A right to water?

Posted by xthinker88 8 years, 11 months ago to News
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So this is a popular meme going around facebook now. One of my friends posted it in agreement that nestle should be embargoed. We have been having the following "discussion":

Me: They don't [have a right to water]. He is absolutely right. It is impossible to have a right to anything that requires the effort of other humans to provide unless that effort is purchased by trade.

You have the right to the water that falls from the sky onto your face or your property. If it takes other people to get the water, and make it clean, and provide it for you, you have no right unless you pay for it or they choose to give it to you as a charity case (in which case you still have no right to it). They are not your slaves.

FB friend: I'm pretty sure this pertains to the drought in CA and what Nestle is doing out there, Mark. Also, some states do not allow people to collect rain water for personal us.

Me: What is nestle doing out there? Expecting pay for the effort and intelligence that goes into the water that they provide? They should.

Nobody has a right to water. They don't have a right to the labor and intelligence and capital it takes to dig wells, to pump water, to lay pipes, to treat water and store it, and to deliver it to your door. They do not have the right to enslave the people that do these things. Which is what "a right to water" means. The right to enslave all those who get the clean water to your house for those who have the "right".

California should pay out the wazoo for its dumb ass policies. Eventually reality cannot be avoided. CA has been taking more that its agreed share of the Colorado River for decades to water the desert - which is what most of Southern California is. Now it's coming back to bite them. They've allowed millions of immigration criminals to be welcome in their state. Now governor Brown complains about population. They've done everything possible to make energy production in their state as expensive as possible. Now that they need desalinization they cannot afford it because energy is the main cost of those processes.

They are paying for their stupidity, their progressive policies, and their denial of reality. Tough.

If nestle can figure out a way to profit from this mess - good for them.

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