Alice’s Washington Wonderland - Nelson Hultberg

Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago to Government
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"in reality, our Great Planned Society hasn’t turned out to be any of these things at all. It isn’t noble, or shining, or humanitarian, or heavenly. It is a blind, guilt-driven, envy-ravaged attempt to establish a government run Utopia where success is no longer personally achieved through one’s virtues and strengths but arbitrarily granted by bureaucratic edicts of the State – better known as Frederic Bastiat’s “great fictitious entity by which everybody tries to live at the expense of everybody else.” It is a nightmare of orgiastic spending beyond all rational means. It is unconscionable power and corruption and waste – the perfect example of what Tocqueville warned us would happen if the arbitrary whims of the majority were allowed to prevail unchecked. It is social welfarism at its best all right – tyrannical, unworkable, unconstitutional, and corrosive to every ideal this country was founded on and has stood for through two centuries."

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