What Next?

Posted by SaltyDog 9 years ago to Government
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OK, so now workers have a 'right' to paid family leave? This should be interesting. Who gets to do the paying? The employer? And where does he or she get the money to do that, as well as hire someone to do your job while you're away? Isn't that discriminatory to those of us who aren't in 'a family way'? Why can't I get paid for sitting around the house with my dogs?

I wish I was from another planet. I'd make a fortune selling tourist tickets to this one.
SOURCE URL: https://www.barackobama.com/its-time-for-paid-leave/?email=Anschutz%40comcast.net&zip=32159&source=em15_x_econ_20150515_x_x_cg_v1s1

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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years ago
    It's really annoying when politicians buy votes with money that I have to pay. Their arguments about what employees 'deserve' have no connection with the fact that the only way we can pay employees is that employees are doing work which brings in the money. I know politicians can borrow without limit but we have to make ends meet -- and dare I say it .. make a profit? (I know that's evil, but only by being profitable can you survived down times).

    Proposed Constitutional Amendment 28:

    No candidate may run for President, Vice President, Senator, or Representative unless they can document that they have run a hot dog stand or fast food restaurant profitably for at least 1 year.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years ago
      This is my main gripe about liberals: I do not dispute their right to spend their money in any manner they desire. I do object to their voting to spend MY money that way. IF this were the one thing that was changed, a large number of government programs would just 'go away'...because they rely on 52% of 55% (average turnout) of the people voting 'someone else's money' to fund them.


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    • Posted by gcarl615 9 years ago
      Love it. How about doing any job that actually produces something that other people actually want at a profit for at least 1 year?
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years ago
        That would certainly be an improvement. The reason I pick a hot dog stand and allow a fast food restaurant as an option is that while some businesses can be profitable with a fair amount of sloppiness, or only use highly trained (and highly paid) people, these require discipline and an acute awareness of what things cost and how every penny you spend matters.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
    Whats next?
    Bankruptcy for all the small businesses and collapsing sales due to higher prices for big businesses (passed along from higher costs.)
    The US dollar will come crashing down like the Berlin Wall, and there will be NO middle class because there will be so few jobs.
    What do you expect from letting an irrational looter run the biggest organization in the world?
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  • Posted by $ KSilver3 9 years ago
    I once had an employee go our on maternity leave. She swore she was coming back at the end. I stayed in touch with her over the period she was out because we all cared about her. We even let her continue the use of her company car and gas card while she was out. After her leave ended, she showed up the day she was to get back to work, handed us the keys to her company car, and resigned.
    The law is set up to protect everyone except the producers. Just like in Atlas.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years ago
    A couple of weeks ago one of my employees was called to jury duty. Luckily she only had to do one day, but she came back to inform me that the judge told them that their employers had to pay them because they should not be "punished" for jury duty.
    Well, how the hell about me? How am I supposed to pay someone for an indefinite time for producing nothing? It made me furious. No worry- just "punish" the employer, and if the employer says she can't do it, in the words of Rand, "Oh, you'll find a way!"
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years ago
      your civic responsibility, mama, as the bloated city and county administrations shut down the DMV and Clerk and Recorders offices on Friday due to "budget shortfall." gah!
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      • Posted by 9 years ago
        That brings to mind the USPS. When they were arguing for a budget increase a few years ago, they warned us (Oh! The horror of it all!) that they would have to curtail Saturday postal delivery!

        Here's a news flash...I get very little mail that isn't junk, and none of the important stuff is very time critical, so as far as I'm concerned, you can cut it down to once a week and just go ahead and burn anything that's not first class.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years ago
    It is the Saul Alinsky way..........overwhelm the system! It will never fly and if it does others will lose hours or their job. Hence, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder with no know cure.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 9 years ago
      Financial and moral bankruptcy "cures" liberalism just as cancer "cures" smoking.
      Or, in the words of Ayn Rand: "We can evade reality but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years ago
    In their minds, capitalism represents theft of land, rape of the earth and subjucation of the conquered. Looting from capitalism and capitalists, then, represents turnaround and fair play.
    And when they have reverted to living in caves and fighting for scraps of what once was, they will tell rich stories around glowing campfires of the glorious time when they defeated the rich.
    If we let them.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years ago
    I DEMAND PAID LEAVE. I had to sweat all day riding little kids around on ponies in the blazing sun! That's hard work and I should get time off, The boss should pay me for doing nothing for a while.

    Wait a minute... I'm the boss. Oh well...
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years ago
      Right there with you.
      I work 7 days a week for myself. Sometimes there's literally NO PAY if the job becomes too difficult, complicated or there are hidden problems that must be corrected in order to do a competent job.
      Maybe it's time for us to work menial jobs for someone else?
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  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
    So this is why it pays to employ illegal aliens- they appreciate the opportunity to work and dont (yet) believe they have rights to get paid for not working. American workers are not good workers in the competitive worldwide economy now, and entitled minorities (like entitled blacks) are terrible workers. Small businesses simply cant afford all these socialist expenses, so they hire illegals and get as much as possible of the work done overseas.
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years ago
    It's all in who is going to pick up the tab.. Is the business owner required? If so, should they lower their wage just in case they're required to take leave? Should the "government" (I prefer taxpayers, personally) who can't even pay their bills as it is? Should the courts pay the lost salary instead of some paltry sum? I mean there are civic duties that are the costs of living in a free society. I personally think that the person who is on trial should be liable for the jurors to be paid minimum wage for their time. If they are on public assistance and not employed, that amount should be deducted from the benefits they receive. If the employer WANTS to compensate lost wages for jury duty, it should be their decision, but not compelled. If someone is retired or not working but not on "government assistance" they should be able to keep that money tax free. I also think that if you are found NOT guilty of the crime that you're tried for, that party should bear all costs of the jury. (Yes, I believe in Tort reform)
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  • Posted by gaiagal 9 years ago
    I have little patience for this. Unpaid leave, maybe. Paid leave, absolutely not. I am speaking as someone who would definitely qualify for paid family leave...now and many times throughout the last twentytwo years.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
    Sounds like Obama has been taking too many cues from Europe.

    There is no "right" to paid leave. There is a right to leave - that's about it.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years ago
    The socialist presidebt's "O" up in a corner symbol explains all there is any need to know about what lurked behind clicking on to that link.
    Well, it does to the average Gulcher.
    There are voters who view Nancy Pelosi giddily grinning from ear-to-ear over any given topic as a good thing.
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