Men and Women and It's...Not sure how to open up this topic.

Posted by woodlema 8 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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I was not sure how to talk about this one. So I decided to approach it from my typical sarcastic self, where I approach it from a completely different way.

Problem Solving:

The Above Article made this come to mind;

Liberal Problem Solving 101.

Problem: Not enough of a man to beat up men.
Solution: Cut off wiener, sow on fake boobs, and beat up women.

Problem solved.

Anyone have an issue with a man made a women beating up women?

edited for bad spelling

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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 8 years, 11 months ago
    I read the initial page of the article. For the sake of our time and discussion here, can you please confirm (or clarify) is the person in question genetically a man (XY chromosomes)? For biology's sake--can we please get back to the reality of genetic identity? Some things do not change based upon what someone believes or wishes it (or they) were so. Can we agree on this as a starting point here?
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    • Posted by broskjold22 8 years, 11 months ago
      I agree, this is not "gender equality" even taken from a "liberal logic" perspective. It is an attempt to re-write reality, as Brett mentions above. To me, gender equality is first and foremost a left wing concept that was devised as a bromide in order to glean votes from those who culturally supported the women's suffrage movement. The point of any equality between sexes has to be found in the concepts of individual rights, reason, and logic. To expound, a woman's sex should not prevent her from exercising rights, reason, and logic nor from performing work of a specific nature to which she is suited physically or mentally. In this case, though, the truth is, removal of a sex organ does not give someone a uterus or certain hormone cycles either. This argument was played out with the XXY women too.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Yes this person was born MAN, had penis and all the "man parts, went through puberty.

      Fallon Fox (born November 29, 1975) , had a child with his then girlfriend at 19, so physically 100% guy. Joined Navy, discharged, became truck driver for years. Had the sex change surgeries in 2006 in Thailand. So He/She became transgender at about 30 years old.

      How is that for starting point.

      Then we need to beg the question about male/female equality. Are women equal to men? Yes or No?
      Equal in everything, or where do you draw the line of equality?
      If Women are equal in all ways then none of the women competing in sports have any reason to complain when a man whacks his penis and calls himself Suzie, and beats the crap out of them in any sport, since equal is equal.
      If women in sports or anyone does complain then they are not true to the women/men equality.

      Or what is the man or women decided they only want to identify as the other sex but keeps their current physical configuration. Hulk Hogan decides, Hey I am Gina now, and then goes into women's wresting. So what is he is 6''7" and 315lbs, he is identifying as women. so deal with it.

      Of the cases where the guy decides Hey I am girl now and starts using the Women's bathrooms. You want your 10 year old daughter sharing the bathroom with a 50 year old guy who claims he is a women, even if he is "convincing?"

      Or stretch this to the woman who faked being black, because she decided to "identify as black?"

      People stretch this all the time to suit their personal "desires", will not be long before you see people identifying with sheep so they can marry and have legal sex with sheep or other animals.

      Is there a limit to this? Is there no line to draw, is "EVERYTHING permissible."
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