The Speech

Posted by $ KSilver3 9 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
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Thought provoking question (hopefully)- Would John Galt's speech have any impact if given in modern times? I am doing my yearly reading of AS, and that question kept percolating in my mind. Not whether it is right of wrong, good or evil, but would it have any impact? I'm questioning this from two different angles. First, in today's partisan team sport of politics and economics, would he simply be labeled as a member of one team, and ignored by the others? Second, and sadder, would the vast majority of humans today have the attention span to listen to it in its entirety? In our modern 30 second sound bite world, would anyone actually stay tuned in long enough to gain from it, or simply tune out and wait for someone to interpret it for them? Of course, even in the book, most listeners missed the point, and simply wanted to abdicate their decision making to Galt instead of their current leaders, but it did have an impact. I am pessimistic that it would have any impact today. Thoughts?

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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    As do I, sir. All the best...

    FYI: in my earlier comment, I perhaps should have made clearer that my only recent experience of the use of the term "self-ownership" has been in (necessarily) futile discussions with anarchists... hence perhaps my overreaction...

    I don't remember Rand ever using it, and if Locke did (I will search my eBooks) then I will see how and in what context he uses it...

    [minor edits for content]
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  • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 1 month ago
    Rand gives us the story first with the characters that interpret the various aspects of Objectivism and the characters that are the antithesis of this philosophy. Much is to be said for her genius in presenting her philosophy in a story form since it is this form that has reached and captivated the many.

    The speech is the concentrated form of the entire story. In this powerful, condensed form, the speech reinforces everything the story plot represented.
    This is the purest form of Rand's philosophy. Unadulterated. It is, in my opinion, a mathematical composition with each thought built upon the other in logical formation verified by laser beam reasoning which allows no contradiction in the entire presentation. It is pure logic and reason and for this it is absolute genius.

    The "speech" bares your soul. It leaves you naked. It is exhaustingly detailed. You cannot escape from its logic. You have no defense against it because you "know" that you have found the truth. It is from this "absolute" reasoning that most men run.

    That being said, there will always be that few that would listen.

    The success of those of the Gulch in Rand's AS was based on those few.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
    No you aren't wrong. It takes an educated public who is willing to take responsibility not just rights but will settle for anything rather than give up couch potato status. Such does not exist in the USSA today. There was a movie starring the Sleaze Sisters who dumped TVs out of apartment windows and the theme song was Video killed the recording star or some such. Add the rest of the mindless toys to MTV primarily texting and you have a population not worth defending much less dying for. However from a professional military point of view none of us swore an oath to any one or any group of people. The oath was and is to the Constitution. Question is when is the military going to up hold their oath of office? I would guess they too would hold the effort not worth the effort. But they could do it as a legal counter revolution and take it from there. If enough of the leadership remembers that oath.

    I'm guessing that like underground schools and churches in Russia the best that could be done is preparation for the next internal war and so do the leftists as you see them prepare the protective echelon (schutzstaffel).

    The value of the movie, the book, and the oath is found in the future. This one is over.

    Teach your children well, pass the torch, and don't vote even in a worthless election for the Government Party.

    However if you can figure out how to do it in a sound bite second you may have a chance.

    General public? Lost Cause. Concentrate on those worth the effort. 110,000 precincts. Here's a better statistic of hope.

    I read a synopsis of the Bubba Bush race. Precincts and districts having 50% or more voter turn out bragged about 51% and 52%. That was percent of registered voters. That figure ran 50% nationwide. All the sources arrived at approximately those numbers.

    There were no statistics on percent voting Democrat or Republic except for Perot.

    He took a bit less than ten percent if memory serves and took most of them from the Republicans who were being punished for breaking the word on previous vote for us deals.

    The Republicans not the Democrats sent an agent into the Populist Camp who destroyed them. Nowadays they just deny a spot on the General ballot.

    But in the following years it went like this. of 50% who registered 50 % voted. One third of the 25% went to the Donkeys and one third to the Elephants and one third (approximations) to the independents, disenfranchised - those who would have read AS. The Government Party took 2/3rds is one way of looking at in including those who flushed their vote down one of the two toilets.The Republicans learned nothing so for those who say give them a chance they HAD their chance and joined the Democrats.

    End conclusion about 6.34 percent elected Clinton, it took the vote flushers to do it. About 6.33 voted for Bush, about 6.33 made other choices but if you add in those who didn't vote at all it was much higher.

    think about how small the margins truly are.

    in which group is your target area for gaining support.

    how do you attract them

    how do you get them on the ballot

    or...how do you get the military to consider them worth the effort.

    Anyway that's where I would and do spend my efforts. It only takes a few percent especially in those local precincts.

    If you don't have recall and initiative go for it.

    Forget the couch potatoes and those who aren't worth the effort. In the end they will do what they are told.

    How else to you explain Jews and Blacks supporting the same people they used to call Massa or whose base philosophy killed them by the millions.

    Go after that percentage that is obtainable and keep hope alive.

    As for those of you who have joined the dark side....a pox on your house and both it's occupants. We do not serve the party.
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  • Posted by radical 9 years, 1 month ago
    Ayn Rand had made her point in Atlas Shrugged without the speech.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Thank you for mentioning your book, David. I just ordered it am look forward to reading it.
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  • Posted by DavidKelley 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks to everyone who responded, and special thanks to ObjectiveAnalyst for your compliment on my AS screen commentaries.
    Scott is going to post :Scripting the Speeches" next .week. I'll follow up then....
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  • Posted by kevinw 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    "an audio version of the entire thing read by Mr. Polaha" - I love that idea. The money speech as well, read by someone who could really make it seem like Francisco was saying it. Maybe some others, too. I'd pay for that. Time to watch the movies again.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 9 years, 1 month ago
    This, as someone has already indicated, is a great thread. As an "early" admirer of Rand's work, I want to return to a comment made early in this thread by jbrenner. I would state the reason "Objectivism has not taken over sooner" is Objectivists themselves. They have established themselves as arrogant, pompus, moralizers, who are quick to condem and find fault, rather than seekers of understanding in order to effectively accomplish their goals. With that self-serving lead-in, I want to warmly welcome David Kelly and state that he has done more for on behalf of "taking over" than almost all Objectivists prior to his courageous stance - not to mention what he has done on behalf of our own personal "pursuit of happiness."
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Minor, this is a conversation. Kh and I have thick skins also honest debate and we enjoy them
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  • Posted by kevinw 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I agree,
    Man must first be a rational animal before he can rationalize.
    Knowledge must be in the proper chronological order.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I sincerely regret a misunderstanding, as I respect both you and kh.

    My reply was to to jdg...either my mistake, or the systems. Makes no difference. Your resonse was totally uncalled for, but I will respond.


    Read: all of Rand, more than once, fiction and non-fiction. Several times. Starting in 1968...

    Plus, Locke's major works, all major philosophers, in total, i.e., their original works, not Cliff's Notes, that Rand opposed, only because, it was important to know the opposition first-hand...Plato, Kant, Hegel...many more...while pursuing an actual undergraduate and graduate degree...

    All of the Austrian economists, and likewise, all of Marx and his following, long after but still relevant, in both Cambridge, England, and Massachusetts. Ever hear of the "Two Cambridge Controversy on Capital Theory"? I doubt it.

    Wrote a graduate paper on it, showing they were both wrong...at NYU, not downtown at the "Finance School", but Washington Square Liberal Arts...under professors who were students of Mises. And "Liberal Arts" still meant something...

    My entire bibliography would go beyond the limit of a single post.

    And you, sir?
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    So starving people in North Korea put more effort into thinking for themselves? When people live on the edge of starvation, i.e. the Malthusian Trap, they rarely have the time or resources to truly think for themselves. There is no macro evidence for your position.

    However, I think it is true that many liberals and others are better able to ignore reality because we are wealthy - see the anti-vaccine movement or the environmental movement generally. But I don't think they differ from the witch doctor or the priest who reads entrails or the group that throws virgins into volcanoes.
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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The further we get from the edge of survival, the less we're willing to put out the effort to think for ourselves. People are amazed at what the Germans did during the war, or the French did during their revolution, but notice that you don't see that type of intellectual avoidance among destitute people in the third world; they may be ignorant, but they do know what time it is. What we're complaining about in this forum is that people who should know better, act like they don't, because there's so much abundance that they can indulge their "feelings," rather than face reality. That said, you should probably broadcast Galt's speech when times are bad, not when things are booming. It's only when times are bad that people are willing to consider alternatives. Even though the length of Galt's speech is a bit much, it's certainly shorter than Castro's, so someone will listen, but only if they're serious about finding an answer.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Snoogoo every time I have heard the speech is redundant, it is usually because the person does not really understand the underlying philosophical debates. These people then fall into traps. For instance, many want to take the short cut of the non-aggression principle. Many think that Austrian economics is consistent with Rand's ideas, many become utilitarians and think the greatest good for the greatest number makes sense, and many will fall for the moral relativism of the is-ought problem. Freedom can only happen when it is build on a solid foundation.
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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 2 months ago
    If you read Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic," you'll see why the left has an advantage, especially among those who refuse to think. Sound bites and slogans trump facts with any mob. What we must do is attract those who are willing to think, and work with them. Anything else is a fool's errand.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Welcome David, I'd love to see that chapter. I can imagine the amount of effort it must have taken to get that speech down to a film clip moment. By the way, I loved the movies. An effort that won't see it's true impact till later down the road. Thank you all.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I love Heinlein. The other one that applies equally:

    "Most people can’t think, most of the remainder won’t think, the small fraction who do think mostly can’t do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self -delusion— in the long run, these are the only people who count. "
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