegal. -- j
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  • Posted by Lysander 8 years, 7 months ago
    In addition, I have good, used to be great, health insurance at work. Now by 2020, we have to get rid of it or pay the Cadillac tax for being responsible and resourceful. So they are trying to pay us off, $20,000 and no retirement insurance. So part of that PROFIT, is forced purchasing (Soviet Style) and punishing (Tea tax style) all of us. Damned if you have, damned if you don't! Sounds like a bigass rock and a hard shit place?
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 7 months ago
    It's no different than a traffic ticket. It's never been about our health, but how government can squeeze a few more dollars out of us.
    Does anyone really believe Spokane's new bicycle helmet law was more about saving kids than it was about the fine they could collect? Give me a break...
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  • Posted by gaiagal 8 years, 7 months ago
    What I find interesting with the penalty amounts as the government presents them is, unless one is exempt, the total penalty levied is most likely going to be higher than whatever amount is popularly quoted.

    What Obama and cronies did to cram the PPACA down the throats of the American people was pure dog and pony put on by snake oil salesmen. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone believed what he said.

    The following is an excerpt from irs.gov (http://1.usa.gov/1RoKPJn) published March 20, 2014 -

    If you (or any of your dependents) do not maintain coverage and do not qualify for an exemption, you will need to make an individual shared responsibility payment with your return. In general, the payment amount is either a percentage of your income or a flat dollar amount, whichever is greater. You will owe 1/12th of the annual payment for each month you (or your dependents) do not have coverage and are not exempt. The annual payment amount for 2014 is the greater of:

    1 percent of your household income that is above the tax return threshold for your filing status, such as Married Filing Jointly or single, or
    Your family’s flat dollar amount, which is $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, limited to a maximum of $285.

    The individual shared responsibility payment is capped at the cost of the national average premium for the bronze level health plan available through the Marketplace in 2014. You will make the payment when you file your 2014 federal income tax return in 2015.

    Loved the way the government made it sound as if it was $95 or 1% of your income (period) for 2014. Anything else said had the feel of a slick disclaimer in a radio ad.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
    What's the scenario where someone does not want to have health insurance?

    In my 20s I bought it b/c I was broke and wouldn't be able to afford care if I got sick. I was young, healthy, and all my numbers were good, so my premium was $50/mo for a policy with a $5k deductible. (It would have been more under PPACA b/c of no underwriting.)

    Now I'm 40 y/o and pay $500/mo for four people with a $10k deductible on an underwritten (i.e. non-PPACA-compliant plan). It will go up to about $900/mo when we have to go to a PPACA complaint plan. We have the insurance so that some major medical problem doesn't wipe out a chunk of our wealth.

    Even if it's not required, we plan to keep health insurance until our net worth is at least $20M. We're nowhere near that.

    What is the scenario where someone does not want to insurance against health problems but finds something about the requirement to buy it onerous? The only scenario I can think of is someone at the end of life, knows he doesn't want treatments, and has the money set aside to cover palliative care. I doubt the young, broke, and healthy who say they're willing to take their chances they won't get an injury or illness that's treatable but expensive to treat.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      Can't afford it, not allowed to buy just what I need, cheaper to pay the fine.

      I could take government handouts and get "free" or "subsidized" insurance, but I have never taken charity in my life. Also I am morally opposed to socialism, If the APCA isn't "to each according to his ability, and to each according to his need", what is?

      You are right, I will need either to save a ton of money or at least insure myself for catastrophic illness or injury so I am not a burden to others. I am too "old" to be allowed to just buy catastrophic insurance. Get the government out of the way, and I'll go shopping.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
        "Can't afford it, not allowed to buy just what I need, cheaper to pay the fine"
        Are there vendors selling non-compliant products? I'm on non-compliant insurance now, and my understanding by 2016 it will not exist. Is that wrong?
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        • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
          Non-Authoritative answer: Can't seem to find any advertised catastrophic plans that don't rely on hardship exemption for those 30 and older. Just started looking a couple of weeks ago and I am not sure if they are allowed to sell non-compliant plans anymore.

          As the fines go up, I would like to find something that I get something out of, as opposed to just paying for insurance for others. Currently, I just pay (the rare) doctor bills out of pocket (and they seem to like to deal if you pay cash and they don't have to deal with the insurance companies).

          What a mess!
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
            "Currently, I just pay (the rare) doctor bills out of pocket (and they seem to like to deal if you pay cash and they don't have to deal with the insurance companies)."
            I do the same thing, although I'm on the same high-deductible plan I've been on for years. It's not exactly the same b/c they've been having to add a few PPACA elements. I haven't made a claim since our first baby had to go to intensive care on his first day of life. After that treatment, we've all been healthy since then.

            The problem we've had is occasionally the billing department getting confused and cranky about our paying cash. The doctors, who own the partnership, quickly tell them, "no, no, we like cash."
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      One area of the young sort of with no insurance has to do with riding motorcycles without helmets or other suitable protective gear. Fine by me AS Long AS the get zero public assistance. when something goes wrong. Same for any high risk life style. Parachuting cost me a broken ankle and a few cracked ribs and motorcycling a broken collar bone. The only aggravation was the collar bone knitting. I had coverage. Then I went back to riding and jumping. Now in my approaching dotage i stick to safer sports like bicycling, scuba and sailing. Little common sense goes a long way and I am responsible for me. After all I'm not only 39 but an experienced 39.
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