Every day carry survival things - great list!

Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 7 months ago to Science
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survivalists will probably want to modify this list,
but it is instructive!!! -- j
SOURCE URL: https://www.selfrely.com/the-three-part-survival-kit-system-items-you-should-carry-in-your-pockets/

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 7 months ago
    One time when I was working security, a group of us were hanging out behind the office smoking and the subject of survival gear came up. Everyone had great stuff in their ditty bags: rabbit snares, slingshots, fishing line, big knives, ... A supervisor was watching us for few minutes. He laughed. "If anything like 9/11 happens again, you are not going to be caught out in the desert. You are going to be an elevator." From the side leg pocket of his BDUs, he pulled out a 6-inch pry bar. It was a lesson for me...

    That said, just a couple of years earlier, I was working for a company that had these management team building sessions. Once a week we met in a big room and 30 or so sat around five or six big tables. We introduced ourselves... then each other ... We matched pictures to words... We had four or five of these on successive Mondays. Then, they gave us a survival scenario.

    "You all (six at the table) are coming back from vacation in the Caribbean and your plane hits a storm and crashes. You all survive unharmed, but the pilot is killed and the plane is unflyable. You all have to come out together."

    Well ... not all the teams made it... On my team, one of the press operators wanted to take off on her own - and in real life, I would have gone with her and left the others behind to die, which they would have. They wanted to bring along the golf clubs to kill small game for food. They wanted to bring both the rum and the handgun. ("We can fire it into the air to alert natives to come help us.") I was argued down on bringing the Christmas candle because "you can make a fire anywhere in the jungle." And except for the press operator and me, they were all over-weight and out of shape, even for office workers.

    At the end of the disaster, we were give the right answer from the Army Rangers.
    (1) Always have a knife and a way to make fire. (I do. Always.)
    (2) Stay with the plane for 72 hours. People know you are missing. They will look for you.
    (3) After 72 hours, set fire to the plane and follow the land down the hill as far as it goes to the sea.

    (So, I was learning to fly... And the instructor corrected my approach and asked me what I was going to do if I came down in the bean field. I said that I would stay with the plane for 72 hours, then set it on fire and walk to the airport.)
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      Haaaar-de-haaar! . local joke! . did he laugh after you
      explained where you were coming from? . mighty fine!
      I have been through management training sessions of a
      variety of kinds, but that one is a good one!!! . the one with the
      rope and the blindfolds was fun, as was the one in the woods
      with the climb to the top of the 30-foot telephone pole.
      they called that last one a confidence course, but some
      of us did not experience an increase in confidence.
      and designing such experiences for appropriate balance
      between men and women is tough!!! -- j
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