Oregon shooting

Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 8 months ago to News
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I am going to reserve judgment until I know more.

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  • Posted by bradberry1984 8 years, 8 months ago
    I live in this town they call Roseburg Oregon. A good portion of the wood that your homes were built with came from our County. We are a county of hard workers and ethics. We are also a county of Vets and the poor. The UCC campus is in my Water District and I have been dealing with media, and BS since the minute this happened. We do not like this attention. If I would have to guess I would say that 60% of adults in this county are CCW permit holders and we like our guns. I found this posting on FB that kind of sums up who we are: Share this so the nation can see ‪#‎Roseburg‬ through the eyes of one of its beloved residents.
    Roseburg, Oregon is a city steeped in the tradition of quality, sustainable ‪#‎lumber‬. Our community is encompassed by the North and South ‪#‎UmpquaRivers‬. These rivers provide life-sustaining hydration to the forests that the county has depended on for industry for the last 80 years. They are the namesake of many businesses in this area, including our local community college.
    We are ‪#‎millworkers‬ and the families of millworkers. We smell of lumber, grease, sweat, babies, ‪#‎happyhour‬, hard work and the ‪#‎AmericanDream‬. In the evenings, we enjoy a ‪#‎beer‬ and football, on the weekends we hunt and fish, in the summer we ‪#‎floattheriver‬, and every month we bust our butts to put food on the table and provide for our families. We are second, third, fourth, fifth and maybe sixth generation Douglas County residents. We ‪#‎standforthenationalanthem‬, we ‪#‎supportourtroops‬, we protect our property, and we take pride in this way of life.
    We are not ‪#‎uccshooting‬.
    We are not ‪#‎guncontrol‬.
    We are ‪#‎roseburgoregon‬.
    We are ‪#‎douglascounty‬.
    We are nurses, teachers, ‪#‎students‬, caregivers, ‪#‎lgbt‬, ‪#‎religious‬, non-religious, we song write and paint, ‪#‎cardio‬ and lift, we are millworkers and medical professionals, ‪#‎hairdressers‬, bartenders, ‪#‎actors‬ and construction workers. We are masters degrees and GEDs. We baby wear and cloth diaper. We ‪#‎breastfeed‬ and clean eat. We are republican, ‪#‎democrat‬, independent and ride the fence. We are ‪#‎prochoice‬ and pro life. We are a ‪#‎blendedfamily‬.
    In the wake of this tragedy, our community will open its arms to each other and comfort those who are grieving. We will protect those who feel vulnerable and mourn the loss of our sons and daughters. This... insanity has not broken us; it will bind us together.
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  • Posted by bradberry1984 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The county that this occurred in is not Liberal, Salem and Portland area are. I live here and the college campus is not really a gun free zone. The laws that colleges put on the books to try and keep our weapons off campus but these laws DO NOT trump my State CCW permit. They did however promote a No Guns Policy. There was a CCW holder in the next room. Police were on the scene in 8 mins and had the threat neutralized.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Agreed, my tongue was way back in my molars when I wrote that. I am 10000% with you. An uneducated voter base is as dangerous, or mo so, than the people they elect, although it's a close call nowadays....
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    That line 'highly educated public' was a direct insult on the education system. The rest of it was just fact. You get what you ask for and well deserved. Present company mostly excepted.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I didn't say that facetiously or with tongue in cheek. I just listened to Obeyme cut the military which does take an oath to the Constitution not the government nor the country nor the people. Then Janet Maraschino ok ok Napolitano declare all of us enemies of the state active and retired. Then Obeyme saying he wants to build up DOHS into force equal to or greater than the military. Flash back to 1930's In English the Protective Echelon in German the Schutzstaffel. No real doubt where it's going. The protection is not for the citizens it's for the government. Add in the heavy increase in federal police forces since Bush One. And the Gestapo style black uniforms. then go look at the original Patriot Act especially the part that somehow changes the meaning of Bill of Rights. Somehow I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling quite the way I used too. Ah well...the mortal coil shuffle is not that far off.

    When you have to give up everything you stood for the war is lost. the 9/11 terrorists won. So did the homegrown variety.

    F' it I did my part.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Better reference: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/or...

    I am willing to bet that his discharge was based on mental instability, in that the Army uses that as a PC way to get rid of people who they do not want near guns and things that go boom. The article also says he bought the guns, ans well as realatives. Hello? Why on earth would you add to someones gun collection, especially in light of some of the other supposed clues to instability reported? I realize this is using media to come to conclusions, but almost every time you see these things, later it is revealed that the person was an introvert, who lived on the internet, has no friends, does not socialize, work or have some form of career. And yet, rather than address that issue, we get "We need more gun laws". This is a people problem, not a gun law problem, and will become manipulated to become "If we have strict gunlaws this won't happen". The next event after then becomes "We need really, really strict gun laws", and then the third becomes "We need to take all the guns away". Its the people with the guns, and the Obamanation said " it's impossible to identify mentally ill people likely to perpetrate mass shootings ahead of time. The only thing the U.S. can do, he explained, is ensure they don't have an arsenal available "when something in them snaps." That ought to raise all kinds of flags....
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think it is pretty obvious when he is 26, going to a local college, has numerous guns, is an introvert, lives on the internet, you have a prescription for someone totally divorced from reality and the odd concept of self responsibility. The reason these things will never stop is there is a huge number of persons out there who are the same, and our manipulative politics and media whip them up to a frenzy to "blame" someone for their dysfunction, and then they set out to fix it. No gun law will fix this, it's not that this goober would have been flagged on any check they have. Unless he bought them illegally (which supposedly he did not), then the system worked as designed, so what is to fix? It's the people who are the problem, so if the Obamanation wants mandatory screenings at various ages to see if you are unstable, he better go figure out how to sell that wild idea. But no changes to gun laws (unless a 1 gun per person limit, or total ban) would have had any effect here.
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  • Posted by Texaswildfire 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    He was reported to have graduated from private school specializing in "special education" or "special needs" students. Not a mainstream or accelerated learning program type school.

    He also shared a one bedroom apartment with his mother @ 26 years old.

    He owned 13 weapons, some purchased and some as gifts. On the other hand, the amount of weapons has no bearing on a situation, it is what YOU do with any or all of them. Not sure why he had body armor in his apartment though.

    He was also a student in the English class where the incident happened.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    All law has no meaning if not enforced. So they can make all the silly stupid laws they want. Let see, it is illegal to have classified information on a non govt email server, right? No prosecution. It is illegal to kill a policeman, right? Several no prosecutions. They only enforce the laws they want to. Justice is a dead concept right now. Chicago is proof of that, I do believe they have some pretty draconian gun laws, doesn't seem to help much until the morons in power wake up and realize it is the bad guys who have the guns and really, really don't give a damn about their "laws".
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    And it is all ineffectual BS, like most of his ramblings. The guns were legal, the real issue is that there are things behind this that allowed this cretin to grow up twisted. With the total lack of responsibility by parents, as the state tries to control more and more, we are going to get these results. It seems to me there is a constant thread of "lonely kid who had no friends and was weird", and "broken family, working mother". When you do not raise children with some idea of responsibility, and they think life is just an arcade game, they begin to think "7 guns, flakvest and it's festival time", and then end up killing themselves or dying in the result of their actions. As long as the majority of Americans look to the State and not to themselves for everything that goes on, this will only continue. Unless they start limiting gunsales to one per person or some other fantasy solution. The Obamanation is just pissed some idiot ruined his fantasy about how great life is under his benevolent rule.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 8 months ago
    You know, I keep thinking these are not just random events...is it probable they are orchestrated?, prodded or contagious?
    My mind keeps going back to Cathy O'Brien's experience with project monarch.
    See: The Trans-formation of America.

    Could it be so? To what degree would you assign a percentage of probability.
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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I had a somewhat similar reaction but didn't characterize it as "odd" (let alone Objectivist). He came down on behalf of a vague notion of 'liberty', which didn't strike me as particularly unexpected from him even though we usually don't see even that much in public. But he thoroughly wrapped it in the typical 'tradeoff' rhetoric of collective subjectivism and tradition of what "we do". That may be logically "odd" in the sense that it is a non-argument, but not in the sense of the unusual. We hear it all the time, especially from conservatives appealing to tradition with nothing better by which to defend a desire for freedom to at least some extent.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It was odd seeing someone in the media speaking an argument based on liberty, even if it was based on the flawed premise of a society with gun control.
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  • Posted by steelhorse21 8 years, 8 months ago
    Has anyone heard whether or not he was muslim? I keep hearing atheist but muslim would also explain the christian question.
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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think that you equated Krauthammer's statement to Ayn Rand because it's what you wrote: Your wrote that "he thought (like an Objectivist) that the balance of liberty to security was appropriate". Ayn Rand did not argue in terms of creating "balances" between conflicting ideas .
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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You equated Krauthammer's argument with Ay Rand. Your wrote that "he thought (like an Objectivist) that the balance of liberty to security was appropriate". Ayn Rand did not argue in terms of creating "balances" between conflicting ideas.
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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    So only visitors can bring guns onto the campus to shoot unarmed students and employees? Talk about creating a target ...
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Rand did not argue in terms of setting a balance. That is correct. What Krauthammer made was what he called a libertarian argument in favor of liberty using the same arguments used by Objectivists routinely in this forum. It was pleasant to hear anyone in the media actually make an argument like I would have heard in Galt's Gulch.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I did not equate Krauthammer and Rand. You may think that I did, but I did not. See my response to one of your other comments.
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