A resonance frequency approach to stopping the motor of the world

Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years ago to Going Galt
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In a prior thread, we considered the possibility of committing sabotage to stop the motor of the world. To stimulate the discussion, I took the role of "devil's advocate" and suggested that Galt might have engaged in sabotage. There was almost universal agreement that Galt would have lost his moral authority to lead the Gulch if he had committed sabotage, rather than only convincing titans to go Galt.

A recent thread entitled "Obama is John Galt" started by jimjamesjames was largely shot down as well, and for good reason.


However, that thread made me reconsider strategy for stopping the motor of the world.

The looters and moochers in real life have taken Cloward and Piven's strategy of overwhelming "the system" with more and more moochers. This is an act of sabotage. This is a moral line that we have decided not to cross. This puts us at a strategic disadvantage.

Add to that disadvantage the fact that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are convincing others (like Larry Ellison of Cisco Systems) to give to charity. I urge you to look at how many billionaires have taken The Giving Pledge:


Someone here in the Gulch recently suggested that this giving pledge might actually be their way of going Galt. I forget which Gulcher suggested this (Zenphamy? sjatkins?) and apologize to that person.

We all know what Ayn Rand thinks about altruism. I have said previously that the charitable contributions of these billionaires may lengthen the time for the collapse of the looter/moocher era sufficiently that there may not be a time when producers like us would be able to go back into the world. Their charitable contributions delay the inevitable pain for the moochers.

Now switch gears and start thinking about physics and differential equations.

Think back to when you took physics and learned about constructive and destructive interference. If there is a disturbance that causes an object to oscillate at its resonance frequency (or an integer multiplier of it), then the object will break MUCH faster.

For an introductory treatment of resonance frequencies, go to

For an example, see the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse videos.


If we are to stop the motor of the world, an alternate solution would be to do something that reinforces the interference that the looters or those encouraging people to take the Giving Pledge are applying.

Does it make sense to convince MANY producers to go Galt, or will we be more effective by harnessing the momentum of The Giving Pledge to accomplish the goal of depriving the looter/moocher world of producers?

If one takes producers out of the system, how does this change the 2nd order differential equation(s) that would describe the producer-looter-moocher problem?

Please comment on
a) how one would implement such a strategy; and b) whether this would count as sabotage.

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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    You kept the fire burning. To someone with the last name of Brenner (literally one who burns), that is a good thing.
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    jbrenner I think we are in complete agreement. I was only adding my thoughts, kind of like poking a stick into the embers of a nice campfire.

    Regarding your questions, I would ask the same ones as well, rhetorically, and would add that since we have a longer lifespan than our forebearers, it would seem that there is even more reason why we should try to do something which would bear fruit in our own lifetimes.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Regarding making the change in human behavior so as to be fruitful over generations and not in the shorter term, this was the common attitude amongst many of our forebearers. However, is that really consistent with Objectivist philosophy? If we cannot expect to see the fruits of such change in our lifetimes, is that not living for the sake of another man (even if it is your own direct posterity)?

    The main point of this thread was to ethically postulate a way to collapse the looter/moocher world in a short enough time such that there would be a world worth coming back to. While a wonderful story, at least in this era, it would not be possible to remove enough producers in the way that Galt et al. did to collapse the system soon enough to make it worth coming back to the world.
    Your point, livefree-NH, is to go further and say that, even by modifying the resonant frequency for human behavior, one would not collapse the looter/moocher world fast enough to make it worth returning to. I cannot disagree. In fact, my comment suggesting that John and Dagny coming back to the world may not have been the correct ending to AS was not well received (and I didn't expect it to be). The reason I said that is because we are in agreement.
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years ago
    Interesting analogy, but it's important to remember that any such periodicity is already man-made and not a 'naturally-occurring resonance'. Compare these two: the 11-year solar sunspot cycle, and the four-year US presidential election cycle. You can correlate human events to each of them with very good fit, and either could be argued as a flock response to an external event, but one was set up by humans and the other was not.

    I daresay that attempting to modify the resonant frequency of the magnetic reversal of the sun would fail in your lifetime, if only because you would not live long enough to take enough data points to confirm the change. The same would hold true for making a change in human behavior that is most likely fruitful over generations, and not in shorter term.

    In other words, you can (maybe?) make a change that will make the world a better place for your grandkids, but making a change today isn't measurable today.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    And it would have no impact on a supposed bringing down of society that some have confused with a means to reform and improvement of American society.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Indeed. If I leave, it will be with no plan to ever return. A few people will miss me, but I will be not noticed by all but a few.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Their noticing where a few people are hiding from them in order to try to prosper is not the same as noticing someone missing from the economy and not doing what they don't know about because it didn't happen. There is an enormous difference between going somewhere to live your own life versus expecting to have a political impact with the "strike" as a floating abstraction, and this matter of "noticing" is one aspect of it.
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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years ago
    This got me thinking..

    " The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
    Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, section 191

    Now, there are some interesting ways to view doing exactly this..

    Were we to suddenly start supporting


    of course with intentionally faulty ( but loud ) arguments. There are really only a few meaningful outcomes..

    People would suddenly see just how bad the idea is and want nothing to do with it.
    Or worse, they prove they are in fact sheep and follow along.

    In both cases you would be sabotaging the system. In either case the amazingly bad idea loses..

    Ok, there is a third outcome where the true believers attack your poor support, but then they are expending energy on that instead of trying to push such a bad idea.
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  • Posted by FreeBornAngel 9 years ago
    The way to stop the motor of the world is to stop paying at the pump.

    As long as the workers continue to supply the shelves of (insert big box store name here) then we can just stop paying on the way out.

    The workers don't care one whit if the accounting department does it's job or not, as long as the workers do the work the shelves will be supplied in the absence of the shareholder's dividends.

    Please don't respond if all you are responding with is crapitalist rhetoric.

    The only supply signal needed is empty shelves.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    It would be a remarkably challenging model to develop, but as I've learned over the last few days, there are a couple of models out there that could be adapted to such a purpose. The real challenge is in the assumptions (er, premises in AR terminology) that would go into such a model.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
    You remove the producer and you no longer have a function.

    Interesting. I actually have been working my way through calculus text at lunchtime at the office, feeling a need to brush up enough to teach my kids (and, perhaps, other kids).

    Somebody thought Obama was Galt? Haha...there's some sabatoge! I just brought up the "you didn't build that" mess with a couple friends yesterday and they never heard of it.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago
    It may very well be that human behavior is analogous to material properties and can be modeled using the same concepts. The big complication is that humans are much more diverse than materials. But, just as homogeneous materials can be combined into complex networks, diverse humans and a great many phenomena emanating from human behavior can be simplified by approximations when dealing on a macro scale. I can see such a model as a possibility; it can be programmed and used for simulations and comparison to the real world. Past and current events can be used to test the model and it may very well turn out that predictions and, thus, corrections or influences, can be injected into the real world with scientific precision. That would be an amazing model to develop.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    According to numerous students of mine, the drug cartels are no longer nearly as powerful in Colombia as they used to be. Still, you have a valid point.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    I'd avoid Colombia unless you have a proposed method for dealing with the coercion that is the drug cartels... Just sayin'
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago
    Although not directly answering your questions, I do want to add that if one looks at the details of the "charities" from the big boys like Gates and Clintons, it becomes obvious that they are charities in name only; money laundering would be a more appropriate term. These people are not stupid; they are convinced, however, that we are.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    If no one notices, then the Gulch can easily remain anonymous, but the time to collapse doesn't decrease appreciably either.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Too many people today in USA don't think what we call evil is in fact evil. Best to float your boat when the tide rises than to waste energy fighting to keep the tide from receefing
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  • Posted by philosophercat 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    When the evidence of evil is all around it becomes easy to point it out but still hard to find the right words to make it clear and point in the new direction and be heard. That's our task now.
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  • Posted by philosophercat 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    de Mesquita's selectorate theory is a perfect example of modeling based on the assumption of the past as predictable of the future. Living things are the opposite. The future is created from the past. Harmonics decay to noise if they are not reversible but if they are reversible they are predictable forward and back in time. That is the opposite of the nature of life which is irreversible by the laws of thermodynamics. Did de Mesquita predict Ayn Rand?
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  • Posted by term2 9 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Exactly. I think at this point that the USA has reached the same tipping point reached in atlas shrugged. The tide is overwhelmingly towards socialism as in Venezuela and it needs to be helped along to hit bottom before the tide can turn towards capitalism again
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