Atlas Shrugged, Part 2 Chapter 4: The Sanction of the Victim

Posted by nsnelson 8 years, 10 months ago to Books
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Summary: The Reardens celebrate Thanksgiving, and Hank ponders his relationships. He finds the Wet Nurse at his office. He goes to find Dagny, and visits with Willers on the way. At his trial, Rearden masterfully dissects the inverted morality of his judges, revealing its flaw: it ultimately appeals to coercion, but relies on the sanction of the victim to mask this. The Wet Nurse was converted to Rearden’s side. Then he met with d’Anconia to discuss sex, being a playboy, and tragedy of investing in d’Anconia Copper.

Start by reading the first-tier comments, which are all quotes of Ayn Rand (some of my favorites, some just important for other reasons). Comment on your favorite ones, or others' comments. Don't see your favorite quote? Post it in a new comment. Please reserve new comments for Ayn Rand, and your non-Rand quotes for "replies" to the quotes or discussion. (Otherwise Rand's quotes will get crowded out and pushed down into oblivion. You can help avoid this by "voting up" the Rand quotes, or at least the ones you especially like, and voting down first-tier comments that are not quotes of the featured book.)

Atlas Shrugged was written by Ayn Rand in 1957.

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