Isn't It Wonderful?!

Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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I think that it's just thrilling that Pope Francis feels that the illegal aliens (excuse me...undocumented Democrats) are noble pilgrims embarking on a journey to a brave, new world, and that Bishops should encourage their priests and flocks to welcome them with open arms. His Holiness was a bit light on the details, however. I don't believe the he mentioned how many of them would be continuing on to Vaticanus and how their transportation was to be paid for. Further, he must have forgotten to detail exactly how the Papacy was going to take on the support for those who choose to remain here, paying for food, housing, healthcare, education, etc. In addition, how is the Holy See going to take on the responsibility for the further criminal escapades and mischief the a segment of these people will commit?

But I suppose that His Holiness and Our Holiness will have some secret meeting to work out the details.


Isn't it just wonderful?
SOURCE URL: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/09/23/pope-francis-asks-us-bishops-welcome-immigrants-take-care-priests/72685614/

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