Trump Plan Cuts Taxes for Millions

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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While this is somewhat of an improvement I still favor a small fair tax or flat tax.
SOURCE URL: http://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-plan-cuts-taxes-for-millions-1443427200

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  • Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 8 months ago
    I favor a flat tax but I believe Trump has a major advantage over his opponents. I think most Americans believe that Trump will do what he says. One of the reasons that veteran politicians are not doing well in the polls.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago
      Trump's superficiality is catching up with him in the polls. They may or may not believe Trump will do what he says in his vague and bombastic terms, but mostly they are hoping that "someone" will "do something". A lot of people don't like the veteran politicians, but don't know what to be for.
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    • Posted by cranedragon 8 years, 8 months ago
      Even if Trump were to be elected, he has zero chance of effecting any real change -- unless he is prepared [as he may be] to govern by imperial fiat, aka Executive Orders, rather than even pay lip service to the Constitution and Separation of Powers. The President signs bills into law; he doesn't initiate them, carry them, or vote to pass them. Remember the Governator in California? Schwarzenegger learned that big talk avails naught against an entrenched Legislature that opposes the governor's will.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
        Not sure I agree entirely. My reason, Trump, not beholden to anyone except those who voted for him, doesn't impress me as someone who will be long for politics. He could be the perfect person to get in, shake things up and promote significant changes, simply because he can make infinitely more money elsewhere and harbors no desire to remain in public office. I can see Trump as "A rising tide lifts all boats" kind of guy. Particularly because Trump owns 200+ of those boats.

        As for lawlessness, so far the entire MSM, the RNC, and the DNC has yet to show that Trump has done anything illegal in his business dealings (you know they damn well have tried). What in his very long and public history makes you think he's about to start working outside the law now?

        You may be right, I just don't see him that way.
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 8 months ago
          Trump is James Taggert.

          he will play inside the law and he would be more than happy to adjust the law to do his bidding for him.

          After all he has taken government handouts, welfare for business, over and over. Even defaulted on his agreements completely 4 times in his life. While not illegal it shows a continual disregard for any kind of ethical or philosophical compass in his life. The man has proven he will do whatever to get what he wants, and right now he wants to have a show and be the center of attention.

          When he is done with the center of attention and if he is president he will want power. That drive will cause him to shift with the whims of people, double deal, cheat lie and steal anywhere where it is legal to do so. Where its not he will be happy to change that.

          That is the person he has been so why expect a different man that he exhibits to the public now?
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      • Posted by starznbarz 8 years, 8 months ago
        Exactly right! To trade one lawless executive for another simply because he claims to be from the other party does nothing but set a precedent that dropkicks us through the goalposts of communism, albeit a slightly milder version - at least until folks of the generations that have experienced Liberty have died off. A committed, tested Constitutionalist is the last best opportunity to begin the repair. There are only two of those in the mix and Trump ain`t one of them.
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 8 months ago
          Not sure I agree, depends on what the person says about why he does executive orders.

          Cruise says he will use executive order to undo everything that was done by executive order, and the few things that needed to be done would then need to go through proper process. That would be an exceptional use of the executive order and would set up an attitude and environment of executive order = bad.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
      Trump will run the USA like a business. If he fired a lot of the deadwood in government for non performance, that would be good
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
        That would be wonderful!
        My options remain open about who I vote for, though.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
          I suspect that there are too many entitled people now. Its too late and Sanders would be more likely to be elected than Trump. Hillary is dead in the water. Its Biden or Sanders on the democratic side, and probably Trump on the Repub side (but its too early yet to tell- media hates trump and might succeed in demolishing him)
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
            I may have told a lie about not voting for the lesser of two evils during this election.
            Sanders scares the hell out of me.
            I'll just have to see how it pans out.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
              If Sanders won, I would think seriously about selling off everything and getting silver and gold and moving to either a remote USA place, or another country.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 8 months ago
    Hello AJAshinoff,
    Hear, hear. I favor the Fair tax, but a flat tax would be a vast improvement. Everyone should have some skin in the game otherwise divide and conquer will prevail and those that pay little or nothing will continue to vote tax increases on others. Ultimately I would like to see no direct taxation and the federal government fund itself as it did prior to the 16th amendment.
    It is a dream... a golden bygone era...
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 8 months ago
      Agree 100%. It is delitarious for anyone to be tax free. We actually have large swath of the population that get a check from government with the Earned Income Tax Credit. What are these people going to vote for lower taxes, I don't think so.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 8 months ago
        Hello evlwhtguy,
        It is the basic postulate of economics that incentives matter. In this case as in so many human endeavors, incentives affect human decisions. It is this human nature many politicians have recognized and often obfuscated for the furtherance of their own ends at our expense. Buying votes and appealing to the greed and ignorance of a segment of a constituency has become an art form. Ignorance of macro economics, and future implications provide opportunity for short term gain and powerful inducements for politicos.
        We must find a way to remove the palette and brush or forever find ourselves painted into a corner.
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 8 months ago
          A very considered reply

          " Ignorance of macro economics, and future implications" If only that was the problem....Ignorance can at least be overcome! Blatant disregard of facts and greed are more difficult.

          We really need to find a way to de-fund the politicos vote buying machine!
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          • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 8 months ago
            Indeed. It is clear to me that the ignorance of the masses is what the politicos take advantage of and that many of the politicos know very well what they are doing. They along with many cronies intentionally disregard the facts and indulge greed, as you have alluded. Some, of course, are as ignorant as the masses... Those of us that know of the ruse are apparently too few. If only Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, or some other book of equal standing was required reading for our youth in primary education... Of course, as long as there is benefit in the status quo to the elites and central control of education the battle must be waged elsewhere. Perhaps that is where we can be most effective. Continue to spread the word. As khalling says: "We have the world to win."
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago
    I don't like the idea of ANY tax plan that lets some off the hook for federal income taxes. I don't care what your income or expense levels are - you should be paying like everyone else.

    Of course the best tax policy would be to eliminate both corporate and individual income taxes entirely and fund the federal government based on trade tariffs, but in the meantime...
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
      I agree, if we are not going to have real tax reform such as a Flat or Fair tax, then let everyone have skin in the game and pay something. At least then if they are paying they may understand that there is no such thing as a "freebie" including all of the entitlements that are already taken for granted.

      Can you say "Votes for sale! Cheap!"....
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 8 months ago
      Trade tariffs can be manipulated, too. Lincoln and his GOP forced them on the agrarian, dependent-on-imports south and murdered 600,000 people in the GOP's unnecessary Corporatocracy War.

      If any tax is really needed above voluntary user fees, I'd rather see a tax on consumption excluding real necessities (e.g., food, water, basic shelter, vitamins/supplements/drugs, transportation, utilities.) That makes payment closer to voluntary albeit still an imposition on liberty. Any tax gives unearned power to the government that imposes it, and transfers power from individuals to government. User fees are preferable because market forces are used to either feed or starve the government's necessary programs.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
      You mean protectionist trade policies? Why not either a Flat Tax or a Fair tax system (consumption based) as a better way of doing it?

      Protectionism only means that you are going to pay for bloated salaries and benefits. Ayn Rand would not care for that approach would she?
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago
        Look at the original Constitution. It didn't include personal income taxes OR corporate income taxes. Why? Because they are a tool of government coercion - especially when they are allowed to create different tax brackets for different people dependent on their incomes. What can be more anti-producer than that?

        Any tax scheme can be manipulated to serve the ends of government. But our current tax policies encourage US companies to go outside the US for manufacturing and production. That has to change. We have to get back to manufacturing things inside our own borders. That's not protectionism, that's the basis of the power. If we can provide the needs of our own citizens, we don't give up the power of trade to other nations in times of disagreement, and any economic or other treaties we sign are done so from a position of power. Case in point: China. Because China controls a large part of our manufacturing base, they also control a large portion of our economy and have power over us - despite being a communist and anti-capitalist government! You really want them to have control over us? Tariffs give us the ability to penalize those who try to take advantage of us economically. Tariffs are the perfect tool for international trade relations!
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    • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 8 months ago
      blarman, your suggestion puzzles me... the part about financing the federal government via trade tariffs...

      I tend to start with the assumption that taxes are what we agree to pay in order to get something we couldn't practically do as individuals.

      A sort of... if I want it, what am I willing to pay for it.

      The concept of trade tariffs implies to me that whatever they're going to 'pay for' would be funded by taxes (tariffs, charges, costs) levied on goods that cross (national?) borders. Yes?

      Well, if that pays for nothing but basic 'government expenses' that might work, but what 'should' the source of 'pay for what you're getting' be for national defense, various infrastructure creation and maintenance, etc.?

      Charging for 'services' closest to the consumer of them seems logical to me, but trade tariffs seem to just be moving the consumer further from the delivered product or service.

      Not to mention the somewhat obvious risk of world-wide "tariff wars" between countries?

      Thanks for raising the point!
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
        Get a hold of a book by Henry Hazlitt. Economics in one Lesson. Read the book. If it's 25 chapters each a lesson in 210 pages. Toss the convoluted mystic crap. It's not rocket science it's actually plain thinking and common sense. Trumpet would do well to review a copy.

        After reviewing his tax plan I'm sure of it. That piece of junk has two objectives. Fool people into voting for him so he can raid, rape and loot is first on the list.

        Second it's a form of wealth distribution designed to give some people a tax break while charging everyone through higher prices on everything.

        Anyone still thinking of serious voting for Trumpty Dumpty remember his only success has been somehow coming up smelling like a money pit to the disadvantage of the fools who believed him.

        If you are in that category get the same book and grow up. For those who think he must be doing something right he's a billionaire you are right 100% completely no question. He figured out out how to do reverse wealth distribution with the final resting place of the loot in his pocket instead of in the pocket of the moochers. Lewis of Progressive Insurance and George Soros do the same thing. Trump is not only a left wing corporatist he's a one man secular progressive.
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        • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 8 months ago
          Gee, don't hold back... tell us how you REALLY Feel... :)

          I own the book; I read it at least a decade or two ago and I recommend The Lesson Page of the book (at least) to anyone who I think doesn't understand The Basic Lesson. The rest of the book is a collection of examples to help folks who can't get the concept from the first pages.

          I have another belief, too... anyone who thinks they can 'distribute wealth' (or income or money) in ANY way that will 'solve the problems of inequality' (of money, wealth or whatever) is a loon.

          When the "Fair Tax" was first talked about, I found some of the original claims on the web and reviewed them in detail.

          When I was done, I'd found enough errors and loopholes to drive a large truck through and concluded that, in "reality" if it were enacted, virtually ALL of the same problems we bitch about with regards to Current Tax Laws would inevitably find their ways into such a "Fair Tax" system, too.

          The parts of it that are vague or poorly or inadequately defined would bring it down eventually.

          Back around 1970 or so, I did some math on "what tax on ALL INCOME with NO Deductions for Anything, PLUS a 'poverty floor' below which nobody would pay any income tax" would be needed, and I discovered almost exactly what Trump mentioned recently....

          7% with no floor or about 13% with a floor of about 3-4 times whatever the current "poverty level income" is... would either stop increasing US deficits OR, in the case of the higher number, reduce the debt over some decades to zero.

          Of course, NOBODY suggests eliminating ALL 'deductions' or subsidies as such. Even if home mortgage interest deductions artificially inflate the True Value (prices) of private homes...

          There are So Many oxen which would be gored if all deductions were removed that That Will Never Happen.

          But Fair Tax ideas need more thinking and Trump is Nowhere Near "original" (nor are his advisers) on what he's announced.

          Real Critical Thinking is needed to ATTACK this problem, let alone try to solve it, and Problems that have Taken Decades or Scores of Years to Develop Will NOT be solved in ANY President's Term... maybe in five or ten terms, but certainly not 4 or 8 years.... But that's what politicians offer and that's what the voters think they can get.

          Massive Group Failure of Thought.

          In the meantime, enjoy Life as much as you can for as long as you have.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago
        Personal income taxes didn't exist until 1916 when (I believe it was) Woodrow Wilson persuaded Congress to sign the 16th Amendment. At the time, it was only supposed to target the richest 3 percent of the country. We see how well that worked.

        "The concept of trade tariffs implies to me that whatever they're going to 'pay for' would be funded by taxes (tariffs, charges, costs) levied on goods that cross (national?) borders. Yes?"

        Yes. That means taxes (properly referred to as import tariffs) on imported goods - everything from automobiles to those crappy toys you get from the dollar store with "Made in China" on them.

        "Well, if that pays for nothing but basic 'government expenses' that might work, but what 'should' the source of 'pay for what you're getting' be for national defense, various infrastructure creation and maintenance, etc.?"

        Again, prior to 1916, it was enough. Since the creation and subsequent tax base expansion, government has found more than enough ways to spend money because they don't have to focus on prioritization and efficiency. I'm all for "skin in the game" as a first step, but the larger problem is the total lack of government restraint on spending.

        I would also point out that this applies to the Federal Government only, and it has few enumerated responsibilities, of which I can think of only a few: national defense, international relations (embassies, etc.), and the postal service. One can also argue for the FBI and CIA/NSA I suppose. Everything else was added by Congress and can just as easily be revoked by Congress.

        Forest Service? Turn the land over to the States in which the land is found to manage. Bye bye Secretary of the Interior.
        IRS? It would only be responsible for collecting tariffs - it wouldn't be this monstrosity that threatens every taxpayer in the nation.
        Education? It shouldn't be a federal program at all!
        Housing? Ditto like Education. Economists have shown repeatedly that all these programs do is artificially raise the costs of housing!
        I could go on and on.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
    So! He says that 50% of taxpayers will no longer pay any federal income taxes. Aren't we at 49% right now? Just what the country needs! More people with no skin in the game lining up to get their freebies! Trump also waxes poetic on being for a progressive income tax! why not real tax reform pushing either the flat tax or the fair tax approaches.

    Mr. Trump spouts a lot of Populist rhetoric however has absolutely no history a backing 90% of it! He is telling angry people what they want to hear however probably has little or no intention on following through on any of this "Populist" stuff!

    Crony capitalism is the only thing of which he has a real track record including paying off both sides to get "favorable" treatment at the hands of elected officials. I challenge everyone to look beyond the hype and remember, it is the true conservatives who have been falling by the road side not Bush or the other RINOs.

    For what its worth!!
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 8 months ago
      "So! He says that 50% of taxpayers will no longer pay any federal income taxes. Aren't we at 49% right now?"
      For some reason that fact drives people nuts. When Mitt Romney stated it, his critics said, "wait, some of those people are military, firefighters, etc". Yes. That doesn't change the facts. He's not saying they're bad. He's saying they don't pay income tax. But people perceive stating this fact as a condemnation of people.

      Trump saying he has a plan that will result in half the country not paying taxes is brilliant. If his opponents state the fact, "So what, that's already true today," he can have people jump on them as they did on Mitt Romney.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 8 months ago
        There is a difference--
        Mitt Romney was talking about who would vote for him. He was in essence saying that 49% don’t count. It was dismissive.

        Trump is saying half of all americans won’t pay any taxes under his plan, but he also said in one interview that the subsidies would be going away. like tax credits for those who pay no taxes. I haven’t heard him repeat that bit, but he did say it. He hasn’t as far as I know pointed to a certain group and stated that he doesn’t care what they think because they weren’t going to vote for him anyway, like Mitt Romney did. In fact, the only thing I have heard Trump say is how well he is doing in the polls and how much we all love him. Mexicans love him. Women love him. We all just love him. :) (It’s a Trump-thing.)
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 8 months ago
          " He was in essence saying that 49% don’t count. It was dismissive. "
          My reading of Romney's comments was that a promise to cut taxes wouldn't matter to half the country because they don't pay taxes. So this particular issue would not affect them personally.

          My point is Trump can come along and say, "I have an amazing plan where half the people won't pay taxes. Opponents will be afraid to say that that's already the case now because people might think they mean the people who don't pay taxes don't matter.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 8 months ago
            Okay let’s refresh:
            "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn't connect. And he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that's what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not, what it looks like. I mean, when you ask those people…we do all these polls—I find it amazing—we poll all these people, see where you stand on the polls, but 45 percent of the people will go with a Republican, and 48 or 4…” ~Mitt Romney

            I think I’m right, what say you?

            On Trump: he is pulling a hat trick. You have to scratch your head (maybe in marvel) that he is being applauded for stating he won’t change a thing just because he found a creative way to say it. It is the art of the deal at work. He is a natural salesman, (I’ll give him that much) even if he doesn’t get the finesse of politics yet. He goes up in the polls and earns a few of the votes of those 47%ers Romney couldn’t capture by basically promising nothing will change for the 47-49%. Not technically true if Trump goes after the subsidies tax-credits but...there you go.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 8 months ago
              I had only seen the middle of the Romney quote, not the context. I completely see what you're saying now.

              I agree with what you're saying on the Trump hat trick. I'm adding that it has the added benefit that if another candidate criticizes him on it, that candidate might come off as being like Romney.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Right at 50% don't pay taxes. George Soros is one of them. Top marginal is now 39.6% For those who haven't paid their dues and worked a deal with the pork mongers in congress or like Soros banked off shore.

      Most of us in the other fifty percent are in the 15% to what ever is next bracket. Add to that 30% of embedded or indirect taxes also state and local direct taxes.

      don't confuse income tax as a money raising method for congress but think of it as a way to control citizens. Makes more sense that way.

      Trump will spout anything to get more access to the spigot in that he's no different than any left wing corporatist looter and in that category some of you have listed the rest of them.

      What you get for supporting a one party system of government. Deal with it. You sure as hell are going to have to live with it. i had to laugh at one comment. What he will work at is what does best. Income Distribution with one bank account in mind. his own. Everything else is sucking hind tit behind the only thing he knows how to do.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 8 months ago
    Well, it is interesting, but, remembering his past
    alleged actions regarding eminent domain, I do not
    consider him a free-enterprise man, nor do I trust
    him. And he couldn't get those things passed by

    --What I would be for, is cutting the size of
    government, and abolishing many departments.
    Such as the EPA, National Endowment for the
    Arts, Department of Education, Department of
    Energy, etc. --If we could get the government
    chopped down to its proper functions, we could
    have something like a sales tax; nearly every-
    one goes to the store; but make it voluntary.
    Upon a store's being open a certain number of
    days, the owner would be called upon to make
    his arrangement with the local government, to
    pay his Law Enforcement Fee. If he declined,
    he would not be given the state's "protected"
    sticker to put in the window. And if somebody
    broke into the store while it was closed and
    robbed it, the cops would refuse to come and
    do anything about it. And if a robber broke in
    and held the storekeeper up, and if the store-
    keeper called, 911, the police would refuse to
    come, because the store, and its address, would
    be on record as having refused to make its ar-
    rangements for paying for the law's protection.
    (Same with a website and identity theft).--
    (This would not apply to new stores which had
    not been open the requisite number of days in
    which to make the arrangements).--That, and
    the contract premiums Ayn Rand mentioned,
    plus lotteries, and court fees paid for civil mar-
    riage ceremonies and such, could pay for the
    legitimate operations of state and local govern-
    ments. As to the Federal, it could be handled
    by having a certain percentage of whatever was
    in the states' coffers (perhaps 25%) go to the
    Federal government, and so, when a citizen paid
    for local law enforcement, he would know he was
    also paying for national defense.--All this re-
    placement of taxation is utopian, and not some-
    thing to be attempted now or in the near future,
    of course; I don't know that people (such as
    myself) in that low-income class Trump men-
    tioned should be priveledged over other people in
    not having to finance the government at all. A
    0% bracket, while others have to pay, does not
    seem fair. A flat tax seems better.
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    • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 8 months ago
      One under-emphasized point is that, although something close to 47% of 'wage earners in the US' don't pay taxes, those are INCOME taxes that subsidies and such shield them from.

      When they're on point, the opponents mention that lots of OTHER taxes, like sales taxes or use taxes are rather inescapable by anyone and everyone!

      Perhaps, we should stop talking about Federal Taxes, whether Income, Fair or Flat, and take a harder look at Universal Use Taxes, where some kind of surcharge reminds Everyone that they're not getting Anything For Free and that they've Really Got Skin In The Game...

      Just askin'....
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
        End User Consumption Tax. The only tax payer is the end user. Everyone else just piles on their part as overhead. Similar to what you just said.
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        • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 8 months ago
          OH! "End-USER Consumption Tax..."

          without the hyphen, I misunderstood initially.
          Yep, that might work... but remember who the morons are who would have to vote to enact, implement and enforce such a drastic change...

          Never happen.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
            One plan is a bit drastic. The idea was to vote for the worst possible individual and that would be a tossup. A moron like Biden or a truly evil witch like Hillary or a me first looter and power grabber like Trump. Or get the Demos to dump Hillary and start quietly spreading the word to support Carly. That one is ripe for being controlled and has no moral values I can determine. But right now that would be Hillary and the easiest to get elected followed by Carly with Obama's hack as a guide. If iyou can make sure Benita is in a position to do some great harm.

            Someone guaranteed to make things so bad and in a very short time period it incites a revolution hopefully a the ballot box if such a thing still exists. It's called the Devil's Advocate Strategy. The reasoning is why drag it out for a hundred years. Get it over with by turning the screws and putting on the pressure.

            Wait for the children or grand children to grow up they may not recognize words like Freedom. Look at South Dakota. Who would have thought that this time last week.

            The Devil's Advocate says if you can't fix it and it's broken add fuel to the fire. Do everything Hillary has been promising. But add some enhancements.

            Couple more points but that's the main idea.

            It worked with King O. why not finish the job?

            The reference and there are very few of them except in used book stores Devil's Advocate Taylor Caldwell. It seems particularly suited in a situation where the elections are rigged for only the one party system to 'win?' Or make shoe pretending to win. Unfortunately it isn't on Kindle or in ebook form. I suppose I made it samzidat just with this post. Neat thing is how are they going to complain when you are supporting their candidate?
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
    First the man has to be elected then and only then will we see if he can get the taxes reduced. I suspect neither will take place.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
    all taxation is theft...a user fee means you pay your own way and not live at the expense of others...to fund what little government is necessary...
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 8 months ago
    He cuts taxes for some but raises them for others.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
      I. Wonder really. People making 25k pay little if no income tax anyway. They do pay and will continue to pay ss and state taxes. Sounds good to the poor but doesn't mean much
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      • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 8 months ago
        That's the point. Where is the comprehensive, yet simple, plan John Galt and Judge Narragansett would enact? Where is the plan to abolish most government functions, and the taxes that go with it?

        Donald Trump, you're no Midas Mulligan, nor any Henry Rearden, either. Not with this plan, as you have laid it out.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
          True. But look at the alternatives. NONE of the candidates is a John Galt, and I think the country is doomed to follow Venezuela's end path before enough people will want to dump socialism. In the meantime, can we slow the process down a bit? I think so, and a Trump would do that. None of the others would in this race. The whole thing is very scary for a retired person like me, hoping to survive off my life savings
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  • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 8 months ago
    Getting to a fair tax or flat tax is probably impossible now, because of envy. We'll most likely be able to accomplish it by steps, beginning with Trump's plan, and eventually getting to the tithing concept as people see the explosion of abundance out of lowering taxes. If not, then expect to see more of the same. Yawn.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      you going to trust the government to implement a new tax and then do away with the old tax? Even Rand wasn't that dumb. tithing that's 10% flat tax. I'd rather pay a end user tax if i chose to spend the money. It's has the virtue of getting rid of the fascist tax. the second choice is I don't pay the sales taxes etc at all and figure out how to skin them more than they are skinning me. I'd rather trust a used car sales rip...uuhhh rep.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 8 months ago
    All I hear from Trump are his, "it's gonna be the greatest," plans to either giveth or taketh away.

    I want a government without such powers, regardless who sits at the top.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 8 months ago
    This is one place the electoral college might be beneficial to the future of the United States. I wonder what the electoral map might look like for the poor or those making less than $25K? It's quite obvious how they will vote. If our system was based on a strictly popular vote what might the result look like? That would definitely be dangerous. I mean, who doesn't want free stuff and no taxes? Such a deal. I pray Trump's tactic doesn't work, it's just the wrong way for the country.

    And no one has challenged the government's income based on his system. It might be great only if the government just had to reduce in size in order to achieve a balanced budget based on it's income. Today we've got to decide if we just want free stuff and no (or low) taxes, or if we want a smaller group of people controlling our freedom. Controlling our freedom, now is that even possible, freedom and control, can they co-exist?
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  • Posted by GaryL 8 years, 8 months ago
    Seems to me a bit stupid that a person getting a government check from tax dollars is then taxed on the tax dollars they get. Trump's plan can work if and only if the rest of it comes together and drives the economy to or above 3%. Sadly, I doubt that many corporations that go from 35% down to 15% will do anything with the savings but get richer and more greedy.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      I have to agree. I get a military retirement and social security. I keep wondering why they don't just apply KISS and keep their money. It isn't mine and I don't like the storage instructions.

      My entire non-government provided taxable income is $1704 a year. precisely. Less than the deductible or whatever they call it. $255 in my tax bracket. If we have to have a fascist tax I would cheerfully send $255 every year just to cut the crap. The rest is gobbledegook garbled garbage.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 8 months ago
    I don't think his plan goes far enough in cutting taxes, but politically this is a winner for Trump, and will help cement his populist appeal as a Republican advocating "tax cuts for the poor." Check out the results of the poll embedded in this story: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/28/-tax-p...
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago
      The other side of that is who he would skewer with higher taxes. He's not revealing that beyond some vague demagoguery about "loopholes" that "The Rich don't deserve".
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