Forest For The Trees
This is not a bunch of school kids coming up with their own punishment for a prank gone awry. This is a group of adults whose failed experiment into pop science perfectly illustrates their folly. Resourses lost and peoples ' valuable time, talent and risk. By all means plant 1000 trees. Plant 5000 trees and hide behind them in professional and personal shame. Why do we give these childish thinkers the time of our day?!
And cold to an orchard so young in the bark
Reminds me of all that can happen to harm
An orchard away at the end of the farm
All winter, cut off by a hill from the house.
I don't want it girdled by rabbit and mouse,
I don't want it dreamily nibbled for browse
By deer, and I don't want it budded by grouse.
(If certain it wouldn't be idle to call
I'd summon grouse, rabbit, and deer to the wall
And warn them away with a stick for a gun.)
I don't want it stirred by the heat of the sun.
(We made it secure against being, I hope,
By setting it out on a northerly slope.)
No orchard's the worse for the wintriest storm;
But one thing about it, it mustn't get warm.
"How often already you've had to be told,
Keep cold, young orchard. Good-bye and keep cold.
Dread fifty above more than fifty below."
I have to be gone for a season or so.
My business awhile is with different trees,
Less carefully nourished, less fruitful than these,
And such as is done to their wood with an axe—
Maples and birches and tamaracks.
I wish I could promise to lie in the night
And think of an orchard's arboreal plight
When slowly (and nobody comes with a light)
Its heart sinks lower under the sod.
But something has to be left to God."
Robert Frost
"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."
Robert Frost
And I've railed before, myself, about how if they want to experiment with ecologies, it's *stupid* to do so on the only one we have to survive.
Even a failed attempt to Terraform Mars, say, or to set up domed arcologies on the moon, or orbital habitats as envisioned by the L5 society, would be safer and more productive than messing with the climate of the Earth.
To knowingly, willingly put a vessel in a position of danger / rescue is inexcusable.! Pack ice does not appear from the ether.
5000 trees?! Idiots! I'd be claiming salvage rights!
I like your idea better.
Then we take and capture the methane being released by the 'compost heap' and we can use the energy from it to 'sustain' the lives of people who cherish it. I say its their environmental responsibility. Sound good?
They're dangerous.
They tinker with the planet and biology with absolutely no idea of what they're doing or what the consequences will be.
We have to pay for there 'experiments' and then live with the direct and indirect results.
There is no reasoning with these idiots, since their science and predictions are based on faulty science and when faced with 'Climategate' and failed predictions, they just ignore it and go blissfully ahead.
They need to be stopped, not just laughed at and coddled.