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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 10 months ago
    Harry now knows he doesn't belong at TCU.
    If there is a free market in education, including some institutions that understand freedom of speech, then Harry should be able to take his business elsewhere. If there are not enough students at TCU to care about freedom of speech, then perhaps a lot of students should be taking their business elsewhere.
    If I was a university president or dean elsewhere, I would contact Harry and invite him to join a campus that values free speech.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 10 months ago
    If we can not speak our minds on any subject, call out what we feel is right or wrong or express ourselves in any in hell can we have a conversation never mind 'Evolve' a conversation and learn from each other? It is the essence of 'Conscious' Humanity to adapt to knew knowledge...Many do not and many more do not want us to adapt and ascend to a higher level of awareness.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 10 months ago
    Well, it's not a government school. If you go there,
    you are bound by their rules. But perhaps they
    misrepresented themselves as an educational ins-
    titution before the student went there, so maybe he
    is entitled to sue them for breach of contract. I
    certainly do not advocate his caving in and re-
    turning. I advocate his boycotting them in the
    future, and that his whole family and neighbors
    should do the same thing.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 10 months ago
      I would be willing to bet that the school takes Federal funds, in the way of student loans. That makes is a government school, whether they say so or not.
      It would not surprise me to hear that this is true, considering the "offense" the school is taking to this student's actions.
      You can bet that if Donald Trump were a student, there, they would have a truly hard time...
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 10 months ago
    I find this disturbing.

    While I agree that a private institution has a right to set its in-house rules, I think that the fact that people are willing to tolerate, and even support, suppression of opinion is a bad sign. What ever happened to,"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

    Why is it more important to TCU to be politically correct than to support free speech?

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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 10 months ago
    If this is a private university then they are entitled to have what standards they like. Though they may still be in breach of contract if they never told the victim about those standards.

    In any case conservatives now know never to go there. I don't think the school will live this idiocy down.

    Pretty much every tax-funded university in the country shares the same bad policies (and the same fake-rape kangaroo courts, too), so there's not much in the way of alternatives.

    I don't agree that the guy's comments were out of line, except "beaner". And Social Security/Medicare are welfare; their "premiums" don't come close to paying for them.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 10 months ago
    TCU is a private institution. As when visiting any business or home, you adhere to the conduct expected by your host.

    Moreover, his comments, if accurately reported, are indeed offensive. It also displayed a lack of awareness. "These hoodrat criminals in Baltimore need to be shipped off and exiled to the sahara desert,” he wrote. “Maybe then they’ll realize how much we provide for them (welfare, college tuition, Obama phone’s, medicare, etc.”

    Subsidized cellphones, like stipend for the old landline, are part of the basic welfare (aid to families with dependent children) on the grounds that it is necessary to find work and hold a job. A telephone is a lifeline to emergency services, as well. In a nation with more phones than people, it is small cost -- and again goes back to the Reagan administration. (Snopes here:

    Medicare has nothing to do with welfare. It is an entitled insurance policy, the premiums for which were deducted from wages, like Social Security. You do not need to be a "hoodrat" to enjoy the benefits. Ayn Rand did.

    Slightly more white people are on welfare than other ethnic groups. For a breakdown of the statistics, see here:

    Harry Vincent committed several lapses of judgment. He is not a martyr for freedom of speech.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
      Mike, I contend that our natural freedom of speech is something
      which a private institution should respect, unless the speaker
      is acting as an agent of that institution. . Yes, he spoke offensively.
      but was it the college's business? . if a student is an agent, yes. -- j
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 10 months ago
        Completely agree. Freedom of speech is only limited if one is acting as an agent, and then the only recourse the owner has is to terminate the relationship with that person. One can not contract away one's rights.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 10 months ago
      If you disagree with what someone has said in a public forum you should debate with him/her or at least point out where you believe their facts or attitudes on certain subjects are wrong. You don't censure, threaten, and intimidate them out of public discourse the way TCU has done. The way I see it, TCU is criminalizing and acting as judge, jury, and executioner upon this young man for speaking his mind on a forum that is none of TCU's business. Just who the heck does the TCU faculty think they are that they can start slapping around young people that make statements they disagree with.. on Twitter no less?! Even if those statements are idiotic. TCU would have been better off telling the little girl that felt soooo incensed that they don't get involved in such drivel. But no, TCU's PC Big Brother brainwashing machine smelled fresh blood and off it went to send V. H. to his very own room 101.
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    • Posted by craigerb 8 years, 10 months ago
      'Offensive' is a "weasel word". One insults if one intends to give offense. Otherwise, the hearer's role in being offended needs to be considered.
      As to your other weak points: subsidized cellphones are welfare; there is plenty of medical welfare besides medicare; the number of people on welfare by race is not as significant as the percentage.
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