Survey! How Many Gulchers Have Gone On to Read Rand Since Coming to This Site?

Posted by khalling 9 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
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You saw the Atlas Shrugged movies and you found the Gulch. You picked up the book, Atlas Shrugged and learned of a philosophy of life that explained how you've always felt but did not know how to completely articulate. Or-you hadn't read AS in years and were inspired by the movies to pick it up and read it again. Wait! Don't go yet! I want you to also let us know if you have read any of Rand's non-fiction since you landed in the Gulch. But wait! I'd also like to know if you have ventured to other Objectivist scholarly sites after learning about them here (seeing a video or clicking a link which was a cite). Looking forward to your responses.

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P.S. The Hotly Anticipated 2nd Novel in the Hank Rangar Series is Now Available on Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Trails-Injustice-H...

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