Trumpism: The Ideology

Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"In the 18th century, there is a trade theory called mercantilism that posited something similar: ship the goods out and keep the money in. It builds up industrial cartels that live at the expense of the consumer. In the 19th century, this penchant for industrial protectionism and mercantilism became guild socialism, which mutated later into fascism and then into Nazism. "

"Think of Commodus (161-192 AD) in his war against the corrupt Roman senate. His ascension to power came with the promise of renewed Rome. What he brought was inflation, stagnation, and suffering. Historians have usually dated the fall of Rome from his leadership. "

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  • Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 10 months ago
    I doubt that Trump will get the nomination. My hope is that he stays long enough to keep shaking things up and forcing the other candidates to more clearly define their positions. Not that it will help much...
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  • Posted by Poplicola 8 years, 10 months ago
    Mr. Tucker's piece is bubbling over with frantic vindictive aimed at Mr. Trump and by implied extension anyone with the temerity to support him. Sadly, the only reasoned analysis to be found through this link lies far down the page in the comments offered by Kenneth Olsen.

    Tucker's thesis can be neatly summed up as "Trump (at best subconsciously) wants to be the next Hitler and Anyone who supports him risks turning the USA into a Fascist Dictatorship as evil as Nazi Germany."

    I find his Mercantilism leads to Nazism argument poorly reasoned, for what is Mercantilism but the use of trade policy to support aggregate private Capital Formation to insure that the nation operates at a profit, which does not preclude other nations also doing well for themselves since economics isn't a Zero Sum Game.

    Currently our trade policy is crafted to transfer US Capital Stock to our trading partners. It is anything but a neutral libertarian free trade nirvana, it is a unified system of domestic regulation, tax policy, foreign currency manipulation, and internationalist-oriented trade deals that drives up the cost of US production relative to foreign imports leading to an accelerating outflow of capital and unsustainable national debt. We are already in a de-facto trade war and loosing badly through self-inflicted wounds.

    Add to this the importation of wave after wave of foreign guest workers and administration support for a level of illegal immigration that would, in any other culture, be recognized as an invasion and you have the table set for massive unprecedented unemployment and under-employment of US Citizens across the economic spectrum from high skilled workers whose jobs are outsourced or lost to visa holders to entry level workers who are displaced by illegal day laborers.

    The Left is fine with this since it forces the once productive to turn to Socialist calls for a State Guaranteed "Basic Income" since cheap imports are of little value once your job has been lost and your life savings exhausted.

    Likewise, many who are well off on the Right feel that in the face of crippling regulation in the US they have no other choice than to support these nationally destructive policies so their own businesses can benefit from cheap non-citizen labor.

    Trump would be a wild card who might actually break up the status quo and that is what has so many in the Political Class terrified.

    The really amazing thing about the article was how many of the charges being leveled against Mr. Trump could be applied with far more justification to the current regime.

    Finally, in looking for a Roman Emperor to equate Mr. Trump to, I would humbly suggest that Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Augustus (i.e. Diocletian) would be a better model for a potential Trump Presidency. As noted in Wikipedia, Diocletian's "reforms fundamentally changed the structure of Roman imperial government and helped stabilize the empire economically and militarily, enabling the empire to remain essentially intact for another hundred years despite being near the brink of collapse" ( See )
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 10 months ago
    I'm watching to see how he handles the transition to actual candidate. i saw Bill Oreilly ask him to speculate about the recent shooting of the marines and he declined to speculate -- Bill commented it was unusual for Trump to avoid speculating.

    As to the racism comments, in a week when the news is full of the most wanted drug lord in Mexico escaping AGAIN, it isn't a stretch to assume that some of those thousands crossing the border without any checking might be criminals etc.

    As to mercantilsm, while unfettered trade is good, a long term negative balance of trade is not necessarily a good thing.
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