Gulch Live: Radio Interrupted 09.15.2015

Posted by GaltsGulch 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: Live
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Radio Interrupted is a live show. During showtime, 1PM - 2PM ET, please participate in the real-time conversation on the Gulch Activity Feed:

1. At 1PM ET, go to the Gulch Activity feed:
2. At the top, you'll see a "Gulch Live" box.
3. Type your comment, submit, and poof, your comment will be automatically injected into the stream - along with everyone else's comments as well.

- For the best experience, post your comments in the Activity Feed. If you post your comments here, you'll not see the live stream responses and things might get a little confusing.
- When addressing someone on the feed, consider using @membername to address them directly or no one will no who you're talking to.
- All comments submitted to the feed will automatically be added to this post.

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 1 month ago
    Really wish the servers at work didn't block this. They don't block all internet radio, but, well...

    Perhaps they fear the truth will set us free.
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  • Posted by hurc81 9 years, 1 month ago
    I have no idea how. I thought the company had done another "update" cuz I'm listening while I work. Fortunately I didn't have to accost the IT guy. lol
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  • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 1 month ago
    @khalling You had the activity page open and the player playing and heard nothing, is that right? When you finally hear the show, are you hearing it from the beginning or deep into it?
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 1 month ago
    sorry, just getting out. lost 20 minutes of the show and the irritation of that is strong. not blaming anyone-could be our end. have a great one!
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 1 month ago
    so, for the last two shows, I am locked out for about 10 minutes. any idea why? I'm assuming ou tside the country. My speed is just fine-I'm able to to do anything else? annoying to the extreme.
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