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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago
    More videos following IJ's "TRUMPED: The Donald, The Widow and Eminent Domain" reveal that Trump has an international reputation for his exploitation of eminent domain while trashing the people in his way who dare to oppose him. The video "Trump's vicious attack on farmer" shows him taking private property for a golf course in Aberdeenshire, Scotland -- abusing and smearing local people on Scottish TV: "I look at Mr. Forbes and the disgusting conditions in which he lives, and that people have to look at that... It's almost like, in fact it is like a slum-like condition. For people to have to look at this virtual slum is a disgrace... Mr. Forbes is not a respected man among the people he lives with... Mr. Forbes lives in a pig-like atmosphere. It's disgusting."

    Translation: Trump finds a rural farm in an idyllic location on the Scottish coast to be "disgusting" because his wealthy clients who live in urban glass towers have to see the farm in the 'viewshed' of his elite golf course. He smears the Scottish farmer just like he smeared the elderly woman who owned a home next to the boardwalk in Atlantic City as living in a "slum" because she fought his eminent domain taking for his parking lot.

    There is a pattern to this. He not only personally hijacks the power of government to take what he wants, he openly and viciously attacks and smears anyone who dares to fight back -- just like his campaign for president. He is a bully and a power seeker with no principles. He acts and sounds just like the National Park Service and its lobby when they go after rural private property they want for their own elitist purposes here in the US. Putting this gangster in charge of the US government, where he would appoint the Secretary of the Interior to implement National Park Service policy, and a lot more, is frightening.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 8 months ago
        Mark Levin (9/16/15) tried to whitewash Trump's use of eminent domain for his "deals" by claiming he isn't responsible for everything done in the companies operating in his name and over which he has no control. Trump not only directly participated and fronted the PR for those "deals", he has openly supported eminent domain, including the infamous Kelo decision, on national and international television.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 8 months ago
    Aside from Trump-
    Until a few years ago I knew about but thought little of eminent domain. Then, I would have thought that is was good for the community as a whole, now I think otherwise.
    Are there instances where its application can accord with Objectiivism? It was devised for things like roads and sewer lines, then expanded to golf courses.
    Is such a power worth keeping?
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