US government afraid of HSBC

Posted by $ WillH 10 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I tend to agree with the author that the government showed an extreme amount of cowardice in dealing with this. The executives at HSBC were not sitting around smoking a joint at lunch. They were laundering money for serious heavy hitters. The funny thing is they will still arrest you for smoking that joint.

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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 5 months ago
    A hypothesis. Government keeps drugs illegal to maintain a higher than market price. The billions in profit are funneled through both the banking system and back to politicians. This has been going on for decades (see BCCI). The $30 billion or so spent on drug enforcement is merely an investment in keeping drug prices elevated. Every so often a drug "kingpen" is thrown to the wolves, with another immediately taking his place. Our entire government may in fact be bought and paid for by the drug industry. While marijuana is being slowly legalized, recall how for many years how anyone who advocated drug legalization was immediately marginalized and put on the fringe. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders' son was arrested and ultimately convicted on drug charges one week after she suggested that drug legalization be studied. Gary Johnson was abandoned by the Republican party, in part because of his advocacy of drug legalization. Surely a criminal enterprise the size of the drug trade needs some sort of political protection to flourish. How many politicians or judges have been prosecuted the last 40 years for taking bribes from the drug industry? If they had their way with HSBC, does anyone think the drug dealers don't also have their way with various governments, including our own? Would be interested in the Gulch's take on this.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
      Mostly I think they're keeping "drugs" illegal because they rob people of their ability to make rational judgments and because of all the other harm they do to people, directly and indirectly.

      But mostly I think it's the rational judgment thing.
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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 5 months ago
    Another Obama fail. Is anybody surprised that the exdrug dealer president would direct the DOJ to limp wrist this one. Another smack in the face to every cop, prosecutor judge or jury that ever did it's job on a drug trial.
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